Prabhat Khabar Deoghar
Prabhat Khabar is a Hind laeading Hindi language newspaper published daily in Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal. The newspaper is circulated in several states in India, including Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and some parts of Orissa. It was founded in August 1984 in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand. The newspaper is notable for reporting social issues and revealing scams,
Language |
Hindi |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency | |
Publication Country |
India |
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Dainik Jagran
"Dainik Jagran is an Indian Hindi language daily newspaper. It was ranked 5th in the world and 1st in India by circulation in 2022." In 2019 Quarter 4, according to Indian Readership Survey, Dainik Jagran reported a total readership of 6.86 crore and was the top publication.
Jagran New Media is the digital wing of the Jagran Prakashan Limited - India's leading media and communications group with its interests spanning across Print, OOH, Activations, Radio and Digital. is the flagship brand of the Jagran New Media and is the No.1 Hindi News and Information site in India (Source: comScore MoMX Multi- Platform; Aug 2018). "Dainik Jagran is the flagship brand of the company. In today’s dynamic media world , where consumers have an unprecedented array of choices, Dainik Jagran stands out as a brand that is the choice of millions of Indians as they start their day. With a readership of 5.59 cr, it has been the largest read daily of India for the last consecutive 21 rounds of the Indian Readership Survey (IRS). With 37 editions, Dainik Jagran covers 11 states of India. It has also been declared by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) as the Largest read daily in the world. Not just the largest read, Dainik Jagran has also been voted as the Most Credible Source of News in a BBC-Reuters survey. The genesis for Dainik Jagran was in the year 1942. The year when the freedom struggle of India reached its crescendo and found expression in the ""Quit India movement"". Dainik Jagran was launched during this time with the vision of our founder Shri Puran Chandra Gupta, to “Create a newspaper that would reflect the free voice of the people” . This vision was as much a reflection of the time when it was propounded as much as it is relevant to us today. Even as on today, when Dainik Jagran markets control the political destiny of the largest democracy in the world, the vision continues to guide us."
Indian Express
"The Indian Express is an English-language Indian daily newspaper founded in 1932. It is published in Mumbai by the Indian Express Group. In 1999, eight years after the group's founder Ramnath Goenka's death in 1991,[2] the group was split between the family members. The southern editions took the name The New Indian Express, while the northern editions, based in Mumbai, retained the original Indian Express name with ""The"" prefixed to the title.
In 1932, the Indian Express was started by an Ayurvedic doctor, P. Varadarajulu Naidu, at Chennai, being published by his ""Tamil Nadu"" press.[citation needed] Soon under financial difficulties, he sold the newspaper to Swaminathan Sadanand, the founder of The Free Press Journal, a national news agency.[citation needed] In 1933, the Indian Express opened its second office in Madurai, launching the Tamil edition, Dinamani. Sadanand introduced several innovations and reduced the price of the newspaper. Faced with financial difficulties, he sold a part of his stake to Ramanath Goenka as convertible debentures. In 1935, when The Free Press Journal finally collapsed, and after a protracted court battle with Goenka, Sadanand lost ownership of Indian Express.[4] In 1939, Goenka bought Andhra Prabha, another prominent Telugu daily newspaper. The name Three Musketeers was often used for the three dailies namely, Indian Express, Dinamani and Andhra Prabha."
Kidz Herald
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Every fortnight read Kidz Herald and add value in your life.
Le Gaboteur est le seul journal de langue française de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Ce journal indépendant est publié par l’organisme à but non lucratif Le Gaboteur Inc.
Il est publié 20 fois par an pendant l’année scolaire, en versions papier et électronique.
Son contenu est le fruit d’une collaboration soutenue entre son équipe permanente et de nombreux journalistes pigistes et photographes pigistes de plusieurs régions de la province. Le journal publie également des reportages préparés par Francopresse et l’Agence Science-Presse.
Le Gaboteur bénéficie du soutien financier du gouvernement du Canada par l’entremise du programme Développement des communautés de langue officielle (volet Vie communautaire) et du Fonds du Canada pour les périodiques, sous la responsabilité de Patrimoine canadien.
Le Gaboteur est un membre actif de Réseau.Presse. Nous sommes fiers d’appuyer la Fondation Donatien-Frémont.
The Hindu
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The Hindu has a wide network of full-time and part-time correspondents and photographers across India. The Hindu is known for its strong reportage from the national capital as well as from the southern States and cities. The Hindu has a major presence online: it was the first Indian newspaper to start an Internet edition, in 1995. The Hindu's digital versions, including the website, app, and e-paper, cater to an ever growing audience. Apart from the morning English daily, The Hindu Group, owned by Kasturi and Sons Limited, publishes the business newspaper The Hindu BusinessLine, a general interest fortnightly, Frontline, and a sports weekly, Sportstar. The Hindu is printed in 19 centres across the country. Tailored in parts to suit different circulation regions for unique news and advertisement content, it has more than 40 different versions produced each day.
Women Story India
The India’s first-ever e-newspaper dedicated to women, Women Story India.
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