The Teenager Today

THE TEENAGER TODAY is India’s first and only magazine published in India for teens.

In its 59th year now, it is a friend to thousands of Indian teens, supporting them through their growing pains, sharing laughs and being there through their joys and sorrows. It is their premier resource for all kinds of information, practical advice and answers to all of their questions.

THE TEENAGER TODAY contains 52 pages of cool information, practical advice and loads of fun stuff! It features articles on youth issues, careers, counselling, celeb interviews, music, sports, health, environment, blogs, science & technology, and general knowledge. Plus photography, jokes, games, poems and more!

THE TEENAGER TODAY is the most widely-read Indian teen publication — not only do we cater to the urban teen, but our reach across small towns and cities is unparalleled — truly India’s only teenzine.



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