Chtenia: Readings from Russia
Chtenia is the only regularly published journal of Russian fiction in English, presenting new or long-forgotten works of classic authors like Pushkin, Gogol and Tolstoy alongside works by contemporary authors like Sorokin, Gelasimov and Slavnikova.
But fiction is only the beginning. Each issue of Chtenia has wonderful photography, memoirs, essays on popular culture, song lyrics, poetry, humor, all centered around a chosen theme.
The result is a vivid snapshot of one aspect of Russian culture, an introduction that is sure to give you insights into new areas of Russian life.
“This is an impressive and unusual journal that deserves a space in every university and secondary school’s library collection and in the mailboxes of serious readers, no matter their Russian language skills.” – New Pages
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
United States |
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