Showing 1–50 of 164 results

75 Ways To Happiness (Kannada)

SKU: Mag-22151

“As the name indicates, 75 Ways to Happiness is an invaluable collection of 75 value-based stories written and compiled by the well-known author, J.M. Mehta. Each story begins with a line of wisdom expressing the crux of the story and teaching a simple, but important value of life which should be imbibed by one and all to remain happy and become successful.
It is a fact that in our busy lifestyle of today, we rarely get the time to understand the singificance of values which form the basis of our lives and help us to remain happy. The value-based stories given in the book basically aim to carve out this happiness and teach us the ways to lead a happy life.
There is also a box at the end of each story named “”Something Extra””. This is where the author has emphasised the deep, inner meaning hidden within the story highlighting the moral value associated with it to stay happy and contented in life.
Therefore dear readers, go through these 75 invaluable collection of stories and enlighten your mind and soul.

Angreji Bolna Sikhen Kannada

SKU: Mag-24021

Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers


SKU: Mag-15912



SKU: Mag-20519

Leading children’s magazine in Kannada.Published by Mangalam Publications PVT LTD.

Be A Winner (Kannada)

SKU: Mag-23274

This book has been specifically designed to help you turn the tide in your favour in the face of odds. Each day is a fresh day – look at it with hope and enthusiasm, yesterday is over. Whatever the situation, you can make the best of things by the right approach.The book covers the entire gamut of social,personal and professional situations and guides you how to come out a winner with hundreds of real-life examples from: *Lincoln * Munshi Prem Chand *Gandhi *Churchill *Napoleon *Marie Curie and many more……presenting inspiring ‘lives and times’ for you to follow.

Belagavi Darpana

SKU: Mag-21546

Belagavi Darpana is a monthly magazine publishing in Kannada language from Belagavi of Karnataka-India. Nurturing the positivism in society and building the awareness on fulfilled life among the people around the world.

Bhakti Mala Kannada

SKU: Mag-6422

Bhakti Mala (garland of devotion and service) is a spiritual magazine founded by His Holiness Dr. Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji (Sri Swamiji), Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore, India, in the year 1976. Main purpose of this spiritual magazine is to disseminate information about Dharma along with the activities of Datta Peetham.

Bhaktivedanta Darshana

SKU: Mag-15207

Bhaktivedanta Darshana is a Kannada monthly magazine published by SST. It carries articles on spiritual subjects as per the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and also news and events related to ISKCON Bangalore temple.
In addition, there are articles on places of pilgrimage, sattvic recipes and pages dedicated to educating children through various interesting activities. The magazine is part of the efforts by the temple to systematically impart spiritual knowledge to the society and propagate a consciousness of Krishna as revealed in the Vedic scriptures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam.


SKU: Mag-28362

Bhanuprabha is the weekly supplement published every Sunday

Body Language (Kannada)

SKU: Mag-23275

Communication is not always through sound or language. Much can be said with gestures and movement of eyes. In fact, more often than not, it is the body language that ‘says’ more than words. Now discover all the finer points and the nuances of body language in this masterly work. How does a thumb gesture display dominance, superiority and aggression? How does dilation of eyes send a romantic signal? What does a sideways glance indicate? Given these incredible insights, the book can prove to be of immense use for professionals like advocates, doctors, policemen, judges, salesmen, politicians, judges, executives, bureaucrats and customers etc – in short, people who are essentially in public dealing. But then, it is for all, a true guide for analysing behaviour and attitudes.


SKU: Mag-6495

Butti A Kannada magazine that helps its young readers prepare for all kinds of competitive exams. From civil service exams, to CAT to bank PO exams, the magazine covers a wide-range of competitive exams and carries inspirational features and articles on exam toppers.

Champak – Kannada

SKU: Mag-876

Champak is Indian’s only popular children’s magazine that is dedicated to the formative years of a child’s growing up period. Its fascinating tales not only leave deep imprint on the mind of its young readers but also impart them with knowledge that they will treasure for years to come

Chanakya Niti Evam Kautilya Arthshastra (Kannada)

SKU: Mag-23297

Mahapandit Chanakya ek rachnatmak vicharak the. Veh sarvshreshth arthshastri ke saath-saath mahaan raajneetigya evam katuneetigya the. Veh samraajya vinaashak bhi the tatha samrajya nirmaata bhi the. Unki 3 anupam kritiyan – chanakya neeti, chanakya sutra tatha kautilya arthashastra hain. iss pustak mein inn teeno ki vistrit vyakhya lekhak dwara prastut ki gayi hai. yeh pustak chintak, lekhak, prabandhak, sevak, shasak, prashasak, raajneetigya se lekar samaanya jan sab hi ke liye laabhdaayi tatha upyukt hai.(Mahapandit Chanakya was a creative thinker. He was a great economist and a great politician and a masterpiece.That empire was also a destroyer and the empire was also a producer. His 3 unique works – Chanakya policy, Chanakya Sutras and Kautilya economics. Detailed explanation of all three in this book is presented by the author.This book is beneficial and suitable for everyone, from the thinker, writer, manager, servant, ruler, administrator, politician to general public.)


SKU: Mag-28361

Chitraprabha is the week supplement published every friday


SKU: Mag-3386

Chittara, Karnataka’s No.1 readers’ choice magazine. Chittara is the leading film and entertainment magazine in Kannada. Magazine will cover news from Sandalwood, Tollywood, Kollywood and Hollywood film industries. ‘Chittara’is a monthly magazine with 72,000 print run with 322 distributors and 20 Lakh readership across the globe.

Eshanya Express

SKU: Mag-27649

Eshanya Express Kannada daily morning newspaper publishing at Raichur.

Eshanya Times

SKU: Mag-25401

Regional Kannada Daily (Karnataka)

Eshanya Vahini

SKU: Mag-27648

Eshanya Vahini is a Kannada daily Morning newspaper publishes from Raichur.

Fix Your Problem – The Tenali Raman Way (Kannada)

SKU: Mag-23302

The book is a marvellous treasury of legends of Tenali Raman and Emperor Raya which evokes a long lost, never-never land: an enchanted world of alert wits and tricky gossips; crafty crooks with biting tongues, valiant brigands and an assorted cluster of uncommon common people. Each story is followed by terse moral and incalculable snippets which are usually that little extra that brings the reader a little more closer to his goal on the way to realisation. Every story purveys a pithy folk wisdom that triumphs over all trials and tribulations. The book also exposes how richly endowed Bharata Khanda (India before invasions) had been in the east in the field of wisdom and knowledge down the ages of which the west is ignorant.


SKU: Mag-3691

A series of comic stories about a Guru and his foolish disciples who go on an endless journey to places. The bunch encounter a lot of events and situations which they handle in their own way. This book has the story of the Guru and the disciples journey to south, where the Guru faces a lot of trouble in handling the bunch and almost loses himself in the process. The moral of the story is …
( Indian bedtime kids tender children and moral stories for ages 2 – 8 years – Tender Story Comic Series – Volume 1 Kannada )

Grihshobha – Kannada

SKU: Mag-864

Grihshobha’s range of diverse topics serves as a catalyst to the emerging young Indian women at home and at work. From managing finances,balancing traditions, building effective relationship, parenting, work trends, health, lifestyle and fashion, every article and every issue is crafted to enhance a positive awareness of her independence.

Heartfulness Magazine – Kannada

SKU: Mag-22142

Welcome to Heartfulness eMagazine, a monthly magazine in which we explore everything from self-development and health, relationships with family and friends, how to thrive in the workplace, to living in tune with nature. We also bring you inspiration from the lives of people who have made a difference to humanity over the ages. This magazine is brought to you by Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, a non-profit organization.

We also look forward to hearing from you.
Send your letters and feedback to
Heartfulness website:

Hi Bangalore

SKU: Mag-26186

Hi Bangalore is a mass-circulation weekly Kannada language tabloid published in Bangalore.

Improve Your Memory Power (Kannada)

SKU: Mag-24015

In this competitive world of today, one cannot achieve success only by putting in hard work. One has to imbibe and practise various techniques along with hard work to fulfil one’s desires or reach the targetted goals.
The book precisely deals with the different techniques, one has to inculcate in order to improve and enhance one’s memory power. This is because hard work combined with a sharp memory is an ideal combination and can create wonders!
The book has been divided into 30 chapters which denote 30 days in which each chapter symbolises a day, and the author aims to improve and sharpen the memory of all its readers in just 30 days! Basically, each chapter contains all the necessary steps and methods, one must practise in one’s daily life to increase and strengthen the faculties of one’s brain.
Some of the salient features of the book are:
• How to improve one’s imaginative powers?
• How to improve the concentration of mind?
• How to remember and successfully perform all our daily activities?
• How to prepare notes and excel in exams?
• How to remember dates, birthdays, anniversaries, historical dates, incidents, etc.?
• How to remember telephone numbers, names of persons, places, terms and terminologies?
All the above and much more… Hence readers, it is definitely a must read for all of you, particularly the students and young professionals who are striving hard for a bright future ahead!

Jana Aakrosha

SKU: Mag-27453

Jana Aakrosha is a Kannada language Fortnightly Magazine publishes from Yadgiri. It contains Political & Crime articles.


SKU: Mag-14401

Kaanana is Kannada magazine. which contains science and environment related article and nature photos.

Kannada Prabha Belagavi

SKU: Mag-28367

Kannada Prabha is Kannada Language Newspaper published in Bangalore. Kannada Prabha is the major Kannada newspaper circulating around Karnataka. The first newspaper from Kannada Prabha was issued in 1967 on the 4th of November. And after 55 years it is still the best morning daily Kannada newspaper issued with a front sheet format. Their editions are being published in the cities of Bangalore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, and Gulbarga.

Kannada Prabha Bengaluru

SKU: Mag-28360

Kannada Prabha is Kannada Language Newspaper published in Bangalore. Kannada Prabha is the major Kannada newspaper circulating around Karnataka. The first newspaper from Kannada Prabha was issued in 1967 on the 4th of November. And after 55 years it is still the best morning daily Kannada newspaper issued with a front sheet format. Their editions are being published in the cities of Bangalore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, and Gulbarga.

Kannada Prabha Hubballi

SKU: Mag-28365

Kannada Prabha is Kannada Language Newspaper published in Bangalore. Kannada Prabha is the major Kannada newspaper circulating around Karnataka. The first newspaper from Kannada Prabha was issued in 1967 on the 4th of November. And after 55 years it is still the best morning daily Kannada newspaper issued with a front sheet format. Their editions are being published in the cities of Bangalore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, and Gulbarga.

Kannada Prabha Kalaburagi

SKU: Mag-28368

Kannada Prabha is Kannada Language Newspaper published in Bangalore. Kannada Prabha is the major Kannada newspaper circulating around Karnataka. The first newspaper from Kannada Prabha was issued in 1967 on the 4th of November. And after 55 years it is still the best morning daily Kannada newspaper issued with a front sheet format. Their editions are being published in the cities of Bangalore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, and Gulbarga.

Kannada Prabha Mangaluru

SKU: Mag-28366

Kannada Prabha is Kannada Language Newspaper published in Bangalore. Kannada Prabha is the major Kannada newspaper circulating around Karnataka. The first newspaper from Kannada Prabha was issued in 1967 on the 4th of November. And after 55 years it is still the best morning daily Kannada newspaper issued with a front sheet format. Their editions are being published in the cities of Bangalore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, and Gulbarga.

Kannada Prabha Shivamogga

SKU: Mag-28364

Kannada Prabha is Kannada Language Newspaper published in Bangalore. Kannada Prabha is the major Kannada newspaper circulating around Karnataka. The first newspaper from Kannada Prabha was issued in 1967 on the 4th of November. And after 55 years it is still the best morning daily Kannada newspaper issued with a front sheet format. Their editions are being published in the cities of Bangalore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, and Gulbarga.


SKU: Mag-25334

Kemmugilu Kannada daily evening newspaper publishing from Mandya, Karnataka.


SKU: Mag-15549

KRISHI JAGRAN is the largest circulated rural family magazine in India, the reason behind its prodigious presence is as it comes in 12 languages –(Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Bengali, Assamese, Odia, Tamil, Malayalam and English – Agriculture World), 23 editions, ten lac plus circulation &reach; to 22 states. 2 Portals in English and Hindi that provide online information on Agriculture, post-harvest management, livestock, farm mechanization, crop advisory, updates on agriculture sector, events and market prices.

Lankesh Patrike

SKU: Mag-26275

ಇದು ಜಾಣ ಜಾಣೆಯರ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆ
ರಾಜಕೀಯ, ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ, ಸಾಂಸ್ಕೃತಿಕ
ವಿಚಾರಗಳ ಅರ್ಥಪೂರ್ಣ ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಣೆ