IAS Prelims 2016 Current Affairs

There is no syllabus of IAS Prelims Current Affairs and it is very difficult to summarise the current affairs just before the IAS Prelims Exam. Current Affairs is the backbone of the IAS Exam Preparation and all the other things are related to current affairs in more than one way. The Current Affairs e-book Question Bank for UPSC IAS Exam has been compiled by our UPSC IAS Exam Experts. Economic Survey has been covered in a separate section in this e-book. All the important Economic Survey 2015-16 chapters are covered with good number of questions and relevant experience of the same.
Our primary concern is to save the time of the candidates and serve them in a better and smart way. Now days, the concept of smart study material is emerging. So, the UPSC IAS aspirants must have to be very smart and selective while choosing suitable study material for the preparation of UPSC IAS Exam.
While framing the standard questions, unique approach of UPSC IAS Prelims Exam has been followed and it has been made sure that the book is also useful for the preparation of UPSC IAS Mains Exam. The Explanation after each question provides a complete and sufficient background of the topics. After studying any specific question you will be able to explore various dimensions of the topic which is one of the core requirements of Papers of UPSC IAS Mains Exam.
The UPSC IAS aspirants must be aware of one of the general facts is that more than 50 per cent of the given syllabus for the UPSC IAS Mains Exam covered during the preparation of UPSC IAS Prelims Exam so, there is dual benefit of choosing such study materials which has been designed in keeping the IAS Prelim as well as IAS Mains Exam in mind.
The UPSC IAS Current Affairs Question Bank consists of more than 330 questions which have framed out of the core social, political, economic, environmental, cultural issues happened in recent past 5-6 months. While choosing the events for framing the questions, a proper research methodology also has been adopted by our experts so that the main objectives of benefitting IAS aspirants could not vanished in between. So, the expertise and innovations are the key factors of our work which we never prefer to alter or compromise with.



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