Competative Books
Showing 2401–2450 of 4042 results
IAS.UPPCS/RO/ARO/SSC General Science & Technology (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
IAS.UPPCS/RO/ARO/SSC General Science & Technology (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
IAS/All States PCS – General Science & Technology
General Science & Technology Solved Papers
IAS/All States PCS – General Studies
History of Modern India & National Movement Chapter-wise Solved Papers
IAS/All States PCS – Indian Constitution & Governance
Indian Constitution & Governance Solved Papers
IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Exam. Solved Papers
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Exam. Solved Papers exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Main Exam.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Main Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Preliminary Examination
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Preliminary Examination exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IBPS Clerk 2020
This book is a self help book for the people preparing for IBPS Clerk exam This book gives you some basic rules to follow for better performance in exams.
Magazine designed as a complete solution for IBPS Clerk Examinations
IBPS PO 2020
This book is a self help book for the people preparing for IBPS PO exam. This book gives you some basic rules to follow for better performance in exams.
IBPS RRB SO Agriculture Field Officer Scale-II
IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is a self-governing recruitment body which recruits eligible Indian candidates to various posts in different banking organizations of India. It holds recruitment drive to fill up the vacancies of different posts. IBPS conducts online examinations to fill up the vacancies in both commercial as well as rural banks. It will release the recruitment notification for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 under Group ‘A’.
IBPS RRB SO Agriculture Field Officer Scale-II – Hindi
IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is a self-governing recruitment body which recruits eligible Indian candidates to various posts in different banking organizations of India. It holds recruitment drive to fill up the vacancies of different posts. IBPS conducts online examinations to fill up the vacancies in both commercial as well as rural banks. It will release the recruitment notification for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 under Group ‘A’.
IBPS RRB SO General Banking Officer
The job of a General Bank Officer includes handling account-related books, helping and developing a greater bond with its customers, providing them credit facilities, recovering loans from them as and when needed, and a lot more. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), therefore, conducts an exam by the name of IBPS RRB SO (General Banking Officer) to induct competent candidates for dispensing these duties in the capacity of General Banking Officers, for various public sector banks.
IBPS RRB Treasury Manager
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is one of the main institutions which conducts banking exams. IBPS RRB exam is a very popular competitive exam which is conducted to recruit Officers and Office Assistants in the different Regional Rural Banks (RRB) of the country. Treasury Manager manages day-to-day activities in treasury functions to meet the financial obligations of the organization. Performs treasury activities related to cash flow, borrowings, debt, and capital management.
IBPS RRB Treasury Manager Hindi
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is one of the main institutions which conducts banking exams. IBPS RRB exam is a very popular competitive exam which is conducted to recruit Officers and Office Assistants in the different Regional Rural Banks (RRB) of the country. Treasury Manager manages day-to-day activities in treasury functions to meet the financial obligations of the organization. Performs treasury activities related to cash flow, borrowings, debt, and capital management.
IBPS SO HR Officer
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is one of the main institutions which conducts banking exams. IBPS SO is a very popular competitive exam which is conducted to recruit specialist banking officers. These Specialist Officers are appointed in various departments of banks to perform special tasks. The eligible candidates are recruited as Specialist Officers in various banks for different positions. These different positions are IT Officer, Law Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer. HR Officer stands for Human Resources Officer. HR Officers are also known as Personnel Manager. IBPS SO HR Officer has many responsibilities and duties. They are responsible for getting maximum desirable output through the human resources available to the bank. IBPS SO HR Officer is mainly connected with the employees of the organization.
IBPS SO IT Officer
To manage things related to the online transactions of customers in today’s digital world, banks and other financial institutions have begun to induct IT professionals. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), therefore, conducts a recruitment exam for inducting competent IT professionals through the IBPS SO IT Officer exam. EduGorilla also wants to extend its helping hand in reducing the stress involved in preparing for this exam, by introducing IBPS SO IT Officer mock tests and online test series.
IBPS SO IT Officer – Hindi
To manage things related to the online transactions of customers in today’s digital world, banks and other financial institutions have begun to induct IT professionals. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), therefore, conducts a recruitment exam for inducting competent IT professionals through the IBPS SO IT Officer exam. EduGorilla also wants to extend its helping hand in reducing the stress involved in preparing for this exam, by introducing IBPS SO IT Officer mock tests and online test series.