Showing 3601–3650 of 4042 results

SUPER TET 2019-2020

SKU: Mag-19742

SUPER TET 2019-2020

Super TET Math and Reasoning

SKU: Mag-19761

Super TET Math and Reasoning

Super TET Science and Information Technology

SKU: Mag-19762

Super TET Science and Information Technology

Super-Hit Jokes

SKU: Mag-22974

The jokes in this book are “super-hit” in the respect that they are loved and laughed at by people every time and at every place.

Syllabus for Civil Services Exam.

SKU: Mag-18413

Syllabus for Civil Services Exam.

Taarkik Yogyata Evam Ganitiya Parikshan

SKU: Mag-18693

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Taarkik Yogyata Evam Ganitiya Parikshan exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Tally ERP 9 (Power Of Simplicity)

SKU: Mag-22906

“Tally.ERP 9 is the latest ERP offering of the Tally software series. This book gives you an in-depth knowledge of working with Tally.ERP 9 in a precise and easy to understand language with lots of examples and illustrations. It begins with the basic concepts of accounting so that the beginners in this field can get the desired knowledge before laying their hands on Tally.ERP 9. All the topics from creating a company in Tally.ERP 9 to adding Godowns, Stock Items, Ledger Accounts, etc. are covered in detail with examples. The book also covers the Payroll Inventory System and its related entries in an easy to understand language, and in the end, you are introduced to the basics of Tally.NET.
Therefore, the book is a must read for all, who wish to learn the latest version of Tally, particularly, it’s a boon in disguise for the students from commerce background.

Tantrik Siddhiyan

SKU: Mag-22971

For the Tantriks and the normal readers both, this book is a descriptive text containing simple and unserstandable descriptions of the various “tantrik kriyas”.

Tarksangat Vivechan & Vishleshanatmak Abhiyogyata

SKU: Mag-18403

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Tarksangat Vivechan & Vishleshanatmak Abhiyogyata exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Teacher Eligibility Test (Paper-I) (For Classes I-V)

SKU: Mag-18044

Teacher Eligibility Test (Paper-I) (For Classes I-V)

Teacher Eligibility Test (Social Studies Teacher) (Paper-II) (For Classes VI-VIII)

SKU: Mag-18038

Teacher Eligibility Test (Social Studies Teacher) (Paper-II) (For Classes VI-VIII)

Teacher Eligibility Test Environmental Studies (For Classes IV)

SKU: Mag-18272

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Teacher Eligibility Test Environmental Studies (For Classes IV) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Teacher Eligibility Test Social Studies (For Classes VIVIII)

SKU: Mag-18380

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Teacher Eligibility Test Social Studies (For Classes VIVIII) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Teacher Eligibility Test Solved Papers

SKU: Mag-18323

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Teacher Eligibility Test Solved Papers exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Teacher’s Attitude and Aptitude Test

SKU: Mag-18384

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “Teacher’s Attitude and Aptitude Test” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Teaching Aptitude (with MCQ)

SKU: Mag-23861

The immensely useful book for all teachers (TGT, PGT/J.B.T./N.T.T./E.T.E./B.Ed./E.El.Ed.) recruitment exmaination.

Teaching Aptitude & Teaching Attitude

SKU: Mag-23441

प्रस्तुत पुस्तक विभिन्न संस्थानों द्वारा आयोजित ‘शिक्षक भर्ती परीक्षा’ के अभ्यर्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है। परीक्षा की आधुनिक पद्धति तथा नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित यह पुस्तक अभ्यर्थियों के लिए अति-उपयोगी है। पुस्तक में संयोजित विशेष पठन.सामग्री तथा अभ्यास हेतु अनेक बहु.विकल्पीय प्रश्न हल-सहित दिए गए हैं। आपकी बेहतर जानकारी के लिए पुस्तक में पूर्व-परीक्षाओं के प्रश्न भी हल सहित सम्मिलित किये गये हैं। इनके द्वारा आप परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति तथा उन्हें हल करने की विधियों से भली-भाँति परिचित हो सकेंगे। पुस्तक में ‘शिक्षण अभिरुचि एवं शिक्षण अभिवृत्ति’ विषय पर पर्याप्त पठन एवं अभ्यास-सामग्री उपलब्ध करवायी गई है। पुस्तक में संयोजित अभ्यास-प्रश्नोत्तरों के समुचित अभ्यास द्वारा आप निस्संदेह अपने बुद्धि.कौशल तथा सरलता एवं तीव्र गति से प्रश्नों को हल करने की क्षमता का पर्याप्त विकास कर सकेंगे और अपनी आगामी परीक्षा में स्वयं को आत्मविश्वास सहित, सफलतापूर्वक प्रस्तुत कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास-सामग्री जहाँ आपके लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी, वहीं इसके साथ आपके अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन शिक्षा-क्षेत्र में आपके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।

Teaching Aptitude & Teaching Attitude – English

SKU: Mag-23867

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of ‘All Teachers’ Recruitment Exams’ (B.Ed., B.El.Ed., CTET, DSSSB, JKSSB, Nursery/Assistant/Primary Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya (PRT/TGT/PGT), Navodaya Vidyalaya (TGT/PGT) & NTT/ETE Exam) conducted by various boards & institutions. The book comprises Latest Study and Practice Material based on the current exam pattern to make you familiar with the trends of exams, the type of questions asked and their answers. The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous Multiple Choice Question-Answers on ‘Teaching Aptitude & Teaching Attitude’. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by learned subject-expert with due diligence. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding of readers. Based on the Current Pattern of exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.

Team Leadership

SKU: Mag-18845

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the

Team Leadership test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions,

not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling

you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to

clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone

your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Technical Trades RAILWAY Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician ( Grade III ) Examinations

SKU: Mag-17962

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Technical Trades RAILWAY Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician ( Grade III ) Examinations exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Technical Trades RAILWAY Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician ( Grade III ) Examinations-Hindi

SKU: Mag-18098

Technical Trades RAILWAY Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician ( Grade III ) Examinations-Hindi

TELANGANA DCC Bank Staff Assistant / Clerk Recruitment Exam

SKU: Mag-18143

TELANGANA DCC Bank Staff Assistant / Clerk Recruitment Exam.

Television Programme Production

SKU: Mag-22742

“In spite of the fact that India produces the maximum number of films each year, quality books and magazines related to the production of programmes for television channels and even those related to cinema, video, and television are difficult to find. To pave this gap, the two writers have penned down their years of experience and knowledge of Television Films in this book. Television is no longer merely a source of entertainment or income.
This book is very informative for readers who are interested in Television Programme Production. In this book, all processes and equipment used in the production of a television programme have been explained with the help of pictures and diagrams. This is definitely a multi-dimensional book in its own right, and will definitely prove to be very helpful to the readers who are interested in knowing more about the subject.
The Hindi version of the book has received the prestigious “Bhartendu Harishchander Award 2008” under Media and Mass Communication Category. The awards are given annually by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Territorial Army Officers

SKU: Mag-19723

Territorial Army Officers


SKU: Mag-26209


TGT – PGT Commerce

SKU: Mag-20394

TGT – PGT Commerce

TGT – PGT English

SKU: Mag-20392

TGT- PGT English

TGT Bharti Pariksha Grah Vigyan

SKU: Mag-18634

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in TGT Bharti Pariksha Grah Vigyan exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

TGT Bharti Pariksha Vanijya

SKU: Mag-18113

TGT Bharti Pariksha Vanijya


SKU: Mag-20397


TGT-PGT Physical Education

SKU: Mag-20386

TGT-PGT Physical Education


SKU: Mag-23776



SKU: Mag-23809


TGT/PGT Computer Science

SKU: Mag-18872

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in TGT/PGT Computer Science exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.


SKU: Mag-20052



SKU: Mag-23788



SKU: Mag-23786


TGT/PGT/LT Grade/GIC – Commerce

SKU: Mag-27953

TGT/PGT/LT Grade/GIC – Commerce


SKU: Mag-27867


TGT/PGT/LT Grade/GIC/DIET/DSSSB/RPSC/KVS/NVS – Social Science (Economics)

SKU: Mag-27763

TGT/PGT/LT Grade/GIC/DIET/DSSSB/RPSC/KVS/NVS – Social Science (Economics)

TGT/PGT/RAS PSC/Delhi/Jharkhand/Navoday Lecturer Question Bank – Biology

SKU: Mag-25399

TGT/PGT/RAS PSC/Delhi/Jharkhand/Navoday Lecturer Question Bank – Biology

The Art Of English Speaking Course

SKU: Mag-18880

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in The Art Of English Speaking Course exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

The Art of Public Speaking

SKU: Mag-18836

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in The Art of Public Speaking exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

The art of Sentence Arrangement

SKU: Mag-18314

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in The art of Sentence Arrangement exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

The Art of Speaking English

SKU: Mag-18819

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in The Art of Speaking English exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

The Complete Guide To Group Discussion

SKU: Mag-22739

“Group Discussions (GD) are commonly used to assess several personality aspects of candidates during various entrance tests and as a part of selection process for various jobs. It can be a game changer for most students in their entrance rests and placement chances, since most technically and aptitude sound students even falter at GD.
This comprehensive guide book on GD helps you clear the fog surrounding GD and by following its step-by-step instructions you can become a winner in GD.
This book includes:
• Insight into: Need of GD, Do’s & Don’ts in GD, Body Language & Public Speaking, Skills & Ability required in GD, and so on.
• Important GD topics, How to gather Information for GD, Reading & Practice for GD
• Practical tips on GD Preparation & Participation
Go Ahead, Enjoy Reading and Be a Winner!!!

The Constitution of India

SKU: Mag-23438

The book covers almost all the topics, which are important from the point of view of competitive examinations so that not only the prospective candidates for these examinations but the general reader also could have the knowledge of Constitution of India. Though there are a-dime-a-dozen books available in the market on the subject, yet this book has a special place among all because of its unique presentation and contents. The book is presented in a simple reader-friendly manner to enable all types of readers easily learn, understand and practise the intricacies of Constitution of India. The book covers almost all aspects of Indian Constitution with numerous multiple choice question-answers. There is a spectrum of questions in exhaustive exercises to test your knowledge and learning of Indian Constitution, and to provide ample scope for practice to prepare for academic and competitive exams as well. The book will definitely prove to be a boon to the inquisitive students, competitive exam-aspirants, and other readers in sharpening their knowledge of Indian Constitution and prepare them well for their respective exams.

The Expat Education Guide

SKU: Mag-2002

This guide provides information to those interested in sending their children to an international school in Malaysia. It includes comprehensive information on the range of schools in the country.

The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. Assistants Recruitment Exam.

SKU: Mag-18333

The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. Assistants Recruitment Exam.