Ignited Minds

Madhyamam’, has now stepped into English journalism with the association of one of the world’s renowned premiere B-School IIM Kozhikkode. Its quarterly magazine titled ‘Ignited Minds’, was launched by Ms. Ambika Soni, Honorable Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India on 27th June 2012. 
This magazine aims at developing academic and creative faculties of the budding generation, instilling positive qualities and encouraging achievements in the entire career fields including business and management. The next issue of the magazine is on the anvil and scheduled to be launched in September 2012 in the entire GCC as well as in India which will be distributed students, professionals and business icons.

Madhyamam is India’s first international newspaper-with Gulf Madhyamam, the largest circulated newspaper in the Middle East, it is also the only Malayalam daily published from seven countries. Madhyamam is the third largest Malayalam daily in India in terms of circulation and advertisement volume. Now into its twenty-fifth year, it has grown into 19 editions including Gulf and online editions But it’s not the quantitative merit that sets it apart. It places great value on quality, truth and credibility. Madhyamam, run by a Public Charitable Trust, is not linked to any interest group or business houses. Its news is often rated the most independent and truthful and its editorial fearless and impartial. The paper does not accept advertisements that exploit women’s honour and offend human dignity, titillate base emotions, promote superstitions or dishonest business. The many public interest campaigns Madhyamam initiated by its investigative reporting, sacrificing much advertisement income, have helped to create a 
fiercely loyal readership for the paper. And the circle is growing wherever Malayalis live. Madhyamam has a strict code of ethics on news, views and advertisements. It believes that news is sacred and not to be tampered with. It also believes that comment should be free. Both are age-old norms but fast fading from the media under survival pressure. Madhyamam sets great store by universal human values that transcend boundaries of caste, race, religion and region. The paper has established beyond doubt that even in these days of crass profiteering, value-based journalism is viable, and that it still has adherents and public support. That is why it has grown in spite of its strict ethical codes.



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