Startup Unfold

“Startup Unfold” is a nationwide monthly magazine.
The magazine is designed to fill the much needed space for information, analysis and platform for young entrepreneurs who are working hard to create platforms that would create jobs, wealth and add to the overall well being of our country.

Our magazine includes:
*Stories of various startups and their in-depth journey from what inspired them& what are they looking at in near future.
*Educational articles that help youth & aspiring entrepreneurs to understand the business side of their passion and validate them.
*Investors thoughts and expectations, Industry veterans wisdom, intern-ship for students with start-ups and many more.
*Employee life and growth in a Startup world and the possibilities laid to explore.
*Bridging technology/service gaps between MNC and aspirating start-ups
*Hall of fame to recognize achievements of free-lancers, who spent a respectable portion of life to honing their skills
*Bridging together entrepreneurs from various regions of India onto our digital platform to enable quality discussion and also serve as a knowledge bank from fellow entrepreneurs.
*We are also focused on encouraging people to perform business ethics which would reflect the pride of young India. (Website) (Facebook) (LinkedIn) (Twitter) (Google Plus)



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