UGC NET Home Science: 2020 – English
Historically speaking, the making of a teacher is rather a challenging and beautiful process. The same leads the nation to gain educated individuals who will now carry forward the legacy of their gurus. The passage of time stands witness to the fact that be it homemakers, home runners or breadwinners of the family, each needs to have basic education in order to lead a good life. Education is a charity that always begins at home but can only be executed properly by someone who is versed in the science of homemaking and running. A homemaker has the luxury to be able to impart knowledge in the rawest as well as the most effective manner. Since it is such a responsible job, NTA UGC NET takes up the initiative to shortlist the best of the best Home Science candidates for further studies. You will also find a plethora of UGC NET Home Science mock tests and UGC NET Home Science practice tests 2020 with us.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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