Hinsdale Magazine
Hinsdale Magazine is the voice of greater Hinsdale, founded and based in downtown Hinsdale, IL by resident Scott Jonlich. Located in the heart of Hinsdale, we cover the significant people and organizations that are the fiber of the community. Hinsdale Magazine features editorial content and advertisements that cater to the highest readership of any publication in the Hinsdale, Burr Ridge, Clarendon Hills and Oak Brook communities.
Hinsdale Magazine is a community lifetyle magazine dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting our area residents and their events and businesses. We focus the talents and gifts of the people who live and work in Greater Hinsdale to provide an informative and professional publication that serves the voices of our readers.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
United States |
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