Master Tailors of India

‘MASTER TAILORS of INDIA’ is the benchmark coffee table book (bi-lingual, English and Hindi) on the Indian Tailoring Industry featuring master tailors of the country. Sizing up the entire Ready-to-Stitch market with a SWOT analysis, the book also profiles prominent fabric retailers those have encouraged the growth of modern tailoring services.

With contributions from some of the best Research & Consulting organizations, Academia and Industry leaders this first ever chronicle of the Indian Tailoring community and our Bespoke heritage hopes to inspire men’s tailoring community and also motivate the new generation to join the trade which internationally is a booming business.

With the aim to preserve the dwindling art of men’s tailoring, IMAGES Group and Federation of All India Textile Manufacturers’ Associations initiated the idea of bringing out the book ‘Master Tailors of India’. It chronicles the success stories and excellence benchmarks set by Masters of men’s tailoring. I hope the book serves the purpose of bringing the tailoring community together and our master tailors are seen in he same light as their counterparts in the developed markets. – Amitabh Taneja, Editor-in-Chief, IMAGES Group

‘Master Tailors of India’ is a dream come true for the textile & tailoring community. The book will not only establish the importance of tailoring in the value chain but will also help rejuvenating tailoring as a profession. How to enhance the fabric retailing & glorify the artistic profession, the chapters in the book explores the opportunities of fabric retailing teamed with success mantras for custom tailoring. Ramesh Poddar, President FAITMA and MD, Siyarm Silk Mills


· Indian Tailoring Industry: SWOT of Indian Tailoring Industry

· Profiles of Master Tailors of India

· Bespoke Tailoring & Trends

· Fabric Retailers & Tailoring Trade



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