Lazie Indie Magazine

Lazie Indie Magazine is an online and printable magazine promoting independent musicians worldwide.

The magazine has been appreciated by very respected voices in the worldwide music scene because of our presentation and our pick of Independent artists to feature. Created and authored by Independent musicians Lazie Indie Magazine brings Artists, Radios, Venues, and Labels on one platform interviewing and presenting them to the world of Indie artists and fans. In a very short time, the Magazine has featured artists both established and upcoming from over 25 countries on an almost even spread. Day by day the mag is growing from stronger with wider coverage and also contributors who are popular artists themselves. The magazine is an attempt to keep the content focused on what the artists want to tell their readers and is in no way tilted for or against any artist on any factor whatsoever, be it Genre, Nationality, Race or any such prejudices. We bring the facts directly from the artist to you.



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