Make. Do. Be.

“With 44​ brilliant, original​ ideas across categories such as Art, Creative ​E​xpression, Photography, Fashion, Languages, Food, Science and Nature, this book offers a variety of creative ideas for kids to express themselves.​ In addition, the reader would also get inspired by the stories of interesting people whose hobbies took them on exciting journeys in life​, making them into their life’s profession and work​.

M​ake.Do.Be succeeds in laying out inventive activities to keep a child (or an enthusiastic adult) stimulated and busy creating​ ​…​The book​offers endless scope for new ideas, where the only thing restricting children is their imagination.​ ​If a child does even one activity every weekend, it can provide 44 weekends of activity fun.​

The updated second edition (2016) also comes with a FREE ACTIVITY MIND MAP POSTER. It helps​ the child record all the activities completed by him/her giving a sense of completion and satisfaction. The poster also helps the parent ​discover the child’s reaction to each activity​ providing un​ique​ insight​s​ into ​the likes​, dislikes​, appetite​​ and interests of the child​ for different types of activities​, subjects​ and fields in life.”



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