Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology is a quarterly Scientific Research Journal, devoted on environmental aspects, and published in March, June, September and December every year. Previously it was published with a title Journal of Environment & Pollution (ISSN: 0971-4871) from 1994 to 2001. Its name was changed to Nature Environment and Pollution Technology in the year 2002 with a new ISSN: 0972-6268 (Print). The journal has also become online from the year 2014 with ISSN: 2395-3454 (Online). The Journal has reputed International Editorial Board and publishes peer reviewed papers. The Journal Publishes papers on the following aspects. ? Monitoring, control and management of air, water, soil and noise pollution, ? Solid waste management, ? Industrial hygiene and occupational health, ? Biomedical aspects of pollution, ? Toxicological studies, ? Radioactive pollution and radiation effects, ? Wastewater treatment and recycling etc., ? Environmental modelling, ? Biodiversity and conservation, ? Dynamics and behaviour of chemicals in environment, ? Natural resources, wildlife, forests and wetlands etc., ? Environmental laws and legal aspects, ? Any other topic related to environment



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