
The best investment for your child.
Jim Rohn said “You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With”. Can we make our kids spend time with the people who inspire confidence? Through PepTok, Let them connect with the stories of people who have surpassed every hurdle in their life and came out triumphant.

In the era of smartphones and its constant digital stimulation from exciting social apps and addictive games how do we keep our children and teenagers motivated to chase something bigger and better? How do we focus on motivation and character building?

We need ways and means to consistently inspire them and build a mindset which emphasize virtues of hard-work that eventually breeds success.

PepTok is world’s first Magazine solely dedicated to motivate children and teenagers.
It has expertly curated great articles to motivate children and teenagers. Besides motivation the other objectives are to inculcate good character traits, embracing life long learning and ignite enthusiasm. It has various exhilarating themes to cover different aspects of character development.
It has section to develop interest in the current affairs , needed to achieve holistic and sometimes different perspective from a more informed point of view.
Further, it has Creative writing and English Vocabulary section that helps to enhance English language skills that helps to expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way. Children learn to express feelings and emotions instead of just presenting the facts.
Children and teenagers can spend just 15 to 30 mins a day going through PepTok’s motivating and informative articles .
PepTok – Motivating Minds…..One student at a time.

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