Objective General Knowledge Physics, Chemistry, Biology And Computer Hindi
“bhautik vigyaan, lok seva aayog kee pareeksha mein kampateeshan kameeshan ne 1000 tak sambandhit bahuvikalpeey prashn savaal mein jeev vigyaan aur rasaayan vigyaan pustaken aur gupt seva mein saamaany gyaan sankalit kar rahe hain. pustak ke ant mein sabhee savaalon ke javaab die gae hain.
pustak ke lekhan ke dauraan pareekshan ke sabhee prakaar aur vartamaan vidhi ke vishay vishesh roop se pathyakrarmom ka dhyaan rakha diya hai.
is kitaab ko sangh lok seva aayog, seedeees, enadeee, relave, aibipiais (bainking sevaen), esesasee aur doosare ke lie raajy lok seva aayog kee pareeksha dvaara aayojit vishesh roop se upayogee hai.
buk visaisataaim
1000 ekaadhik-vikalp vaale prashn
savaalon ke javaab
mool prashn patr pareeksha
(In the Physics Examination of Public Service Commission, Competetion Commission has included 1000 multiple choice questions related to topics like Live Science and Chemistry and Secret Services. Also, answers to th questions have been provided at the end of thr book.During the compilation of the book, the current system of all types of examinations and the subject courses had been given special care.This book is also useful for other exams conducted by UPSC, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC and State Public Service Commission.Book Features-1000 Multiple Choice QuestionsAnswers to questionsOriginal Question Paper of Examinations)
Language |
Hindi |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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