Merchant Of Venice

Among the 37 plays that Shakespeare wrote, The Merchant of Venice classified as a romantic comedy, is most remembered for its dramatic scenes and sarcastic undertone. Born and brought up in Delhi, Shipra Gupta is a writer and an amateur photographer. She pursued Master’s in Mathematics from Hindu College, Delhi University. As fate would have it, numbers converted into words and she started working as a freelance content writer in 2010. This is her first book and she continues to work for websites as a content developer, also pursuing her passion for street photography.. Basically her flair for English language and her interest in the subject, both culminated into this marvellous piece of work. The Merchant of Venice is a story of two friends-Antonio and Bassanio, as well as Shylock, a shrewd, Jewish moneylender; herein has been skillfully abridged by the author and artistically presented in the form of a Graphic Novel



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