
Imagine is a wholesome companion for school students in the form of a MagBook that provides them with updated information in creative formats. It’s a resource with subject matter that complements their academic learning from school.

Scan, Share, Spread
Almost every article is completed with scannable codes that direct the student to videos, news pieces or other audio visuals, selected by our editors, providing more pertinent information about the topic. Why Google the topic when you can get the info with just a scan? Download QR code reader from your App Store and start scanning

Collect, Connect, Create
Mind maps are the way the human mind functions, the way it thinks. They use association, location and imagination to form an idea. Besides developing higher level thinking abilities and improve reading comprehensions, mind mapping helps children recall words more effectively with improvements in memory of up to 52%. Interchanging topics or brainstorming for ideas – let the mind mapping begin

Learn, Observe, Discover
We answer the student’s question of “Where in life am I ever going to use this?” So much taught in this classroom and so much to discover outside. Imagine is essentially based on the syllabus and curriculum followed in schools. Every topic is theme based, hand-picked by our team and connected to it’s application or relevance in the real world. Imagine helps them apply what they learn and what they know.



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