India Quiz
The ‘India Quiz Book’ has been specially developed for all inquisitive readers, particularly those, who want to enhance their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and General Knowledge for the purpose of appearing in various competitive exams for entrance and recruitment. The book is not an ordinary GK book but it is an effective tool and system to check your GK & IQ intelligently after you have gone through all those books on GK and other subjects which you could lay your hands on. The book is also extremely useful for those who aspire to participate in various educational and television quiz programmes of repute. The book is divided into more than Fifty Quiz Sets, each comprising the right-mix of questions on a different subject, from Geography to History, from Economy to Science, from Environment to Art & Culture, from Sports to Cinema, and many more are provided to test your GK & IQ precisely and make you tough-enough to appear in any Quiz contest or exam and emerge a clear winner.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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