Electrochemistry deals with the study of electrolysis and electrochemical process. During electrolysis electrical energy is used to carry out chemical reaction where as electrical energy is produced by a spontaneous redox reaction carried out in an electrochemical cell. The process of electrolysis is used in extraction of metals like sodium, Aluminium, Magnesium etc. Purification of metals like copper, zinc is also done by electrolysis. The amount of metal deposited on the electrode can be obtained by applying Faradays Laws of electrolysis. Conductance of electrolyte is also very important for the process of electrolysis to take place. These all concepts are described in a lucid manner.
Working of electrochemical cell and electrochemical series are very important to understand the working of battery which is of immense importance today. There are different types of cells. One that cannot be recharged and others which are used in automobiles, in Mobile phones, laptops and other equipments can be charged. The difference between the two types and the reactions taking place in some of the common cells is also described.
Working of fuel cells like Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cell, Hydrocarbon-oxygen fuel cell is elaborated.
This book completes with corrosion which is slow eating up of metal due to redox reaction taking place on the surface of metal. Phenomenon of Rusting of iron and the methods for prevention of rusting of iron is described.
Table of content :
1. Conductors
2. Electrolysis
3. Preferential discharge theory
4. Applications of electrolysis
5. Faraday’s laws of electrolysis
6. Electrolytic conductance
7. Factors affecting the electrolytic conductance
8. Variation of molar conductivity of electrolytes with concentration
9. Kohlrausch’s law
10. Trochemical or galvanic cell
11. Heat of reaction in an electrochemical cell
12. Electrode potential
13. Measurement of standard electrode potential
14. Cell potential or emf of the cell
15. Electrochemical series
16. Nernst equation
17. Commercial cells (batteries)
18. Efficiency of a fuel cell
19. Corrosion
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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