NTA-UGC-NET: English (Paper II) Exam Guide

This concise book on English is specially developed for the candidates of UGC-NET for Eligibility to JRF and Assistant Professor positions. The book is also equally useful for State Eligibility Test (SET) conducted by various States. The book presents all the relevant and important Chapters and Topics in a lucid and well-structured manner to study in a reader-friendly manner. All the study and practice material has been prepared by learned subject-expert. Unitwise study material and ample amount of Solved MCQs are provided in exhaustive exercises with each unit. Alongwith the Latest Study Material, numerous questions in Solved Previous Papers have been provided in the book. This makes the readers familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked, and enables them to face the exam with confidence, successfully. Based on the latest pattern and syllabus, the book will prove useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam.



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