Urban Grandstand Digital

Urban culture & entertainment, covering music, film, sports, fashion, metro-world, and much more. The history of Urban Grandstand goes back to the late nineties as a fan site for a popular rap group. It was in 2003 that the site was converted to Urban Connectionz Online. Under the identity of Urban Connectionz, the newly formed online music site grew to become highly popular, offering full features and interviews with many of Rap and R&B’s biggest acts. Things continued until 2012 when the site was shut down for a brief hiatus.

2013 brought along full rebranding and an official relaunch as Urban Grandstand Digital. While there’s many digital magazines to choose from, we pride ourselves in the differential coverage we offer our readers. While you’ll surely find the latest on your favorite artists, what you won’t find are the drama-ridden articles and interviews that fill the pages of many of our counterparts. Obviously, we’re in the business of building readership and selling subscriptions just like the next, but we have no desire to bring the culture down any lower than it has already been. Media has developed a bad name, and much of that is because of the salacious coverage that many journalists are offering. Here at Urban Grandstand Digital, we strive to uplift our culture. We wish to offer dynamic content that will teach and inspire, and still manage to entertain.



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United States

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