MacroMicroCosm Literary & Art Journal
A Quarterly Digital literary & art journal dedicated to speculative fiction, art & literary criticism. A celebration of the weird, strange and perceptibly odd. A review of books, music, film & art. Home of our weekly MacroMicroCosm Book Review Podcast & YouTube channel. Features articles on creative development & philosophy. MacroMicroCosm embraces a broad base of fiction and non-fiction with fantasy, magic realism, science-fiction and futurist elements in poetry, short story, art, photography, and comic.
Exclusive interviews with artists, authors & professors, creator development columns from talented creators within their fields, book, film, art, food & music reviews, MacroMicroCosm supports the development of the consummate artist, while enriching the Zeitgeist.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Quarterly |
Publication Country |
Canada |
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