Television Programme Production

“In spite of the fact that India produces the maximum number of films each year, quality books and magazines related to the production of programmes for television channels and even those related to cinema, video, and television are difficult to find. To pave this gap, the two writers have penned down their years of experience and knowledge of Television Films in this book. Television is no longer merely a source of entertainment or income.
This book is very informative for readers who are interested in Television Programme Production. In this book, all processes and equipment used in the production of a television programme have been explained with the help of pictures and diagrams. This is definitely a multi-dimensional book in its own right, and will definitely prove to be very helpful to the readers who are interested in knowing more about the subject.
The Hindi version of the book has received the prestigious “Bhartendu Harishchander Award 2008” under Media and Mass Communication Category. The awards are given annually by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.



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