Lives of Famous Indian Chiefs by Norman B. Wood

We do not propose to apologize for writing this book, for the reasons that those who approve would not consider it necessary and those who oppose would not accept the apology. Therefore, we can only offer the same explanation as that made twenty-four centuries ago by the “Father of History” when he said: “To rescue from oblivion the noble deeds of those who have gone before, I, Herodotus of Halicarnassus, write this chronicle.”
We deem it well, however, to mention a few of the many reasons which impelled us to attempt the somewhat laborious but congenial task of preparing this work.
First of all, we were gratified and inspired by the kind reception accorded our first literary venture, “The White Side of a Black Subject,” which is now out of print after reaching twelve editions. Added to this was the still more generous treatment of our second production, “A New Negro for a New Century.” Nearly a hundred thousand copies of this book have been sold up to date, and the demand is still increasing.



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