Pearl The Queen

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”—Malala Yousafzai

It has been established beyond a reasonable doubt that the author of the book has created beauty by simply writing down her narration using her beautiful imagination, simplicity, beliefs, and fantasies in the form of beautiful short stories.

While you are reading the book, you will frequently find yourself daydreaming about what it would be like to be a beautiful mermaid and the life that they lead in the ocean. The author has included some intense drama, which features a variety of feelings about relationships, such as hostility, jealousy, love, care, and friendship, amongst others. A princess who was singled out by the moon for some unknown purpose, discovered that she was unique among her peers, and ascended to the throne of the city. She has made it clear that she will meet the challenge head on and declare war. The book that you purchased includes a comprehensive account of all of the topics discussed in this article. in order to bestow an extraordinary quantity of happiness and contentment upon each and every reader who purchases a copy of the book.

Ocean, I am the queen of a kingdom who has no respect for me. My sister and mother think that I am an idiot who does not know anything about love. My boyfriend has disappeared from my life. So basically I am alone… all alone !!”

The mermaid was a god in her own right, on par with Poseidon, and as such she possessed all of the sea’s knowledge.



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