Mirage (Mrig Trishna) by Omkar Lal M Parmar
I have no claims to make of any kind, in any field. I am a very ordinary person, afraid of laws made by society and nature. I have often sought answers to varied queries that came my way and tried to find answers, from my adolescent age, suffering confusion. I have no guru to guide me on spiritual matters. In the following pages I am trying to seek convergence (‘sangam’) of scientific views, as understood my me, with philosophy advanced by various religions, followed at times rigidly or flexibly. There is a view hold by some people because of knowledge, resources-often materialistic, experience or traditions, dogmas, contempt for alternative view-point because of innocence, ego, that what they think is the only, final and effective way to salvation. Almost all religions believe there is something after this life.
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