Latest Essays & Letters

The versatile book ‘Latest Essays & Letters’ has been conceived and developed keeping in mind the requirements of various classes of English readers, especially students, and other readers too with academic as well as competitions point of view. The book is also useful for the aspirants of various exams where Descriptive English Paper forms an essential part of the exam. Essay and Letter Writing is an art, which is learnt only by intensive reading and practice. The main aim of the book is to inculcate in readers the right kind of orientation and to inspire and guide them to write effective and emphatic essay and letters. This includes the art of writing in a sequential and logical manner as well. The book covers numerous essays and letters on a wide spectrum of subjects and topics from almost all spheres of life which a common reader or student is expected to write in exams. This book is meticulously planned to meet the requirement of those readers who seek quality contents and convincing style of presentation. The book will definitely prove to be a boon to all academic and competitive-exam aspirants, inquisitive students, and other readers.



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