English Vocabulary Made Easy
“The book, English Vocabulary Made Easy has been written by Professor Shrikant Prasoon, a well-known and versatile author of many books in English and other languages. The book contains three distinct sections, each containing different types of words that include Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Words in Singular and Plural, Words Commonly Mispro-nounced, Misspelt, Formation of Words, Compound Formation, Duplication, Conversion, Clippings, Acronyms, Comparisons, Antonyms, Synonyms, Prefixes, Suffixes, etc.
The main purpose of the book is to enhance and enrich your English vocabulary by reading, understanding and learning as many words as possible; and also their usage in written and oral communication. This book is different from other vocabulary books, as it deals exhaustively with the words, their usage and also there is a grammar portion included in it which will certainly help the readers, particularly the young ones studying in schools and colleges and the ones opting for competitive exams, like TOEFL, Civil Services, Banking Services, Government Jobs, etc.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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