English Reading Comprehension

Nowadays, almost all the academic and competitive examinations feature this test with varied lengths, forms and levels of difficulty. This volume will help all those readers who wish to appear in various entrance and recruitment examinations such as IBPS/SBI-Bank PO/MT, Clerks, MBA, CAT, NDA, CDS, UPSC, SSC etc. and other examinations being conducted in India. This book is an ideal tool for students, teachers, executives – indeed, anyone eager to improve the speed, comprehension and quality of their reading. In the present volume, there are 225 selected passages. The volume starts with simple and easy-to-comprehend passages. Readers will be able to answer questions of initial passages with great ease. The level of difficulty gradually rises as they delve deeply into the volume. More difficult passages have been appended at the end of the volume. This style has been adopted so as to enable the readers to have maximum practice in a planned manner to prepare for their respective exams perfectly well.



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