The Indian Television Academy initiative, GR8! TV Mag is India’s first and only Television glossy magazine that reflects the shine & shimmer of the medium like the Entertainment world.

Hence, GR8 Entertainment Ltd. was floated and GR8! Mag started its journey to the readers’ hearts.
In its entire journey of publication to this day, it has elicited a response from all across that is well and truly electric. It has the unbridled support and goodwill of the entire TV Industry and all its Events and endeavours have the unqualified and unflinching support, cooperation and participation by the who’s who of the medium.

A one-stop platform for the entire Television-fraternity across Channels GR8! Mag is packed with news, fashion, fiction,music, sports, gut-wrenching life stories, consuming passions, the untold & unexplored stories; birth of new Stars.

GR8! Mag is the India’s first TV glossy with an appeal cutting across Sexes, Sections, Ages and Class… with a plentiful and sumptuous mix of glamour and substance; opinions and debates; tug-of-wars of power (by those who wield it and those who are wielded by it); dangerous liaisons amongst the Stars and so on.

Television in India has grown unimaginably in status and stature and GR8! gives it its well-deserved due.
In sum, GR8! Mag has become a force to reckon with in the genre of Television and is being savoured by an ever-increasing

multitude of TV-watchers in the country and abroad. It has all the potential to create a stir and make a definite impact, globally.!!



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