Elegant has embarked on a voyage of an explorer on 1st October 2012, at the inception, it concentrated on providing a sea-worthy vessel of sorts gliding gently but resolutely from the tender hands of its fair reader and moving towards enthusiastic male-domain where the vessels dock for a period till all of the exclusive, hand-picked subject matter is slowly but surely off-loaded. Gradually it sails to corporate waters and the business houses of a diverse nature patronize “Elegant”. With the passage of time, the prolific journalistic skills who are sticklers to detail and perfectionists have developed this Magazine in to what it offers you now. We hope to increase our Readership due to Visionaries who make up the writers, administrative structure and last but not the least the dedication of the support staff. We cater to a Readership sans frontiers. An Elegant Readers’ Base has been created and Elegant will steadily emerge as the Prime Magazine which will become a household word, thus formulating itself to “a Magazine with a way of life that should be emulated”



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Sri Lanka

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