Su Casa Phoenix-Scottsdale

Su Casa, the award-winning magazine that celebrates Southwestern home building, offers inspiration, ideas, and resources to readers who are building or remodeling their own homes. Published four times per year, the magazine can be found on newsstands, at major bookstore chains, in grocery stores, and at local independent booksellers throughout the United States. Each issue features lavish full-color spreads on stunning new Southwestern style homes and fascinating remodels, from historic adobes to cutting-edge modernist masterpieces, from strawbale casitas to Old World-flavored haciendas. How-to information and advice on design and building empower readers to create their own Southwestern dream home. Columns probe the personal-even spiritual-aspects of design and home building and the meaning of Southwestern living. Our Life Style Southwest column and Design Studio column address topical issues of concern to our readers, while Home at Last takes readers deeper into the historical context of life in the region, and other columns focus on products for the Southwestern home and books on design and building.



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United States

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