Inspire one and all
Do you like reading motivational and inspiration quotes?
If yes! The author of ‘White Quotes’ book provides you with a list of 100 inspiring and motivating quotes in this book. The aim is to Inspire one and all.
“Your thoughts create the stage for the day to perform.”
If you keep reading and referring to these thoughts and quotes it’s likely to condition your mind to think positive. Don’t wait for any miracle to happen when you read or refer but you can come close to the Miracle Mind which can do anything when you believe that it’s happening or possible. Always look for good things in life and you will find abundance of goodness flowing within and all around.
I hope you will find this book amazing, interesting, rejuvenating, unique and keep inspiring you.
Thank You and Happy Reading.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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