Top 100 Current Affairs
The Top 100 Current Affairs of 2015 eBook covers important issues that has happened throughout the year and has the probability of being asked in exams to be held in the year 2016.
The eBook covers intends to help the aspirants preparing for various competitive exams in quickly revising and contemplating the important current affairs of 2015 that could be asked in the Exam.
The Top 100 Current Affairs of 2015 eBook covers important topics like Human Development Report 20145, Paris Summit on Climate Change, Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and other important events.
Top 100 Current Affairs of 2015 eBook
It provides a snapshot of the top 100 current affairs that happened in the year 2015.
It covers important current affairs in six broad areas National, International, Economy, Science& Technology, Sports and Awards & Personalities
It covers the important current affairs by providing four or five most important information in bulleted form.
The presentation of the current affairs is provided in very simple and easy-to-understand language.
It will be immense help to the aspirants preparing for upcoming exams of the year 2016 in revising and contemplating the important events of 2015.
The Top 100 Current Affairs of 2015 eBook contains 19 pages and would be of great use in quickly revising the important events before entering the exam hall.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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