Lab World Magazine
Lab World Magazine is a quarterly journal published from New Delhi. It serves as a platform for the laboratory fraternity. It is about calibration labs, testing labs of all sectors, lab equipment suppliers, regulators, auditors, accreditors, ISO certification holders and certifiers. All of them can benefit from the scholarly articles and current information published. Current issue: This issue is devoted to LEDs. The next issues will focus on Robots in calibration, GLP, analytical techniques, QMS and many more.Â
Uncertainty of budgets, quality assurance, laboratory inter-comparison, proficiency testing etc. are features that regularly appear in the magazine. The topics of interest to readers/end users can easily be accommodated.Â
LAB WORLD MAGAZINE is an ideal show case for lab equipment, suppliers, consultants and those who want to contact laboratories.
Lab World Maagzine is published quarterly from New Delhi. It caters to all specialities of Testing and calibration laboratories. It is a true platform for laboratory freternity and for all associated with lab activities such as accreditators,chemical ,ragents,security,or support service providers. This issue has a special article on ISO15189 from a distinguished medical laboratory of Trinidad. on water and climate change form a learned scientist and on uncertainty budget in weighing balance calibration
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Quarterly |
Publication Country |
India |
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