Crooks to celebrities. Gangsters to goodies. Dames to druglords. Actors to assassins. They are all here in Britains newest, biggest, brightest, most exciting true crime magazine.
It’s called Prohibition and anybody who matters in crime, cinema and clubland is in it.
We’ve scoured the world for the most dramatic stories and talked to the men and women who commit murder and mayhem and the stars who portray them on television and screen.
We go behind the scenes to discover what makes gangsters tick, why they risk life and liberty in pursuit of riches and what they tell her indoors when they go home.
Prohibition, packed with stories and pictures, fun and puzzles and the good, the bad and the ugly face of the underworld. It’s the one even the Godfathers read.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
United Kingdom |
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