New research on the origin of the name América by Jules Marcou

Four facts dominate and summarize the whole question about the origin of the name of America: 1st Amerrique is the Indian name of some mountains between Juigalpa and La Libertad, Department of Chontales, that separate Lake Nicaragua from the coast of mosquitoes. . In Mayan language it means “Country of the wind,” “Country where the wind always blows.”
2. Vespucci’s proper name is, in Italian and Spanish, Alberico , in Latin Albericus .
3.º No name has ever suffered so many variations and combinations, some intentionally, others unconsciously, like Vespucci. Such confusion is without example, it is unique in the history of famous men. With the exception of the Alberico name , none of the other names is found in the nomenclatures and calendars, at that time so rich, of Italian and Spanish saints, and this in time of the greatest religious fervor, and of the absolute supremacy of Roman Catholic Christianity. Let’s list some of those names: Americus , Amerrigo , Amerigo , Amérigo , Amergio , Americo , Almerigo , Albertutio , Almerico , Morigo , Damerrigho , Armerico , Emeric , Aïmeric , Alméric and Améric . These are not diminutives, nor usual alterations, whether in Italian, Spanish or French, by Alberico , Albericus, Albéric , Albert .
Finally, before 1507, the date of the publication of the name Americus by Jean Basin, in Saint Dié, this name is not found in any printed document, or even manuscript, of recognized and incontestable authenticity.



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