The Big Bang Story

HE BIG BANG STORY – Initially there was nothing, not even time. Then came the sun. Years passed by and the Merearth was born around the sun. And hence came the time, the life, the love and then the death. 

The universe before the Big Bang was an endless cluster of inward planets. And like in every universe that ever existed or ever will exist, there was only one unique planet that could host complex life forms in this universe. The Merearth! 

Merearth was a huge planet. Big enough to make it impossible for its residents to know how big it is. Big enough to have the sun in its center. 

This is a very old story. This is the story of a universe, which existed before the big bang. This is also the story of how that universe came to an end and how ours was born. 
But most importantly, this is the story of the man who made it all possible. Ligo! 



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