Samanya Gyan Indian Polity And Economy
“pratiyogee pareekshaon mein saamaany gyaan kee badhatee upayogita tatha baajaar mein isakee maang ko dekhate hue ‘vee end es pablishars’ ne ‘saamaany gyaan bhaarateey sanvidhaan evan bhaarateey arthavyavastha’ pustak prakaashit kiya hai. raajavyavastha pratiyogee pareeksha ka ek mahattvapoorn bhaag hai.
prastut pustak bhaarateey lokatantr, sansadeey kaaryapranaalee, lok sabha aayog, vitt aayog, aapaat upabandh, sansad kee vitteey samitiyaan, pramukh sanvaidhaanik sanshodhan, sanvaidhaanik evan gair-sanvaidhaanik sangathanon kee tathyaatmak jaanakaaree dee gayee hai. is pustak ke doosare bhaag mein bhaarateey arthavyavastha se jude pareekshopayogee tathy sammilit kiye gaye hain. jinamen bhaarateey arthavyavastha ke lakshan, aarthik niyojan, nirdhanata, berojagaaree, mudra evan bainkig, antararaashtreey vitteey sansthaen, bhaarat mein krshi, bhaarat ke pramukh udyog tatha any sabhee praasangik saamagree dee gaee hai.
yah pustak pratibhaagiyon evan sabhee chhaatr/chhaatron ke lie to upayogee hai hee, isake atirikt shikshak, lekhakon tatha sabhee sajag paathakon ke lie bhee saamaan roop se upayogee hai.(In view of the usefulness of common knowledge in competitive examinations and its growing demand in the market, ‘V & S’ Publishers’ The book ‘General Knowledge of Indian Constitution and Indian Economy’ has been published.The state system is an important part of the competitive examination.The book presented includes Indian Democracy, Parliamentary Function, Lok Sabha Commission, Finance Commission,Factual information of emergency provisions, financial committees of parliament, key constitutional amendments, constitutional and non-constitutional organizations. In the second part of this book, the examinations related to the Indian economy have been included in which the characteristics of Indian economy, economic employment, poverty, unemployment, currency and banking, international financial institutions, agriculture in India, major industries of India and all other relevant material has been given.This book is useful only for the participants and all the students.In addition to this, it is also useful for teachers, writers and all aware readers.Given the growing usefulness of common knowledge in competitive examinations and its demand in the market, ‘V & S Publishers’ has published ‘General Knowledge Indian Constitution and Indian Economy’ book. Arrangement of the governance is an important topic for the students studying for competetive exams.)
Language |
Hindi |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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