Beautiful Times – Lifestyle eMagazine on Chennai

Hello Friends,
Happy to bring to you through the Beautiful Times Lifestyle eMagazine on Chennai, a series of articles on what is happening in the city. It could be a newly opened café, or an ancient temple rediscovered in your very own neighbourhood, or a mall that has a new set of shops, a restaurant after a makeover, shops that you give you good deals and bargains. Be it anything, it will help you go to the right places to eat, drink, shop, visit, walk, chat, hang out and generally have a beautiful time!

You will find articles on Malls & Shopping, Clothes & Fashion, Cafes & Cuisine, Arts & Entertainment, Places & Travel and Culture & Tradition. And of course in the Rookies & Review section would love to write about any new place/venture you are aware of or have started.

That is pretty much it folks! Let us have some Beautiful Times together!

Bhuvana Rajaram



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