Magneto Therapy
“Be it an ailment that has you at a dead end or you are simply seeking to enhance your general well-being without burning a hole in your pocket or suffering unforeseen side-effects, magneto-therapy is just the right choice for you.
*Section I focuses on magnets, magnetism and magneto-therapy in general and its status in India. *Section II deals with the scenario in the West regarding research, treatments and advances in magneto-therapy.
From the origins of magneto-therapy to its current status, from everyday cures to the larger influence of magnets on our lives, from products that are easily available to experiments conducted with magnets all over the world on human, plant and animal life, you will find all this and much more in the book. If practiced properly and diligently, before long you should be eating well, sleeping well and feeling a general sense of well-being at all times.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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