Home Management

A housewife is very often judged by the way she keeps her house. For her, it’s like a temple —a key through which she can ensure the highest level of physical and emotional comfort for her family.
And in view of its critical significance in one’s life, it’s imperative that your home is managed well —an art every homemaker needs to master.
Home Management, written by Rupa Chatterjee a housewife who is also a professional interior designer, is one such handy help that deals with the subject in a critical and comprehensive manner. Never before, so many tips and suggestions, covering every aspect of the subject, have been put together in a single volume from interior decoration, time management, organising household chores, cleaning of house and its security to maintaining of gadgets. It goes on to cover tips on energy conservation and interpersonal relationships, as well.
A must for all who wish to make their homes, a paradise.



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