Started in 1985, NEW ACCOUNTANT’s markets are college accounting students, recent
college graduates and those preparing for the CPA exam. The editorial is written by university accounting professors on topics of particular interest to accounting students and recent graduates. Examples of some of the articles that have appeared in the magazine and on the New Accountant website are:
Are We Ready for COSO II? The New Principles- Based Internal Control Framework, Fired for No Reason: Meet the Employment at Will Doctrine, Accounting is a Degree That Will Allow You to Go Anywhere, Strategies for Taking the Uniform CPA Exam, Creative Job Strategies for a Difficult Employment Market, Annual Salary Survey Shows it Pays to Hold CPA Designation, The Computer-Based CPA Exam is a Success; Accounting, the FBI, and Me, Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP), Program Performance Management – Making It Work, and How to Deal with Global Transfer Pricing Crisis.



Publication Type



One Time

Publication Country

United States

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