The WILD TRAIL Journal

North –Eastern states of India covers 25% of the total forest covers of India. It is one of the most important bio-diversity hot-spot of the world. It is the home of one horned Rhinos and many more endemic wildlife species. Every year millions of people across the globe visit north-east India and its forests as travelers, researchers, bird-watchers, students. So, people need to know more about the region better. The WILD TRAIL Journal is the first ever wildlife and nature magazine from this region keeping in mind about the necessity of all segments of people.
The Wild Trail Journal is a half yearly ISSN magazine published by a self funded NPO Wild Trail from the North-East States of India. The basic objective of WILD TRAIL is to spread awareness and educating youth regarding Nature and Wild Life Conservation. This magazine is one of the revenue generating sources of WILD TRAIL. The revenues will be spent entirely in conservation related activities. The Journal itself is a very good source to know about the North-Eastern states of India’s Wild Life and Nature. People across the globe will come to know many unknown facts about the Wildlife of the region and hidden treasures, unseen beauty of the region. The travelers to this region will be mostly benefited from this journal.
Most of the articles of this journal are semi scientific and research based. Hence the researchers and students will be benefited from it. This journal have various attractive and informative heads like Conservation and Awareness, Wildlife Conflict, Wild North-East India, Wildlife Photography, Wildlife Health, Nature Trails, Wild Trail Wonders, Wildlife History and Wild Trails. Most of the articles are contributed by experts of the relevant filed, research scholars, travel experts and wildlife photographers and activists. It’s a mix bag of knowledge with pleasure. There are several attractive photo stories, photographs of some endemic wildlife beauties and conservation message.



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