Officers’ Pulse – At a Glance

The Officers’ Monthly Pulse magazine aims at aiding the students who are preparing for competitive exams. It is focused on providing the news from many hallmark sources in one place in a comprehensive but crisp manner. Each Monthly Pulse edition covers a range of subjects from Art and Culture to Polity. It is aimed at covering all the vital topics from the examination perspective.
The topics are a summary of the most important facts combined with an in depth situational analysis that will aid candidates who have to write any kind of essay type/descriptive papers. With a multitude of sources to read from such as Kurukshetra, Yojana, PIB, The Hindu, Down-to-Earth, a candidate may not have the time to parse through voluminous amounts of news that are available throughout the month. Therefore in order to simplify the candidate’s preparation and save them time, we present to you “Monthly Pulse” that plumbs the depths of these topics into one manageable magazine.



Publication Type



10 Issues/Year

Publication Country


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