Competative Books
Showing 2601–2650 of 4042 results
JEE-Prep-Straight Line
A mush have series of books for all the JEE aspirants.
JEE Prep series of books is available for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for JEE aspirants. Every book contains detailed theory and solved examples. Good number of problems from previous years IITJEE and AIEEE papers have been explained in detail. The books are written in a manner so that an individual student can understand the concepts and problems. Students are suggested to solve the problems on their own then match the solutions, It will boost their confidence to take this challenging exam.
So go and get the books and give a boost to your JEE preparations !
You can also mail your suggestions at or call (91)9099020032
All the Best !
JEE-Prep-Structure of Atom
A mush have series of books for all the JEE aspirants.
JEE Prep series of books is available for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for JEE aspirants. Every book contains detailed theory and solved examples. Good number of problems from previous years IITJEE and AIEEE papers have been explained in detail. The books are written in a manner so that an individual student can understand the concepts and problems. Students are suggested to solve the problems on their own then match the solutions, It will boost their confidence to take this challenging exam.
So go and get the books and give a boost to your JEE preparations !
You can also mail your suggestions at or call (91)9099020032
All the Best !
A mush have series of books for all the JEE aspirants.
JEE Prep series of books is avilable for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for JEE aspirants. Every book contains detailed theory and solved examples. Good number of problems from previous years IITJEE and AIEEE papers have been explained in detail. The books are written in a manner so that an individual student can understand the concepts and problems. Students are suggested to solve the problems on their own then match the solutions, It will boost their confidence to take this challenging exam.
So go and get the books and give a boost to your JEE preparations !
You can also mail your suggestions at or call (91)9099020032
All the Best !
Jeet Nishchit Hai
Jeevan mein sab hi apne kaaryo mein humesha apne lakshya tak pahunch kar safalta prapt karna chahte hain, kintu kuch hi safal ho paate hain. Aakhir unke andar veh kaun si visheshta hai, kaun sa gunh hai, jo unhe safal bana deta hai? Yeh ek prash hai. “Jeet Nishchit Hai” mein aapko vijaya ki raah par agrasar karne ki purna shamta hai. iss pustak mei manushya ki shaktiyon ko behad sukshmta se bataya gaya hai. manmohak chitro ke maadhyam se aatma-vishwas, sahas, dridh-icchashakti tatha sakaratmak drishtikon ko ek sarvatha naveen tatha anchue tareeke se vishleshit kiya gaya hai. Aap apni saktiyon ko parat-dar-parat apne saamne khulta hua anubhav kare. Yahi iss pustak ki vishishttha hai.(Everyone in life wants to achieve success by reaching their goal always in their work, but only a few succeed.After all, what is the specialty in them, which quality is what makes them successful? This is a question. In “victory is certain”, you have to do the rounds of victory on the path of victory.In this book, the powers of man have been told very subtly.Through inspirational pictures, soul-belief, faith, strong will and positive attitude are analyzed in a completely new and untimely manner. This is the specificity of the book is that you experience your powers opening layer-by-layer in front of you.)
Jeevan Me Safal Hone Ke Upaye
Through this book, identify the hidden powers of your stress and avoid disappointment, fear-free measures and respect actions. This book is to inspire, encourage and fill the person with confidence. The book is like a Beacon light guiding an individual through a route of obstacles.
Jhankhand Polytechnic Pravesh Pariksha (Engineering Pathyakram ke liye)
Jhankhand Polytechnic Pravesh Pariksha (Engineering Pathyakram ke liye)
Jharkhand : Ek Jhalak (With Latest Facts and Data)
Jharkhand : Ek Jhalak (With Latest Facts and Data)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Jharkhand I.T.I. Sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “Jharkhand I.T.I. Sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Jharkhand Karamchari Chayan Aayog Vanrakshi Pre. Exam.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Jharkhand Karamchari Chayan Aayog Vanrakshi Pre. Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Jharkhand Police SubInspector Bharti Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Jharkhand Police SubInspector Bharti Pariksha exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Jharkhand Polytechnic Entrance Examination
Jharkhand Polytechnic Entrance Examination
Jharkhand Sachivalaya SewaS Jharkhand Lok Sewa Ayog sahayak Prarambhik Pariksha
Jharkhand Sachivalaya SewaS Jharkhand Lok Sewa Ayog sahayak Prarambhik Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Jharkhand Sachivalya Nimanvargiya Lipik Prarambhik Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Jharkhand Sachivalya Nimanvargiya Lipik Prarambhik Pariksha exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Jharkhand Samanya Gyan Evam Jila Darshan (With Latest Facts and Data)
Jharkhand Samanya Gyan Evam Jila Darshan (With Latest Facts and Data)
Jharkhand T.E.T. (Prathmik Star) (For Class 1 to 5)
Jharkhand T.E.T. (Prathmik Star) (For Class 1 to 5)
JNU BA (Hons.) 3 Years in Foreign Languages Entrance Exam Guide
This comprehensive book is specially developed for the candidates of JNU: B.A. (Hons.) in Foreign Languages (Chinese, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Persian, Russian and Spanish) All India Entrance Exam for the purpose of Study and practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. Previous Years Papers (Solved) have been provided in the book. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the selected questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates.
JNU: BA (Hons) Foreign Languages Entrance Examination (Cluster-1,2 & 3) Previous Years Papers Solved
The present book of Previous Years’ Papers has been specially published for the aspirants of JNU – BA (Hons) Entrance Exam for admission to 3 years programme in Foreign Languages. The book comprises several Previous Years’ Solved Papers to make you familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked with their answers for Better Understanding. All the papers in the book have been solved by the learned subject-expert with due diligence. Questions asked in previous exam papers make you familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked, with their appropriate answers. The book will prove very useful during the precious moments before the exam for intensive practice to achieve speed, accuracy and perfection. While the exhaustive practice material of this book in the form of solved papers is aimed to be an exponent of your Success, your own due diligence and practice, in harmony with this, will definitely Ensure you a Seat in the Prestigious Course leading you to a Successful Career.
JNU: MA (History) Entrance Exam Guide
Present book has been specially published for the aspirants of Entrance Exam for admission to M.A. (History) course conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi. The book comprises, along with the Specialised Study Material, Solved Previous Year Paper to make you well conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their appropriate answers for Better Understanding. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by learned Subject-expert. The book will serve both as Study Material and a True Test of your preparation for the exam. It is believed, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. While the specialised study and practice material of this book is aimed to professionally guide you for the exam, your own intelligent study and practice in harmony with this will ensure you a definite Success in your endeavour and a seat in the Prestigious Course.
JNU: MA English Entrance Exam Guide
The present mentoring book has been specially published for the aspirants of Entrance Exam for admission to M.A. (English) course conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. The book comprises, along with the Latest Study and Practice Material, a Solved Model Paper to make you well-conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their appropriate answers for Better Understanding of readers. The book is based on the Current Pattern of exam, and will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. While the specialised study and practice material of this book is aimed to professionally guide you for the exam, your own intelligent study and practice in harmony with this will ensure you a definite success in your endeavour and a seat in the Prestigious Course.
JNU: MA Hindi Entrance Exam Guide
यह अनुपम पुस्तक ‘JNU-MA (हिन्दी) प्रवेश परीक्षा’ के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है। परीक्षा की आधुनिक पद्धति पर आधारित यह पुस्तक इस परीक्षा के लिए अति-उपयोगी है। पुस्तक के समुचित अध्ययन तथा गहन अभ्यास द्वारा परीक्षार्थी का ज्ञान तथा बुद्धि-कौशल निस्संदेह अपने चरमोत्कर्ष पर पहुँच सकेगा जिससे वे परीक्षा का सामना पूर्ण आत्म-विश्वास के साथ, सफलतापूर्वक कर सकेंगे। परीक्षा की नवीनतम पद्धति पर आधारित इस पुस्तक में पर्याप्त पठन-सामग्री एवं अभ्यास प्रश्नोत्तरों के साथ एक प्रश्न-पत्र भी हल सहित दिया गया है। पुस्तक में विभिन्न अध्यायों में संयोजित विशेष पठन-सामग्री तथा प्रत्येक अध्याय में विषय पर आधारित विभिन्न प्रकार के बहु-विकल्पीय प्रश्न पर्याप्त मात्रा में दिए गए हैं। पुस्तक में अधिकतर अभ्यास-प्रश्न पूर्व-परीक्षाओं के आधार पर सम्मिलित किये गए हैं जोकि संबंधित विषय-विशेषज्ञों द्वारा हल किए गए हैं। अनेक चुने हुए कठिन प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी, हल करने की सरल विधियों के साथ, उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं। पुस्तक के उचित अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास द्वारा परीक्षार्थी परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति से भली-भांति परिचित हो सकेंगे और परीक्षा में प्रश्नों को शीघ्रता एवं सरलता से हल करके सफलता प्राप्त कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास-सामग्री जहाँ आपके लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी, वहीं इसके साथ आपके अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन इस परीक्षा में सफलता द्वारा आपके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।
Joint CSIR-UGC NET: Chemical Sciences – Previous Years’ Papers (Solved)
This immensely valuable book of Solved Previous Years’ Papers of Joint CSIR-UGC NET for Chemical Sciences is specially published for the aspirants of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) & Lectureship Eligibility Exam. The book comprises several Solved Previous Years’ Papers for CSIR-UGC NET exams on the subject which are solved by Experts. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions in such a manner to be useful for both study and self-practice from the point of view of the exam. The book will help you understand the recent trends of exam and also serve as a true test of your studies & preparation for the exam. The book is highly recommended to improve your problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help you prepare well by practising through these papers to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Joint CSIR-UGC NET: Life Sciences – Previous Years’ Papers (Solved)
This immensely valuable book of Solved Previous Years’ Papers of Joint CSIR-UGC NET for Life Sciences is specially published for the aspirants of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) & Lectureship Eligibility Exam. The book comprises several Solved Previous Years’ Papers for CSIR-UGC NET exams on the subject which are solved by Experts. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions in such a manner to be useful for both study and self-practice from the point of view of the exam. The book will help you understand the recent trends of exam and also serve as a true test of your studies & preparation for the exam. The book is highly recommended to improve your problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help you prepare well by practising through these papers to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Joint CSIR-UGC NET: Mathematical Sciences – Previous Years’ Papers (Solved)
This immensely valuable book of Solved Previous Years’ Papers of Joint CSIR-UGC NET for Mathematical Sciences is specially published for the aspirants of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) & Lectureship Eligibility Exam. The book comprises several Solved Previous Years’ Papers for CSIR-UGC NET exams on the subject which are solved by Experts. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions in such a manner to be useful for both study and self-practice from the point of view of the exam. The book will help you understand the recent trends of exam and also serve as a true test of your studies & preparation for the exam. The book is highly recommended to improve your problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help you prepare well by practising through these papers to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Joint CSIR-UGC NET: Physical Sciences – Previous Years Papers (Solved)
This immensely valuable book of Solved Previous Years’ Papers of Joint CSIR-UGC NET for Physical Sciences is specially published for the aspirants of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) & Lectureship Eligibility Exam. The book comprises several Solved Previous Years’ Papers for CSIR-UGC NET exams on the subject which are solved by Experts. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions in such a manner to be useful for both study and self-practice from the point of view of the exam. The book will help you understand the recent trends of exam and also serve as a true test of your studies & preparation for the exam. The book is highly recommended to improve your problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help you prepare well by practising through these papers to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Journal of Advanced Research in Aeronautics and Space Science – Volume 1 – 2014
Journal of Advanced Research in Aeronautics and Space Science is a peer reviewed Journal and it is devoted to the publication of original scientific research findings, methodological developments, and opinions in the form of original and review articles, brief reports, letters to the editor, proceedings of symposia, debates, etc.
ISSN: 2454-8669
The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields: Aeronautics, Space Science, Acoustics, Space mission analysis, Space robotics, Aerospace, telecommunicationsm, pace exploration, Space and planetary exploration, Space plasmas in the solar system, Ground and flight tests of aerospace systems, Space environment and radiation effects, Flight dynamics, Flight simulation and operations, Aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, Structures and materials, Structural dynamics and aeroelasticity, Space materials and structures, Planets and small bodies of the solar system, Space energy, power and propulsion, Ground and flight tests of aircraft, Ground and flight tests of satellite, Ground and flight tests of rocket, Ground and flight tests of helicopter, Ground and flight tests of air ship, Ground and flight tests of missile, Ground and flight tests of UAV, Ground and space testing of space-borne instrumentation, Airworthiness and maintenance, Thermo-mechanics and reacting flows, Low carbon manufacturing, Plasmas and lasers, Nano application, Small/micro/nano satellite systems, Combustion and propulsion, Space tether systems, Spacecraft and payload design, Orbital dynamics, Satellite attitude control, Space debris, Space communication and on-board hardware design, Earth observation from space and data processing.
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health – Volume 1 – 2016
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health (ISSN: 2456-141X):
Dental and Oral Health, Basic Dentistry, Therapy and Treatment, Current Concepts in Oral Health, Oral Health and Other Diseases, Dental and Oral Abnormalities, Tools and Techniques in Dentistry, Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry
1. Dental and Oral Health: Dental indices, Diet and nutrition for oral health, Effects of dental filling, Effect of tooth brush on oral health, Fluorides for dentistry, Tooth sensitivity
2. Basic Dentistry: Geriatric dentistry, Veterinary dentistry, Pediatric oral health care, Recent advances in dental and craniofacial biology, Oral health and dental hygiene in adolescents 3. Therapy and Treatment: Oral cancer: Complications of therapy, A psycho physiological therapy for dental fear, Bacteriology and treatment of dental infections, Chemoradiation therapy: Effect on dental development, Contemporary orthodontic treatment modalities, Effects of methamphetamine drug on teeth, Oral manifestations and dental treatment in menopause, Tardive dyskinesia: Dental prosthetic therapy, The science and practice of caries prevention, The effects of periodontal treatment on diabetes
4. Current Concepts in Oral Health: How can stem cells cure the oral health, Future trends in oral health and disease, Tobacco and oral diseases, DNA vaccines show promise in preventing dental caries, Cardiovascular disease and dentistry, Protein-mediated enamel mineralization, Measuring oral health and quality of life, Antimicrobial factors in saliva: Ontogeny and relation to oral health
5. Oral Health and Other Diseases: Diet, nutrition, and dental diseases, How do metabolic syndromes effect oral health?, Osteoporosis and tooth decay, Dental erosion and upper gastrointestinal disorders, Dental infections and cardiovascular diseases, Relationship of dental and oral pathology to systemic illness, Occupational skin diseases in dental nurses and laboratory technicians
6. Dental and Oral Abnormalities: Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: Prevalence and associated factors, Cavities and tooth decay, Oral and pharyngeal cancers, Drug-related dental destruction, Dental and periodontal infections, Genetic derangements, Occupational hazards in dentistry, Oral and craniofacial diseases
7. Tools and Techniques in Dentistry: Forensic dentistry, Robotic and digital dentistry, Dental radiography/informatics, Laser applications for dental hygiene, Evolving instrumentations in dentistry, Dental implants and occlusal analysis, Imaging techniques for the craniofacial hard and soft tissues, Sustained-release delivery systems for treatment of dental diseases, Wear performance of dental ceramics after grinding and polishing treatments
8. Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry: Dental practice management and marketing, Primary care and dental health education, Dental aesthetics/cosmetics, Dental epidemiology and public health, Organizations of oral health systems
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health – Volume 2 – 2017
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health (ISSN: 2456-141X):
Dental and Oral Health, Basic Dentistry, Therapy and Treatment, Current Concepts in Oral Health, Oral Health and Other Diseases, Dental and Oral Abnormalities, Tools and Techniques in Dentistry, Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry
1. Dental and Oral Health: Dental indices, Diet and nutrition for oral health, Effects of dental filling, Effect of tooth brush on oral health, Fluorides for dentistry, Tooth sensitivity
2. Basic Dentistry: Geriatric dentistry, Veterinary dentistry, Pediatric oral health care, Recent advances in dental and craniofacial biology, Oral health and dental hygiene in adolescents 3. Therapy and Treatment: Oral cancer: Complications of therapy, A psycho physiological therapy for dental fear, Bacteriology and treatment of dental infections, Chemoradiation therapy: Effect on dental development, Contemporary orthodontic treatment modalities, Effects of methamphetamine drug on teeth, Oral manifestations and dental treatment in menopause, Tardive dyskinesia: Dental prosthetic therapy, The science and practice of caries prevention, The effects of periodontal treatment on diabetes
4. Current Concepts in Oral Health: How can stem cells cure the oral health, Future trends in oral health and disease, Tobacco and oral diseases, DNA vaccines show promise in preventing dental caries, Cardiovascular disease and dentistry, Protein-mediated enamel mineralization, Measuring oral health and quality of life, Antimicrobial factors in saliva: Ontogeny and relation to oral health
5. Oral Health and Other Diseases: Diet, nutrition, and dental diseases, How do metabolic syndromes effect oral health?, Osteoporosis and tooth decay, Dental erosion and upper gastrointestinal disorders, Dental infections and cardiovascular diseases, Relationship of dental and oral pathology to systemic illness, Occupational skin diseases in dental nurses and laboratory technicians
6. Dental and Oral Abnormalities: Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: Prevalence and associated factors, Cavities and tooth decay, Oral and pharyngeal cancers, Drug-related dental destruction, Dental and periodontal infections, Genetic derangements, Occupational hazards in dentistry, Oral and craniofacial diseases
7. Tools and Techniques in Dentistry: Forensic dentistry, Robotic and digital dentistry, Dental radiography/informatics, Laser applications for dental hygiene, Evolving instrumentations in dentistry, Dental implants and occlusal analysis, Imaging techniques for the craniofacial hard and soft tissues, Sustained-release delivery systems for treatment of dental diseases, Wear performance of dental ceramics after grinding and polishing treatments
8. Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry: Dental practice management and marketing, Primary care and dental health education, Dental aesthetics/cosmetics, Dental epidemiology and public health, Organizations of oral health systems
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health – Volume 3 – 2018
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health (ISSN: 2456-141X):
Dental and Oral Health, Basic Dentistry, Therapy and Treatment, Current Concepts in Oral Health, Oral Health and Other Diseases, Dental and Oral Abnormalities, Tools and Techniques in Dentistry, Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry
1. Dental and Oral Health: Dental indices, Diet and nutrition for oral health, Effects of dental filling, Effect of tooth brush on oral health, Fluorides for dentistry, Tooth sensitivity
2. Basic Dentistry: Geriatric dentistry, Veterinary dentistry, Pediatric oral health care, Recent advances in dental and craniofacial biology, Oral health and dental hygiene in adolescents 3. Therapy and Treatment: Oral cancer: Complications of therapy, A psycho physiological therapy for dental fear, Bacteriology and treatment of dental infections, Chemoradiation therapy: Effect on dental development, Contemporary orthodontic treatment modalities, Effects of methamphetamine drug on teeth, Oral manifestations and dental treatment in menopause, Tardive dyskinesia: Dental prosthetic therapy, The science and practice of caries prevention, The effects of periodontal treatment on diabetes
4. Current Concepts in Oral Health: How can stem cells cure the oral health, Future trends in oral health and disease, Tobacco and oral diseases, DNA vaccines show promise in preventing dental caries, Cardiovascular disease and dentistry, Protein-mediated enamel mineralization, Measuring oral health and quality of life, Antimicrobial factors in saliva: Ontogeny and relation to oral health
5. Oral Health and Other Diseases: Diet, nutrition, and dental diseases, How do metabolic syndromes effect oral health?, Osteoporosis and tooth decay, Dental erosion and upper gastrointestinal disorders, Dental infections and cardiovascular diseases, Relationship of dental and oral pathology to systemic illness, Occupational skin diseases in dental nurses and laboratory technicians
6. Dental and Oral Abnormalities: Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: Prevalence and associated factors, Cavities and tooth decay, Oral and pharyngeal cancers, Drug-related dental destruction, Dental and periodontal infections, Genetic derangements, Occupational hazards in dentistry, Oral and craniofacial diseases
7. Tools and Techniques in Dentistry: Forensic dentistry, Robotic and digital dentistry, Dental radiography/informatics, Laser applications for dental hygiene, Evolving instrumentations in dentistry, Dental implants and occlusal analysis, Imaging techniques for the craniofacial hard and soft tissues, Sustained-release delivery systems for treatment of dental diseases, Wear performance of dental ceramics after grinding and polishing treatments
8. Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry: Dental practice management and marketing, Primary care and dental health education, Dental aesthetics/cosmetics, Dental epidemiology and public health, Organizations of oral health systems
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health – Volume 4 – 2019
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental and Oral Health (ISSN: 2456-141X):
Dental and Oral Health, Basic Dentistry, Therapy and Treatment, Current Concepts in Oral Health, Oral Health and Other Diseases, Dental and Oral Abnormalities, Tools and Techniques in Dentistry, Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry
1. Dental and Oral Health: Dental indices, Diet and nutrition for oral health, Effects of dental filling, Effect of tooth brush on oral health, Fluorides for dentistry, Tooth sensitivity
2. Basic Dentistry: Geriatric dentistry, Veterinary dentistry, Pediatric oral health care, Recent advances in dental and craniofacial biology, Oral health and dental hygiene in adolescents 3. Therapy and Treatment: Oral cancer: Complications of therapy, A psycho physiological therapy for dental fear, Bacteriology and treatment of dental infections, Chemoradiation therapy: Effect on dental development, Contemporary orthodontic treatment modalities, Effects of methamphetamine drug on teeth, Oral manifestations and dental treatment in menopause, Tardive dyskinesia: Dental prosthetic therapy, The science and practice of caries prevention, The effects of periodontal treatment on diabetes
4. Current Concepts in Oral Health: How can stem cells cure the oral health, Future trends in oral health and disease, Tobacco and oral diseases, DNA vaccines show promise in preventing dental caries, Cardiovascular disease and dentistry, Protein-mediated enamel mineralization, Measuring oral health and quality of life, Antimicrobial factors in saliva: Ontogeny and relation to oral health
5. Oral Health and Other Diseases: Diet, nutrition, and dental diseases, How do metabolic syndromes effect oral health?, Osteoporosis and tooth decay, Dental erosion and upper gastrointestinal disorders, Dental infections and cardiovascular diseases, Relationship of dental and oral pathology to systemic illness, Occupational skin diseases in dental nurses and laboratory technicians
6. Dental and Oral Abnormalities: Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: Prevalence and associated factors, Cavities and tooth decay, Oral and pharyngeal cancers, Drug-related dental destruction, Dental and periodontal infections, Genetic derangements, Occupational hazards in dentistry, Oral and craniofacial diseases
7. Tools and Techniques in Dentistry: Forensic dentistry, Robotic and digital dentistry, Dental radiography/informatics, Laser applications for dental hygiene, Evolving instrumentations in dentistry, Dental implants and occlusal analysis, Imaging techniques for the craniofacial hard and soft tissues, Sustained-release delivery systems for treatment of dental diseases, Wear performance of dental ceramics after grinding and polishing treatments
8. Regulatory and Ethical Issues of Dentistry: Dental practice management and marketing, Primary care and dental health education, Dental aesthetics/cosmetics, Dental epidemiology and public health, Organizations of oral health systems
Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education – Volume 1 – 2016
Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of English and Education domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoAREE emphasizes on efficient and effective English and Education, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:- Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Discourse and Inter language Pragmatics, English linguistics, English sociolinguistics, English Globalization, English Literature, ELT and Related studies, English Language Teacher Education, English Language Testing and assessment, ESP and EAP, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Language, Gender and Sexism in Language, Heritage Language, Intercultural Studies and Multiculturalism, Interdisciplinary Approaches in Literature, Interpreting Studies, Language and Identity, Language Planning Policy, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literature and Media, Literature in Translation, Media and Language, Research on English Language Teaching/Learning, Second Language Acquisition, Secondary and Tertiary English Education Socio-cultural Factors and English Education, Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development, Teaching English to Young Learners, Translation Studies, Translation in Literature, Translation Studies, Translation and Globalization, Variation and Language Change, World Literature.
Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education – Volume 2 – 2017
Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of English and Education domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoAREE emphasizes on efficient and effective English and Education, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:- Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Discourse and Inter language Pragmatics, English linguistics, English sociolinguistics, English Globalization, English Literature, ELT and Related studies, English Language Teacher Education, English Language Testing and assessment, ESP and EAP, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Language, Gender and Sexism in Language, Heritage Language, Intercultural Studies and Multiculturalism, Interdisciplinary Approaches in Literature, Interpreting Studies, Language and Identity, Language Planning Policy, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literature and Media, Literature in Translation, Media and Language, Research on English Language Teaching/Learning, Second Language Acquisition, Secondary and Tertiary English Education Socio-cultural Factors and English Education, Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development, Teaching English to Young Learners, Translation Studies, Translation in Literature, Translation Studies, Translation and Globalization, Variation and Language Change, World Literature.
Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education – Volume 3 – 2018
Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of English and Education domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoAREE emphasizes on efficient and effective English and Education, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:- Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Discourse and Inter language Pragmatics, English linguistics, English sociolinguistics, English Globalization, English Literature, ELT and Related studies, English Language Teacher Education, English Language Testing and assessment, ESP and EAP, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Language, Gender and Sexism in Language, Heritage Language, Intercultural Studies and Multiculturalism, Interdisciplinary Approaches in Literature, Interpreting Studies, Language and Identity, Language Planning Policy, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literature and Media, Literature in Translation, Media and Language, Research on English Language Teaching/Learning, Second Language Acquisition, Secondary and Tertiary English Education Socio-cultural Factors and English Education, Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development, Teaching English to Young Learners, Translation Studies, Translation in Literature, Translation Studies, Translation and Globalization, Variation and Language Change, World Literature.
Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education – Volume 4 – 2019
Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of English and Education domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoAREE emphasizes on efficient and effective English and Education, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:- Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Discourse and Inter language Pragmatics, English linguistics, English sociolinguistics, English Globalization, English Literature, ELT and Related studies, English Language Teacher Education, English Language Testing and assessment, ESP and EAP, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Language, Gender and Sexism in Language, Heritage Language, Intercultural Studies and Multiculturalism, Interdisciplinary Approaches in Literature, Interpreting Studies, Language and Identity, Language Planning Policy, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Literature and Media, Literature in Translation, Media and Language, Research on English Language Teaching/Learning, Second Language Acquisition, Secondary and Tertiary English Education Socio-cultural Factors and English Education, Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development, Teaching English to Young Learners, Translation Studies, Translation in Literature, Translation Studies, Translation and Globalization, Variation and Language Change, World Literature.
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science – Volume 1 – 2014
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of humanities and social science domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoARHSS emphasizes on efficient and effective humanities and social science, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
1. Humanities and Social Science
2. Other important topics on Social Science
1- Humanities and Social Science:- Humanities, Social Science, Social and Organizational Networks, Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Computing, Social Complexity, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems, Sociology and Social Computation, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Social Science, Applied Social Modeling and Simulation, Administrative Sciences, Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Human Right Law, Human Studies, Human Factor, Human Computer Interaction, Sport and Physical Education, Public Governance, Public administration
2- Other important topics on Social Science:- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Library Science, History, Geography, Economics, Law, Ethics, English Literature, Linguistics, Information Sciences, Industrial Relations, Corporate governance, Crosscultural Studies, Communication studies, Development studies, Population Studies, Criminology, Religious studies, Translation Studies, Women Studies, Demography, Media Studies, Visual arts, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance)
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science – Volume 2 – 2015
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of humanities and social science domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoARHSS emphasizes on efficient and effective humanities and social science, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
1. Humanities and Social Science
2. Other important topics on Social Science
1- Humanities and Social Science:- Humanities, Social Science, Social and Organizational Networks, Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Computing, Social Complexity, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems, Sociology and Social Computation, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Social Science, Applied Social Modeling and Simulation, Administrative Sciences, Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Human Right Law, Human Studies, Human Factor, Human Computer Interaction, Sport and Physical Education, Public Governance, Public administration
2- Other important topics on Social Science:- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Library Science, History, Geography, Economics, Law, Ethics, English Literature, Linguistics, Information Sciences, Industrial Relations, Corporate governance, Crosscultural Studies, Communication studies, Development studies, Population Studies, Criminology, Religious studies, Translation Studies, Women Studies, Demography, Media Studies, Visual arts, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance)
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science – Volume 3 – 2016
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of humanities and social science domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoARHSS emphasizes on efficient and effective humanities and social science, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
1. Humanities and Social Science
2. Other important topics on Social Science
1- Humanities and Social Science:- Humanities, Social Science, Social and Organizational Networks, Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Computing, Social Complexity, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems, Sociology and Social Computation, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Social Science, Applied Social Modeling and Simulation, Administrative Sciences, Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Human Right Law, Human Studies, Human Factor, Human Computer Interaction, Sport and Physical Education, Public Governance, Public administration
2- Other important topics on Social Science:- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Library Science, History, Geography, Economics, Law, Ethics, English Literature, Linguistics, Information Sciences, Industrial Relations, Corporate governance, Crosscultural Studies, Communication studies, Development studies, Population Studies, Criminology, Religious studies, Translation Studies, Women Studies, Demography, Media Studies, Visual arts, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance)
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science – Volume 4 – 2017
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of humanities and social science domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoARHSS emphasizes on efficient and effective humanities and social science, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
1. Humanities and Social Science
2. Other important topics on Social Science
1- Humanities and Social Science:- Humanities, Social Science, Social and Organizational Networks, Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Computing, Social Complexity, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems, Sociology and Social Computation, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Social Science, Applied Social Modeling and Simulation, Administrative Sciences, Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Human Right Law, Human Studies, Human Factor, Human Computer Interaction, Sport and Physical Education, Public Governance, Public administration
2- Other important topics on Social Science:- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Library Science, History, Geography, Economics, Law, Ethics, English Literature, Linguistics, Information Sciences, Industrial Relations, Corporate governance, Crosscultural Studies, Communication studies, Development studies, Population Studies, Criminology, Religious studies, Translation Studies, Women Studies, Demography, Media Studies, Visual arts, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance)
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science – Volume 5 – 2018
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of humanities and social science domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoARHSS emphasizes on efficient and effective humanities and social science, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
1. Humanities and Social Science
2. Other important topics on Social Science
1- Humanities and Social Science:- Humanities, Social Science, Social and Organizational Networks, Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Computing, Social Complexity, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems, Sociology and Social Computation, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Social Science, Applied Social Modeling and Simulation, Administrative Sciences, Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Human Right Law, Human Studies, Human Factor, Human Computer Interaction, Sport and Physical Education, Public Governance, Public administration
2- Other important topics on Social Science:- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Library Science, History, Geography, Economics, Law, Ethics, English Literature, Linguistics, Information Sciences, Industrial Relations, Corporate governance, Crosscultural Studies, Communication studies, Development studies, Population Studies, Criminology, Religious studies, Translation Studies, Women Studies, Demography, Media Studies, Visual arts, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance)
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science – Volume 6 – 2019
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications which dedicated to the latest advancement of humanities and social science domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development. JoARHSS emphasizes on efficient and effective humanities and social science, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
1. Humanities and Social Science
2. Other important topics on Social Science
1- Humanities and Social Science:- Humanities, Social Science, Social and Organizational Networks, Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Computing, Social Complexity, Social Systems Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems, Sociology and Social Computation, Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Social Science, Applied Social Modeling and Simulation, Administrative Sciences, Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Human Right Law, Human Studies, Human Factor, Human Computer Interaction, Sport and Physical Education, Public Governance, Public administration
2- Other important topics on Social Science:- Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Library Science, History, Geography, Economics, Law, Ethics, English Literature, Linguistics, Information Sciences, Industrial Relations, Corporate governance, Crosscultural Studies, Communication studies, Development studies, Population Studies, Criminology, Religious studies, Translation Studies, Women Studies, Demography, Media Studies, Visual arts, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance)
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Volume 1 – 2014
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications. JoARJMC is a Peer Review Journal and the published content is based on the original contributions in all fields of Journalism and Mass Communication. Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication:- Journalism, Journalism Research and Education, Mass Communication, Mass Communication, History and Society, Mass Communication, Society and Globalization, Communications, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication Technology and Digital Media, Communication and Multi-Media CampaignsCommunication Policy and Regulation, Communication and Culture, International Communication, Visual Communication, Tele-communications, Risk, Stigma and Health Communication, Media Ethics, Media Education, Media Education Research, Media Law and Regulation, Media Industry Trends and Dynamics, Media and Sport, Media and Globalization, Media and Democracy, Media Management, Media Management and Economics, Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies, Media, Information and Communication Literacy, Radio-TV Journalism, Radio, Television and Entertainment Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Film Studies, Newspaper, Magazine, Social Media, Documentary Production, Web-based Journalism, Scholastic Journalism, Disaster Coverage in the Media, Alternative and Community Media, Political Communication and Media, Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication, Law and Policy for Journalism & Mass Communication, New Technologies and Innovation in Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Volume 2 – 2015
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications. JoARJMC is a Peer Review Journal and the published content is based on the original contributions in all fields of Journalism and Mass Communication. Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication:- Journalism, Journalism Research and Education, Mass Communication, Mass Communication, History and Society, Mass Communication, Society and Globalization, Communications, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication Technology and Digital Media, Communication and Multi-Media CampaignsCommunication Policy and Regulation, Communication and Culture, International Communication, Visual Communication, Tele-communications, Risk, Stigma and Health Communication, Media Ethics, Media Education, Media Education Research, Media Law and Regulation, Media Industry Trends and Dynamics, Media and Sport, Media and Globalization, Media and Democracy, Media Management, Media Management and Economics, Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies, Media, Information and Communication Literacy, Radio-TV Journalism, Radio, Television and Entertainment Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Film Studies, Newspaper, Magazine, Social Media, Documentary Production, Web-based Journalism, Scholastic Journalism, Disaster Coverage in the Media, Alternative and Community Media, Political Communication and Media, Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication, Law and Policy for Journalism & Mass Communication, New Technologies and Innovation in Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Volume 3 – 2016
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications. JoARJMC is a Peer Review Journal and the published content is based on the original contributions in all fields of Journalism and Mass Communication. Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication:- Journalism, Journalism Research and Education, Mass Communication, Mass Communication, History and Society, Mass Communication, Society and Globalization, Communications, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication Technology and Digital Media, Communication and Multi-Media CampaignsCommunication Policy and Regulation, Communication and Culture, International Communication, Visual Communication, Tele-communications, Risk, Stigma and Health Communication, Media Ethics, Media Education, Media Education Research, Media Law and Regulation, Media Industry Trends and Dynamics, Media and Sport, Media and Globalization, Media and Democracy, Media Management, Media Management and Economics, Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies, Media, Information and Communication Literacy, Radio-TV Journalism, Radio, Television and Entertainment Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Film Studies, Newspaper, Magazine, Social Media, Documentary Production, Web-based Journalism, Scholastic Journalism, Disaster Coverage in the Media, Alternative and Community Media, Political Communication and Media, Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication, Law and Policy for Journalism & Mass Communication, New Technologies and Innovation in Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Volume 4 – 2017
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications. JoARJMC is a Peer Review Journal and the published content is based on the original contributions in all fields of Journalism and Mass Communication. Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication:- Journalism, Journalism Research and Education, Mass Communication, Mass Communication, History and Society, Mass Communication, Society and Globalization, Communications, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication Technology and Digital Media, Communication and Multi-Media CampaignsCommunication Policy and Regulation, Communication and Culture, International Communication, Visual Communication, Tele-communications, Risk, Stigma and Health Communication, Media Ethics, Media Education, Media Education Research, Media Law and Regulation, Media Industry Trends and Dynamics, Media and Sport, Media and Globalization, Media and Democracy, Media Management, Media Management and Economics, Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies, Media, Information and Communication Literacy, Radio-TV Journalism, Radio, Television and Entertainment Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Film Studies, Newspaper, Magazine, Social Media, Documentary Production, Web-based Journalism, Scholastic Journalism, Disaster Coverage in the Media, Alternative and Community Media, Political Communication and Media, Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication, Law and Policy for Journalism & Mass Communication, New Technologies and Innovation in Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Volume 5 – 2018
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications. JoARJMC is a Peer Review Journal and the published content is based on the original contributions in all fields of Journalism and Mass Communication. Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication:- Journalism, Journalism Research and Education, Mass Communication, Mass Communication, History and Society, Mass Communication, Society and Globalization, Communications, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication Technology and Digital Media, Communication and Multi-Media CampaignsCommunication Policy and Regulation, Communication and Culture, International Communication, Visual Communication, Tele-communications, Risk, Stigma and Health Communication, Media Ethics, Media Education, Media Education Research, Media Law and Regulation, Media Industry Trends and Dynamics, Media and Sport, Media and Globalization, Media and Democracy, Media Management, Media Management and Economics, Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies, Media, Information and Communication Literacy, Radio-TV Journalism, Radio, Television and Entertainment Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Film Studies, Newspaper, Magazine, Social Media, Documentary Production, Web-based Journalism, Scholastic Journalism, Disaster Coverage in the Media, Alternative and Community Media, Political Communication and Media, Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication, Law and Policy for Journalism & Mass Communication, New Technologies and Innovation in Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Volume 6 – 2019
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication is a Journal from bouquet of Advance Research Publications. JoARJMC is a Peer Review Journal and the published content is based on the original contributions in all fields of Journalism and Mass Communication. Journal of Advance Research in Journalism and Mass Communication:- Journalism, Journalism Research and Education, Mass Communication, Mass Communication, History and Society, Mass Communication, Society and Globalization, Communications, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication Technology and Digital Media, Communication and Multi-Media CampaignsCommunication Policy and Regulation, Communication and Culture, International Communication, Visual Communication, Tele-communications, Risk, Stigma and Health Communication, Media Ethics, Media Education, Media Education Research, Media Law and Regulation, Media Industry Trends and Dynamics, Media and Sport, Media and Globalization, Media and Democracy, Media Management, Media Management and Economics, Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies, Media, Information and Communication Literacy, Radio-TV Journalism, Radio, Television and Entertainment Studies, Advertising, Public Relations, Film Studies, Newspaper, Magazine, Social Media, Documentary Production, Web-based Journalism, Scholastic Journalism, Disaster Coverage in the Media, Alternative and Community Media, Political Communication and Media, Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication, Law and Policy for Journalism & Mass Communication, New Technologies and Innovation in Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science – Volume 1 – 2014
JoARLIS is a UGC Aproved, highly indexed and published on a peer review platform with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of library and information science.
Focus & Scope of JoARLIS:- Library and Information Science, Social Networking and Libraries, E-Library, Digital Library Systems, Digital Library Services and Applications, Digital Library Development and Management, Digital Library Standards and Policy, Digital Library Open Sources, Digital Preservation, Faculty/Librarian Partnerships or Collaborations, Cutting Edge Instruction and Reference Techniques, Copyright issues in Digital Environment, Remote Access, Collection Development Strategies, Intellectual property rights, Document Delivery, E-resources, Information and Communication Technology, Information Retrieval, Information Seeking Behavior, Information Literacy, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Management, Web 2.0
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science – Volume 2 – 2015
JoARLIS is a UGC Aproved, highly indexed and published on a peer review platform with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of library and information science.
Focus & Scope of JoARLIS:- Library and Information Science, Social Networking and Libraries, E-Library, Digital Library Systems, Digital Library Services and Applications, Digital Library Development and Management, Digital Library Standards and Policy, Digital Library Open Sources, Digital Preservation, Faculty/Librarian Partnerships or Collaborations, Cutting Edge Instruction and Reference Techniques, Copyright issues in Digital Environment, Remote Access, Collection Development Strategies, Intellectual property rights, Document Delivery, E-resources, Information and Communication Technology, Information Retrieval, Information Seeking Behavior, Information Literacy, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Management, Web 2.0
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science – Volume 3 – 2016
JoARLIS is a UGC Aproved, highly indexed and published on a peer review platform with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of library and information science.
Focus & Scope of JoARLIS:- Library and Information Science, Social Networking and Libraries, E-Library, Digital Library Systems, Digital Library Services and Applications, Digital Library Development and Management, Digital Library Standards and Policy, Digital Library Open Sources, Digital Preservation, Faculty/Librarian Partnerships or Collaborations, Cutting Edge Instruction and Reference Techniques, Copyright issues in Digital Environment, Remote Access, Collection Development Strategies, Intellectual property rights, Document Delivery, E-resources, Information and Communication Technology, Information Retrieval, Information Seeking Behavior, Information Literacy, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Management, Web 2.0