Showing 651–700 of 5026 results

2023-24 UPSSSC/VDO Vol.-3 General Knowledge

SKU: Mag-28514

2023-24 UPSSSC/VDO Vol.-3 General Knowledge Solved Papers

2023-24 UPTET (Primary Level 1-5)

SKU: Mag-28590

2023-24 UPTET (1-5) Solved Papers

2023-24 UPTET Science Group Practice Set

SKU: Mag-28597

2023-24 UPTET Science Group Practice Set Solved Papers

2023-24 Uttarakhand PSC General Studies & CSAT

SKU: Mag-28003

2023-24 Uttarakhand PSC General Studies & CSAT

2023-24 WBPSC JE/AE Civil Engineering

SKU: Mag-28537

2023-24 WBPSC JE/AE Civil Engineering Solved Papers

2023-24 Year Book Current Affairs

SKU: Mag-28411

2023-24 Year Book Current Affairs

2024 SSC CGL

SKU: Mag-27855

2024 SSC CGL


SKU: Mag-14085

2054 is the first digital comic printed under the label “Phylaktera Comics” and it will bring to you the most amazing tales from a future as it once was imagined by artists like Kubert, Toth, Wolverton and many others. Hundreds of pages will be revived to give you the pleasure of an entertaining reading in a digital format that matches the experience of holding in your hands a hot off the press comic book from the 1950’s.

21 Power Tools Of Reiki

SKU: Mag-22110

Are you suffering from ailments your doctor has no satisfactory remedy for? Why not try Reiki? If channelized properly, Reiki can be used for some very specific purposes with astonishing results. Through the 21 power tools, this book teaches you just how, in a step-by-step manner. The outcome of five years research, this book is a collection of different methods and tools that make Reiki most effective by concentrating on the flow of energy. The book outlines these tools that you could use for every occasion. Highlights: *Tools for every occasion *How to use Reiki for specific purposes *The benefits of awareness and detachment *Relaxation and distress through specific forms of meditation and the power of affirmations and the Reiki Prayer *Manitain health and vitality through Tibetan exercises *The benefits of salt water bath and aura cleansing…and much much more #v&spublishers

24 Characteristics of a Genius

SKU: Mag-17097

This book is a discovery of the 24 common
characteristics that have been found in the world ‘s
greatest geniuses that have ever lived; Mozart,
Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. One can develop these
attributes by adopting and practicing them. They
enable you to unlock your innate potential on a
genius level for the actuality of feeling happy and
living up to your potential. I CONGRATULATE
Walking on sunshine is your destiny.
These are the 24 genius characteristics that are
presently used by the Fortune 500 companies and
their executives which sets them apart from
everyday people. -Mr. Burnett photojournalist
The best explained and applicable definitions of
Genius used in the modern world you will find are
on the next pages. For the word’s origin turn to the
end of the book. You might find interesting.
Believe me, in this book lies a treasure that now I
share with you, that now belongs to you like the
beauty and grace of nature itself. You can’t stop
the feeling once you start to enjoy your
adventure of living. Welcome sunshine!
– Kristina Toth
Creative Director

251 Study Secrets Top Achiever

SKU: Mag-22111

251 Study Secrets from the Diary of a Top Achiever provides you 251 easy methods and tricks to achieve top success in studies – without stress and tension. This unique ‘quick help’ book for students deals with all the topics that are important for your study success. Here are some of those topics: * Confidence* Motivation* Choosing Career* Fixing Goal in Mind* Increasing Brainpower* Program to Succeed* Concentration* Managing Time* Becoming Healthy* Learning More in Class This book is written in short, concise form so that you can read fast, learn quickly, and use instantly! #v&spublishers

2828 Inspiring Quotations and Proverbs (with Author Index)

SKU: Mag-18166

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in 2828 Inspiring Quotations and Proverbs (with Author Index) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

30 Days Crash Course for NEET Biology

SKU: Mag-16748

Revise the entire syllabus of NEET Biology with day wise plan, practice questions with practice papers & previous year paper.

Content :

1 Biological Classification (Living World + Biological Classification)
2 Plant Kingdom
3 Animal Kingdom
4 Morphology and Anatomy of Flowering Plants
5 Structural Organization in Animals
6 Cell and its Structural Components (Cell and Biomolecules)
7 Cell Cycle and Cell division
Test 1
8 Transports in Plants
9 Mineral Nutrition
10 Photosynthesis
11 Respiration in Plants
12 Plant Growth and Development
Test 2
13 Digestion and Absorption
14 Breathing and Exchange of Gases
15 Body Fluids and Circulation
16 Excretory Products and their elimination
17 Locomotion and Movement
18 Neural Control and Coordination
19 Chemical Coordination and Integration
Test 3
20 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
21 Human Reproduction and Reproductive Health
22 Principles of Inheritance and Variation
23 Molecular Basis of Inheritance
24 Evolution
Test 4
25 Human Health and Diseases
26 Biology in Human Welfare (Strategies + Microbes)
27 Biotechnology (Principles and Processes + Biotechnology & its Application)
28 Ecosystem (Organism & Population + Ecosystem)
29 Biodiversity and Conservation
30 Environmental Issues
Test 5
Mock Test Papers
Answer Keys (Unit Tests)
NEET Solved Paper 2017

30 Days Crash Course for NEET Chemistry

SKU: Mag-16744

30 days NEET a revision cum crash course Chemistry provides a speedy revision plan for complete Chemistry in 30 days. It comes with concise review of all the concepts as per the latest syllabus and emphasize on the formulas and facts in an easy and tabular form. It is a focused program study for the NEET aspirant’s full preparation. Complete book divides chapter revision in day-wise manner with question practice (Exam drill) to ensure full revision. 5 unit test are given after certain number of days to check the effectiveness of revision and analysis of the performance. One model test paper is given on 30th day with answer keys of every unit test and solved NEET 2017 exam paper.
Revise the entire syllabus of NEET Chemistry with day wise plan, practice questions with practice papers & previous year paper.

Content :

1 Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
2 Structure of Atom
3 Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties
4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
5 States of Matter (Gases and Liquids)
6 Thermodynamics
7 Equilibrium
8 Redox Reactions
9 Hydrogen
10 The s-Block Elements
11 The p-Block Elements (Group 13 and 14)
12 Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques
13 Hydrocarbons
14 Environmental Chemistry
15 Solid State
16 Solutions
17 Electrochemistry
18 Chemical Kinetics
19 Surface Chemistry
20 General Principle and Processes of Isolation of Elements
21 The p-Block Elements (Group 15 to 18)
22 The d- and f-Block Elements
23 Coordination Compounds
24 Haloalkans and Haloarenes
25 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
26 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
27 Amines
28 Biomolecules
29 Polymers
30 Chemistry in Everyday Life
Mock Test Papers
Answer Keys (Unit Tests)
NEET Solved Paper 2017

30 Days Crash Course for NEET Physics

SKU: Mag-16743

30 days NEET a revision cum crash course Physics provides a speedy revision plan for complete Physics in 30 days. It comes with concise review of all the concepts as per the latest syllabus and emphasize on the formulas and facts in an easy and tabular form. It is a focused program study for the NEET aspirant’s full preparation. Complete book divides chapter revision in day-wise manner with question practice (Exam drill) to ensure full revision. 5 unit test are given after certain number of days to check the effectiveness of revision and analysis of the performance. One model test paper is given on 30th day with answer keys of every unit test and solved NEET 2017 exam paper. Revise the entire syllabus of NEET Physics with day wise plan, practice questions with practice papers & previous year paper.

30 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions-Biology

SKU: Mag-16745

30 years NEET/AIPMT Chapter wise solutions Biology is a chapter wise question bank having questions from past 30 years NEET/AIPMT exam. This book is updated with the questions of NEET 2017 exam and Chapter wise questions of last 30 years’ (1988-2017) of AIPMT/NEET with detailed answers for easy and clear understanding of NEET Exam pattern. Chapter wise questions gives a clear idea regarding chapter weightage. Once after completing the chapter, attempting questions from previous years exams give a real indication of the efforts required.


1. The Living World
2. Biological Classification
3. Plant Kingdom
4. Animal Kingdom
5. Morphology of Flowering Plants
6. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
7. Structural Organisation in Animals
8. Cell-The Unit of Life
9. Biomolecules
10. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
11. Transport in Plants
12. Mineral Nutrition
13. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
14. Respiration in Plants
15. Plant Growth and Development
16. Digestion and Absorption
17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
18. Body Fluids and Circulation
19. Excretory Products and Their Elimination
20. Locomotion and Movement
21. Neural Control and Coordination
22. Chemical Coordination and Integration.
23. Reproduction in Organisms
24. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
25. Human Reproduction
26. Reproductive Health
27. Principles of Inheritance and Variation.
28. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
29. Evolution
30. Human Health and Diseases
31. Strategies for Enhancement in
Food Production
32. Microbes in Human Welfare
33. Biotechnology: Principles and Processes.
34. Biotechnology and Its Applications.
35. Organisms and Populations.
36. Ecosystem.
37. Biodiversity and Conservation.
38. Environmental Issues

30 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions-Physics

SKU: Mag-16747

30 years NEET/AIPMT Chapter wise solutions Physics is a chapter wise question bank having questions from past 30 years NEET/AIPMT exam. This book is updated with the questions of NEET 2017 exam and Chapter wise questions of last 30 years’ (1988-2017) of AIPMT/NEET with detailed answers for easy and clear understanding of NEET Exam pattern. Chapter wise questions gives a clear idea regarding chapter weightage. Once after completing the chapter, attempting questions from previous years exams give a real indication of the efforts required.


1. Units and Measurement
2. Motion in a Straight Line
3. Motion in a Plane
4. Laws of Motion
5. Work, Energy and Power
6. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
7. Gravitation
8. Properties of Matter
9. Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory
10. Oscillations
11. Waves
12. Electrostatics
13. Current Electricity
14. Moving Charges and Magnetism
15. Magnetism and Matter
16. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
17. Electromagnetic Waves
18. Optics
19. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
20. Atoms and Nuclei
21. Semiconductor Electronics : Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits

30 Years NEET-AIPMTChapterwise Solutions-Chemistry

SKU: Mag-16746

30 years NEET/AIPMT Chapter wise solutions Chemistry is a chapter wise question bank having questions from past 30 years NEET/AIPMT exam. This book is updated with the questions of NEET 2017 exam and Chapter wise questions of last 30 years’ (1988-2017) of AIPMT/NEET with detailed answers for easy and clear understanding of NEET Exam pattern. Chapter wise questions gives a clear idea regarding chapter weightage. Once after completing the chapter, attempting questions from previous years exams give a real indication of the efforts required.


1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
2. Structure of Atom
3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
5. States of Matter : Gases and Liquids
6. Thermodynamics
7. Equilibrium
8. Redox Reactions
9. Hydrogen
10. s-Block Elements
11. p-Block Elements (Group 13 and 14)
12. Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques
13. Hydrocarbons
14. Environmental Chemistry
15. Solid State
16. Solutions
17. Electrochemistry
18. Chemical Kinetics
19. Surface Chemistry
20. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
21. p-Block Elements (Group 15 to 18)
22. d-and f-Block Elements
23. Coordination Compounds
24. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
25. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
26. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
27. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
28. Biomolecules
29. Polymers
30. Chemistry in Everyday Life
31. Nuclear Chemistry .

366 words in Bengaluru

SKU: Mag-26348

“””Help your child learn new words and get to know our Bengaluru (Bangalore) all in one unique children’s book.

Are you teaching your child new words in English. Research suggests that learning words with accompanying pictures makes it faster and easier to remember new words. But what if the pictures are actual places in your very own city of Bengaluru. Learn 366 words and concepts through real landmarks, parks, places of work, festivals, culture, experiences and cuisine of Bengaluru. Along with new words you can also help your child discover the history of Bengaluru, how the city got its name, famous Indians from Bengaluru and learn from a fun colourful map of the city. General knowledge, activity, culture, history and travelogue all rolled into one!

Don’t be surprised if your child wants to start exploring Bengaluru with you to see the places in the book in real life.

This book is perfect for helping kids learn new words while busy with lots of activity that also adds to their general knowledge about Bengaluru.”

366 Words in Kolkata

SKU: Mag-26351

“Help your child learn new words and get to know our Kolkata all in one unique children’s book. Are you teaching your child new words in English. Research suggests that learning words with accompanying pictures makes it faster and easier to remember new words. But what if the pictures are actual places in your very own city of Kolkata. Learn 366 words and concepts through real landmarks, parks, places of work, festivals, culture, experiences and cuisine of Kolkata. Along with new words you can also help your child discover the history of Kolkata, how the city got its name, famous Indians from Kolkata and learn from a fun colourful map of the city. General knowledge, activity, culture, history and travelogue all rolled into one! Don’t be surprised if your child wants to start exploring Kolkata with you to see the places in the book in real life. This book is perfect for helping kids learn new words while busy with lots of activity that also adds to their general knowledge about Kolkata.

366 words in Mumbai

SKU: Mag-26350

“Help your child learn new words and get to know Mumbai all in one unique children’s book.

Are you teaching your child new words in English. Research suggests that learning words with accompanying pictures makes it faster and easier to remember new words. But what if the pictures are actual places in your very own city of Mumbai. Learn 366 words and concepts through real landmarks, parks, places of work, festivals, culture, experiences and cuisine of Mumbai. Along with new words you can also help your child discover the history of Mumbai, how the city got its name, famous Indians from Mumbai and learn from a fun colourful map of the city. General knowledge, activity, culture, history and travelogue all rolled into one!

Don’t be surprised if your child wants to start exploring Mumbai with you to see the places in the book in real life.

This book is perfect for helping kids learn new words while busy with lots of activity that also adds to their general knowledge about Mumbai

3D Printing Made Simple

SKU: Mag-21341

Complete guide to explore 3d printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling.

Key Features
● Step-by-step guide to learn the techniques, methodologies, and finished products
● Learn to employ 3D technology in new and inventive ways
● Know to enlarge, reduce, and repurpose existing artwork.
● Book is a practical tutorial, packed with real-world case studies to help you to design models that print right the first time.
● Learn to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques more efficient.

This book 3D Printing Made Simple takes you through this exciting innovation, a technology called 3D Printing. It is revolutionising the way we do a lot of things and not just the creation of physical objects. The huge growth rates are a direct result of its applications for prototyping and mass production in a number of industries, thanks to an ever-increasing list of 3D printable materials. The World Economic Forum describes it as one of the four pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution alongside AR, VR & AI, big data, blockchains etc. Many developing countries like India, completely missed the 1st two industrial revolutions (steam & petrol engines) and partially benefitted in the 3rd (electronics/computers). Now can we afford to not, or just partially participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Book adopts a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions to help guide readers. Lots of screenshots are given for each and every step where needed to design a high-quality model in Blender for 3D printing.

What will you learn
● 3D Printing/3D Prototyping, its history, process, applications, SDG Goals.
● 3D Printing technologies, SWOT Analysis

Who this book is for
If you are a Blender user or someone who wants to make 3D objects suitable for 3D printing and if you are familiar with SketchUp and want to print the models which you have designed, then this book is ideal for you.

Table of Contents
1. Part 1
1.1 What is the future going to be? An overview
1.2 4th Industrial Revolution
1.3 History of 3D Printing and what humans want
1.4 What is 3D Printing or 3D Prototyping and how it differs from the traditional prototyping?.

1.5 The process of 3D Printing
1.6 Example & Applications of 3D Printing
1.7 Utility of 3D Printing
1.8 Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production
1.9 UN – SDG Goals & 3D Printing

2. Part 2
2.1 Advantages of 3D Printing & where it’s ideal
2.2 Kinds of 3D Printing technologies
2.3 SWOT Analysis of 3D Printing & survey results
2.4 3D Printing in Schools & Universities
2.5 3D Printing & how to empower ourselves
2.6 Introduction to Design
2.7 Live Use cases
2.8 What we do

About the Author
Avikshit Saras went to Modern School – New Delhi, thereafter did his BSc. from University of Bradford and his MSc. from the University of Manchester. He has been involved in numerous businesses such as financing of vehicles, dairying, pharmaceuticals, investment advisory and 3D printing. In 3D printing they engage with organisations for 3D printing training, consulting, prototyping services & installations. He has trained students & teachers at Indian School Muscat, DPS Faridabad, Pathways Gurgaon, Shalom, Scottish High, numerous other individuals, delivered 3DP talks in about 100 institutions and consulted for organisations.

His LinkedIn Profile: guide to explore 3d printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling.

Key Features
● Step-by-step guide to learn the techniques, methodologies, and finished products
● Learn to employ 3D technology in new and inventive ways
● Know to enlarge, reduce, and repurpose existing artwork.
● Book is a practical tutorial, packed with real-world case studies to help you to design models that print right the first time.
● Learn to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques more efficient.

This book 3D Printing Made Simple takes you through this exciting innovation, a technology called 3D Printing. It is revolutionising the way we do a lot of things and not just the creation of physical objects. The huge growth rates are a direct result of its applications for prototyping and mass production in a number of industries, thanks to an ever-increasing list of 3D printable materials. The World Economic Forum describes it as one of the four pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution alongside AR, VR & AI, big data, blockchains etc. Many developing countries like India, completely missed the 1st two industrial revolutions (steam & petrol engines) and partially benefitted in the 3rd (electronics/computers). Now can we afford to not, or just partially participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Book adopts a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions to help guide readers. Lots of screenshots are given for each and every step where needed to design a high-quality model in Blender for 3D printing.

What will you learn
● 3D Printing/3D Prototyping, its history, process, applications, SDG Goals.
● 3D Printing technologies, SWOT Analysis

Who this book is for
If you are a Blender user or someone who wants to make 3D objects suitable for 3D printing and if you are familiar with SketchUp and want to print the models which you have designed, then this book is ideal for you.

Table of Contents
1. Part 1
1.1 What is the future going to be? An overview
1.2 4th Industrial Revolution
1.3 History of 3D Printing and what humans want
1.4 What is 3D Printing or 3D Prototyping and how it differs from the traditional prototyping?.

1.5 The process of 3D Printing
1.6 Example & Applications of 3D Printing
1.7 Utility of 3D Printing
1.8 Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production
1.9 UN – SDG Goals & 3D Printing

2. Part 2
2.1 Advantages of 3D Printing & where it’s ideal
2.2 Kinds of 3D Printing technologies
2.3 SWOT Analysis of 3D Printing & survey results
2.4 3D Printing in Schools & Universities
2.5 3D Printing & how to empower ourselves
2.6 Introduction to Design
2.7 Live Use cases
2.8 What we do

About the Author
Avikshit Saras went to Modern School – New Delhi, thereafter did his BSc. from University of Bradford and his MSc. from the University of Manchester. He has been involved in numerous businesses such as financing of vehicles, dairying, pharmaceuticals, investment advisory and 3D printing. In 3D printing they engage with organisations for 3D printing training, consulting, prototyping services & installations. He has trained students & teachers at Indian School Muscat, DPS Faridabad, Pathways Gurgaon, Shalom, Scottish High, numerous other individuals, delivered 3DP talks in about 100 institutions and consulted for organisations.

His LinkedIn Profile: guide to explore 3d printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling.

Key Features
● Step-by-step guide to learn the techniques, methodologies, and finished products
● Learn to employ 3D technology in new and inventive ways
● Know to enlarge, reduce, and repurpose existing artwork.
● Book is a practical tutorial, packed with real-world case studies to help you to design models that print right the first time.
● Learn to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques more efficient.

This book 3D Printing Made Simple takes you through this exciting innovation, a technology called 3D Printing. It is revolutionising the way we do a lot of things and not just the creation of physical objects. The huge growth rates are a direct result of its applications for prototyping and mass production in a number of industries, thanks to an ever-increasing list of 3D printable materials. The World Economic Forum describes it as one of the four pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution alongside AR, VR & AI, big data, blockchains etc. Many developing countries like India, completely missed the 1st two industrial revolutions (steam & petrol engines) and partially benefitted in the 3rd (electronics/computers). Now can we afford to not, or just partially participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Book adopts a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions to help guide readers. Lots of screenshots are given for each and every step where needed to design a high-quality model in Blender for 3D printing.

What will you learn
● 3D Printing/3D Prototyping, its history, process, applications, SDG Goals.
● 3D Printing technologies, SWOT Analysis

Who this book is for
If you are a Blender user or someone who wants to make 3D objects suitable for 3D printing and if you are familiar with SketchUp and want to print the models which you have designed, then this book is ideal for you.

Table of Contents
1. Part 1
1.1 What is the future going to be? An overview
1.2 4th Industrial Revolution
1.3 History of 3D Printing and what humans want
1.4 What is 3D Printing or 3D Prototyping and how it differs from the traditional prototyping?.

1.5 The process of 3D Printing
1.6 Example & Applications of 3D Printing
1.7 Utility of 3D Printing
1.8 Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production
1.9 UN – SDG Goals & 3D Printing

2. Part 2
2.1 Advantages of 3D Printing & where it’s ideal
2.2 Kinds of 3D Printing technologies
2.3 SWOT Analysis of 3D Printing & survey results
2.4 3D Printing in Schools & Universities
2.5 3D Printing & how to empower ourselves
2.6 Introduction to Design
2.7 Live Use cases
2.8 What we do

About the Author
Avikshit Saras went to Modern School – New Delhi, thereafter did his BSc. from University of Bradford and his MSc. from the University of Manchester. He has been involved in numerous businesses such as financing of vehicles, dairying, pharmaceuticals, investment advisory and 3D printing. In 3D printing they engage with organisations for 3D printing training, consulting, prototyping services & installations. He has trained students & teachers at Indian School Muscat, DPS Faridabad, Pathways Gurgaon, Shalom, Scottish High, numerous other individuals, delivered 3DP talks in about 100 institutions and consulted for organisations.

His LinkedIn Profile: guide to explore 3d printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling.

Key Features
● Step-by-step guide to learn the techniques, methodologies, and finished products
● Learn to employ 3D technology in new and inventive ways
● Know to enlarge, reduce, and repurpose existing artwork.
● Book is a practical tutorial, packed with real-world case studies to help you to design models that print right the first time.
● Learn to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques more efficient.

This book 3D Printing Made Simple takes you through this exciting innovation, a technology called 3D Printing. It is revolutionising the way we do a lot of things and not just the creation of physical objects. The huge growth rates are a direct result of its applications for prototyping and mass production in a number of industries, thanks to an ever-increasing list of 3D printable materials. The World Economic Forum describes it as one of the four pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution alongside AR, VR & AI, big data, blockchains etc. Many developing countries like India, completely missed the 1st two industrial revolutions (steam & petrol engines) and partially benefitted in the 3rd (electronics/computers). Now can we afford to not, or just partially participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Book adopts a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions to help guide readers. Lots of screenshots are given for each and every step where needed to design a high-quality model in Blender for 3D printing.

What will you learn
● 3D Printing/3D Prototyping, its history, process, applications, SDG Goals.
● 3D Printing technologies, SWOT Analysis

Who this book is for
If you are a Blender user or someone who wants to make 3D objects suitable for 3D printing and if you are familiar with SketchUp and want to print the models which you have designed, then this book is ideal for you.

Table of Contents
1. Part 1
1.1 What is the future going to be? An overview
1.2 4th Industrial Revolution
1.3 History of 3D Printing and what humans want
1.4 What is 3D Printing or 3D Prototyping and how it differs from the traditional prototyping?.

1.5 The process of 3D Printing
1.6 Example & Applications of 3D Printing
1.7 Utility of 3D Printing
1.8 Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production
1.9 UN – SDG Goals & 3D Printing

2. Part 2
2.1 Advantages of 3D Printing & where it’s ideal
2.2 Kinds of 3D Printing technologies
2.3 SWOT Analysis of 3D Printing & survey results
2.4 3D Printing in Schools & Universities
2.5 3D Printing & how to empower ourselves
2.6 Introduction to Design
2.7 Live Use cases
2.8 What we do

About the Author
Avikshit Saras went to Modern School – New Delhi, thereafter did his BSc. from University of Bradford and his MSc. from the University of Manchester. He has been involved in numerous businesses such as financing of vehicles, dairying, pharmaceuticals, investment advisory and 3D printing. In 3D printing they engage with organisations for 3D printing training, consulting, prototyping services & installations. He has trained students & teachers at Indian School Muscat, DPS Faridabad, Pathways Gurgaon, Shalom, Scottish High, numerous other individuals, delivered 3DP talks in about 100 institutions and consulted for organisations.

His LinkedIn Profile: guide to explore 3d printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling.

Key Features
● Step-by-step guide to learn the techniques, methodologies, and finished products
● Learn to employ 3D technology in new and inventive ways
● Know to enlarge, reduce, and repurpose existing artwork.
● Book is a practical tutorial, packed with real-world case studies to help you to design models that print right the first time.
● Learn to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques more efficient.

This book 3D Printing Made Simple takes you through this exciting innovation, a technology called 3D Printing. It is revolutionising the way we do a lot of things and not just the creation of physical objects. The huge growth rates are a direct result of its applications for prototyping and mass production in a number of industries, thanks to an ever-increasing list of 3D printable materials. The World Economic Forum describes it as one of the four pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution alongside AR, VR & AI, big data, blockchains etc. Many developing countries like India, completely missed the 1st two industrial revolutions (steam & petrol engines) and partially benefitted in the 3rd (electronics/computers). Now can we afford to not, or just partially participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Book adopts a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions to help guide readers. Lots of screenshots are given for each and every step where needed to design a high-quality model in Blender for 3D printing.

What will you learn
● 3D Printing/3D Prototyping, its history, process, applications, SDG Goals.
● 3D Printing technologies, SWOT Analysis

Who this book is for
If you are a Blender user or someone who wants to make 3D objects suitable for 3D printing and if you are familiar with SketchUp and want to print the models which you have designed, then this book is ideal for you.

Table of Contents
1. Part 1
1.1 What is the future going to be? An overview
1.2 4th Industrial Revolution
1.3 History of 3D Printing and what humans want
1.4 What is 3D Printing or 3D Prototyping and how it differs from the traditional prototyping?.

1.5 The process of 3D Printing
1.6 Example & Applications of 3D Printing
1.7 Utility of 3D Printing
1.8 Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production
1.9 UN – SDG Goals & 3D Printing

2. Part 2
2.1 Advantages of 3D Printing & where it’s ideal
2.2 Kinds of 3D Printing technologies
2.3 SWOT Analysis of 3D Printing & survey results
2.4 3D Printing in Schools & Universities
2.5 3D Printing & how to empower ourselves
2.6 Introduction to Design
2.7 Live Use cases
2.8 What we do

About the Author
Avikshit Saras went to Modern School – New Delhi, thereafter did his BSc. from University of Bradford and his MSc. from the University of Manchester. He has been involved in numerous businesses such as financing of vehicles, dairying, pharmaceuticals, investment advisory and 3D printing. In 3D printing they engage with organisations for 3D printing training, consulting, prototyping services & installations. He has trained students & teachers at Indian School Muscat, DPS Faridabad, Pathways Gurgaon, Shalom, Scottish High, numerous other individuals, delivered 3DP talks in about 100 institutions and consulted for organisations.

His LinkedIn Profile: guide to explore 3d printing, scanning, sculpting, and milling.

Key Features
● Step-by-step guide to learn the techniques, methodologies, and finished products
● Learn to employ 3D technology in new and inventive ways
● Know to enlarge, reduce, and repurpose existing artwork.
● Book is a practical tutorial, packed with real-world case studies to help you to design models that print right the first time.
● Learn to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques more efficient.

This book 3D Printing Made Simple takes you through this exciting innovation, a technology called 3D Printing. It is revolutionising the way we do a lot of things and not just the creation of physical objects. The huge growth rates are a direct result of its applications for prototyping and mass production in a number of industries, thanks to an ever-increasing list of 3D printable materials. The World Economic Forum describes it as one of the four pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution alongside AR, VR & AI, big data, blockchains etc. Many developing countries like India, completely missed the 1st two industrial revolutions (steam & petrol engines) and partially benefitted in the 3rd (electronics/computers). Now can we afford to not, or just partially participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
Book adopts a practical approach, with step-by-step instructions to help guide readers. Lots of screenshots are given for each and every step where needed to design a high-quality model in Blender for 3D printing.

What will you learn
● 3D Printing/3D Prototyping, its history, process, applications, SDG Goals.
● 3D Printing technologies, SWOT Analysis

Who this book is for
If you are a Blender user or someone who wants to make 3D objects suitable for 3D printing and if you are familiar with SketchUp and want to print the models which you have designed, then this book is ideal for you.

Table of Contents
1. Part 1
1.1 What is the future going to be? An overview
1.2 4th Industrial Revolution
1.3 History of 3D Printing and what humans want
1.4 What is 3D Printing or 3D Prototyping and how it differs from the traditional prototyping?.

1.5 The process of 3D Printing
1.6 Example & Applications of 3D Printing
1.7 Utility of 3D Printing
1.8 Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production
1.9 UN – SDG Goals & 3D Printing

2. Part 2
2.1 Advantages of 3D Printing & where it’s ideal
2.2 Kinds of 3D Printing technologies
2.3 SWOT Analysis of 3D Printing & survey results
2.4 3D Printing in Schools & Universities
2.5 3D Printing & how to empower ourselves
2.6 Introduction to Design
2.7 Live Use cases
2.8 What we do

About the Author
Avikshit Saras went to Modern School – New Delhi, thereafter did his BSc. from University of Bradford and his MSc. from the University of Manchester. He has been involved in numerous businesses such as financing of vehicles, dairying, pharmaceuticals, investment advisory and 3D printing. In 3D printing they engage with organisations for 3D printing training, consulting, prototyping services & installations. He has trained students & teachers at Indian School Muscat, DPS Faridabad, Pathways Gurgaon, Shalom, Scottish High, numerous other individuals, delivered 3DP talks in about 100 institutions and consulted for organisations.

His LinkedIn Profile:

3DS Max 2019 Training Guide

SKU: Mag-21368

Let Your Creativity travel without moving your feet

Key Features
● Step by step explanation.
● Tutorial book using real world example.
● Easy to Learn and simple to understand.

Book is short, lively and based on practical platforms. Everything has been given step by step by using real-world and imagined examples. It takes the reader through the content design process explaining everything along the way.
Welcome to the world of Autodesk 3ds Max, a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software package developed by Autodesk Inc. It is widely used by architects, game developers, design visualization specialists, and visual effects artists. A wide range of modeling and texturing tools make it an ideal platform for 3D modelers and animators. The intuitive user interface and workflow tools of Autodesk 3ds Max have made the job of design visualization specialists easier.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 Training guide is a tutorial-based textbook that introduces the readers to the basic features of 3ds Max 2019 created on real world model through tutorials. The textbook caters to the needs of both the novice and the advanced users of the software.
This textbook will help you unleash your creativity and help you create simple and complete 3D models and animations. The textbook will help the learners transform their imagination into reality with ease.

What will you learn
● 3Ds max, its graphical user interface.
● Standard, extended primitives.
● Spline, Nurb curves, object space modifiers.
● Basic and Advance modelling tools.

Who this book is for
3D designer, 3D modular and Interior designer

Table of Contents
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Create-Geometry
3. Create-Shape and Basic Tool
4. Modify-Object Space Modifiers
5. Basic Tools
6. Advance Modeling Tools

About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His book AutoCAD Training Guide was much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
His Linkedin profile:

Nisha Gupta is pursuing B.Sc from Delhi. She is having wide Industry exposure, worked on and successfully delivered many live projects.

Let Your Creativity travel without moving your feet

Key Features
● Step by step explanation.
● Tutorial book using real world example.
● Easy to Learn and simple to understand.

Book is short, lively and based on practical platforms. Everything has been given step by step by using real-world and imagined examples. It takes the reader through the content design process explaining everything along the way.
Welcome to the world of Autodesk 3ds Max, a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software package developed by Autodesk Inc. It is widely used by architects, game developers, design visualization specialists, and visual effects artists. A wide range of modeling and texturing tools make it an ideal platform for 3D modelers and animators. The intuitive user interface and workflow tools of Autodesk 3ds Max have made the job of design visualization specialists easier.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 Training guide is a tutorial-based textbook that introduces the readers to the basic features of 3ds Max 2019 created on real world model through tutorials. The textbook caters to the needs of both the novice and the advanced users of the software.
This textbook will help you unleash your creativity and help you create simple and complete 3D models and animations. The textbook will help the learners transform their imagination into reality with ease.

What will you learn
● 3Ds max, its graphical user interface.
● Standard, extended primitives.
● Spline, Nurb curves, object space modifiers.
● Basic and Advance modelling tools.

Who this book is for
3D designer, 3D modular and Interior designer

Table of Contents
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Create-Geometry
3. Create-Shape and Basic Tool
4. Modify-Object Space Modifiers
5. Basic Tools
6. Advance Modeling Tools

About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His book AutoCAD Training Guide was much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
His Linkedin profile:

Nisha Gupta is pursuing B.Sc from Delhi. She is having wide Industry exposure, worked on and successfully delivered many live projects.

Let Your Creativity travel without moving your feet

Key Features
● Step by step explanation.
● Tutorial book using real world example.
● Easy to Learn and simple to understand.

Book is short, lively and based on practical platforms. Everything has been given step by step by using real-world and imagined examples. It takes the reader through the content design process explaining everything along the way.
Welcome to the world of Autodesk 3ds Max, a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software package developed by Autodesk Inc. It is widely used by architects, game developers, design visualization specialists, and visual effects artists. A wide range of modeling and texturing tools make it an ideal platform for 3D modelers and animators. The intuitive user interface and workflow tools of Autodesk 3ds Max have made the job of design visualization specialists easier.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 Training guide is a tutorial-based textbook that introduces the readers to the basic features of 3ds Max 2019 created on real world model through tutorials. The textbook caters to the needs of both the novice and the advanced users of the software.
This textbook will help you unleash your creativity and help you create simple and complete 3D models and animations. The textbook will help the learners transform their imagination into reality with ease.

What will you learn
● 3Ds max, its graphical user interface.
● Standard, extended primitives.
● Spline, Nurb curves, object space modifiers.
● Basic and Advance modelling tools.

Who this book is for
3D designer, 3D modular and Interior designer

Table of Contents
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Create-Geometry
3. Create-Shape and Basic Tool
4. Modify-Object Space Modifiers
5. Basic Tools
6. Advance Modeling Tools

About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His book AutoCAD Training Guide was much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
His Linkedin profile:

Nisha Gupta is pursuing B.Sc from Delhi. She is having wide Industry exposure, worked on and successfully delivered many live projects.

Let Your Creativity travel without moving your feet

Key Features
● Step by step explanation.
● Tutorial book using real world example.
● Easy to Learn and simple to understand.

Book is short, lively and based on practical platforms. Everything has been given step by step by using real-world and imagined examples. It takes the reader through the content design process explaining everything along the way.
Welcome to the world of Autodesk 3ds Max, a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software package developed by Autodesk Inc. It is widely used by architects, game developers, design visualization specialists, and visual effects artists. A wide range of modeling and texturing tools make it an ideal platform for 3D modelers and animators. The intuitive user interface and workflow tools of Autodesk 3ds Max have made the job of design visualization specialists easier.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 Training guide is a tutorial-based textbook that introduces the readers to the basic features of 3ds Max 2019 created on real world model through tutorials. The textbook caters to the needs of both the novice and the advanced users of the software.
This textbook will help you unleash your creativity and help you create simple and complete 3D models and animations. The textbook will help the learners transform their imagination into reality with ease.

What will you learn
● 3Ds max, its graphical user interface.
● Standard, extended primitives.
● Spline, Nurb curves, object space modifiers.
● Basic and Advance modelling tools.

Who this book is for
3D designer, 3D modular and Interior designer

Table of Contents
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Create-Geometry
3. Create-Shape and Basic Tool
4. Modify-Object Space Modifiers
5. Basic Tools
6. Advance Modeling Tools

About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His book AutoCAD Training Guide was much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
His Linkedin profile:

Nisha Gupta is pursuing B.Sc from Delhi. She is having wide Industry exposure, worked on and successfully delivered many live projects.

Let Your Creativity travel without moving your feet

Key Features
● Step by step explanation.
● Tutorial book using real world example.
● Easy to Learn and simple to understand.

Book is short, lively and based on practical platforms. Everything has been given step by step by using real-world and imagined examples. It takes the reader through the content design process explaining everything along the way.
Welcome to the world of Autodesk 3ds Max, a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software package developed by Autodesk Inc. It is widely used by architects, game developers, design visualization specialists, and visual effects artists. A wide range of modeling and texturing tools make it an ideal platform for 3D modelers and animators. The intuitive user interface and workflow tools of Autodesk 3ds Max have made the job of design visualization specialists easier.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 Training guide is a tutorial-based textbook that introduces the readers to the basic features of 3ds Max 2019 created on real world model through tutorials. The textbook caters to the needs of both the novice and the advanced users of the software.
This textbook will help you unleash your creativity and help you create simple and complete 3D models and animations. The textbook will help the learners transform their imagination into reality with ease.

What will you learn
● 3Ds max, its graphical user interface.
● Standard, extended primitives.
● Spline, Nurb curves, object space modifiers.
● Basic and Advance modelling tools.

Who this book is for
3D designer, 3D modular and Interior designer

Table of Contents
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Create-Geometry
3. Create-Shape and Basic Tool
4. Modify-Object Space Modifiers
5. Basic Tools
6. Advance Modeling Tools

About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His book AutoCAD Training Guide was much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
His Linkedin profile:

Nisha Gupta is pursuing B.Sc from Delhi. She is having wide Industry exposure, worked on and successfully delivered many live projects.

5-Minute Mickey Mouse Stories

SKU: Mag-26201

Read along with Disney! Join everyone’s favorite mouse as he goes on all new adventures in these 5-minute tales! Follow along with word-for-word narration in this storybook; which is the perfect fit for bedtime; story time; or anytime!

50 Photo Projects

SKU: Mag-376

Digital photography has made it far easier for more people to take better quality pictures, but where a camera can’t help you is coming up with great ideas of what to shoot. Our 50 Photo Projects guide has been produced for photographers looking to test their skills shooting a variety of subjects with the aim of producing brilliant images. All 50 projects have been designed as step-by-step guides to make them easy to follow and as you’ll discover, you won’t need expensive equipment to capture stunning images like those produced in this guide. With themes covering Outdoor, Indoor, Lighting and Creative, you’ve no shortage of photo techniques to try and we’ve a selection of Photoshop tutorials to improve your post-production skills too.

5000 Inspiring Quotations

SKU: Mag-18833

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in 5000 Inspiring Quotations exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

501 Astonishing Facts

SKU: Mag-22116

“The book contains a total of 501 facts which make the reader wonder about our strange but truly fascinating world.

The success of this book underlines the growing realisation that books now are no longer looked upon something as having necessarily a direct link to classroom and examination—and in consequence, to be shelved when the need is over. With exciting facts from different fields the book stimulates young reader’s interest in the world around him-thus inspiring him to pursue knowledge purely for the sake of it.In turn it also helps to develop logical thinking and a scientific temperament. #v&spublishers”

51 Bharat Ki Pratham Mahilaye

SKU: Mag-24094

Bhaarat meen mahilaoon ka yoogadaan kisee bhee ksheetra meen purushoon see kam naheen raha hai. Yahaan tak ki unhoonnee purushoon see bhee aagee barh-carhakar khyaati arjit kee hai.
Prastut pustak bhaarat kee 51 pratham mahilaeen meen cunee huee un mahilaoon kee baaree meen citraan hai, jinhoonnee kisee kaary-ksheetra meen pratham mahila hoonee ka gaurav praapt kiya. Inameen kheel, seena, pulis, raajaneeti, bainkig aadi ksheetra shaamil hanai. Yee mahilaeen kisee bhee ksheetra meen bhaarateey mahilaoon kee liee aadarsh aur anukaraneey hanai.
Yah pustak hamaaree chaatra-chaatraoon kee liee visheesh upayoogee hai, kyoonki isee parhakar vee svayan anubhav kar sakeengee ki hameen bhavishy meen kya banana hai? Aur usee kee anuruup vee svayan koo dhaalanee va bananee kee ceeshta kareengee. Nishkarshatah yah pustak pratyeek mahila va larakee kee liee pathaneey hai.(In the Indian social fabric, the contribution by women is no less than men. In fact, women have earned greater respect than men. The book contains contributions by women who have made a mark for themselves in as diverse fields as police, army, politics, banking, sports and games. Women like Indira Gandhi, Anne Besant, Mother Teresa, Vijaylakshmi Pandit, Kalpana Chawla, P T Usha, Saina Nehwal, Kiran Bedi, have made everyone proud. The book gives out brief biographies, lives and achievements of these great women; that may be a source of inspiration for generations to come. ) #v&spublishers

51 Ways To Patience

SKU: Mag-24096

Maanav jeevan mein dhairya aur safalata ka bahut hee gahara rishta hai. Jo log apane man mein sadaiv dhairya banaakar rakhate hain, Ve apane karmon ke ichchhit fal nahin aane par bhee himmat banaye rakhate hain. Saath hee apanee jeet ke liye anavarat prayatnasheel bhee rahate hain. Asaadharan gun dhairy ke kaaran hee manushya vipareet paristhitiyon mein bhee apane prayaason dvaara vipatti se baahar nikal aata hai.
Is pustak mein vyakti ke aatmavikaas mein sahaayak sabase muulyavaan gun dhairy ko apanaane se usake vyaktitv mein hone vaale laabh par gahan charcha kee gaee hain. Yahaan batae gae 51 aasaan gunon ko apanaakar aap bhee jeevan mein apane lakshyon tak pahunch sakate hain. In gunon ko apanaana behad aasaan hai. Lekin isake liye aapamein dhairy ka hona nitaant aavashyak hai. Jeevan mein sabhee ke liye unnatti ka maarg prashast karane vaalee anoothee pustak.(Life moves at a frenetic, fast-forward pace, and that makes patience even harder to practice. Yet, the ability to tolerate delay without getting upset is a must-have quality that contributes to our greater sense of well-being and success in life. Patience creates feelings of peace and calm, as opposed to the anger and frustration that often arises with impatience. And finding a way to be at ease mentally while waiting in a doctor’s office or sitting in a traffic jam can also help us stave off stress-related illnesses, including high blood pressure and autoimmune disease. This book gives you 51 ways to achieve that patience we all long so earnestly. ) #v&spublishers

60 Nigerians In 60 Years Making Nigerian Lives Matter.

SKU: Mag-23706


As a Nigerian, I am so proud to present this special edition of Guardian Life Magazine, specially created to celebrate Nigeria at 60 years of Independence. With all that’s going on the world, it is easy to forget some of the more positive stories. We are also less connected in person and not present at the events that would usually be taking place at this time, so I welcome you to connect with some Nigerians of impact by reading about them here. You will be familiar with some, others less so. In 2010, I produced a similar publication – Nigeria @50 – which was a joint venture between Time Out Nigeria and The Financial Times. That publication featured the country’s leading business leaders, compared to this decade’s edition, where we have searched wider, and selected Nigerians who, in addition to racking up lists of personal accolades have made a social impact on others – both home and abroad. Those who have inspired other Nigerians by excelling in their chosen fields, by breaking records, or by acting as change-makers in the following areas: The Arts & Creativity; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Healthcare & Medicine; Law & Politics; The Media; Power & Energy; Social Impact; Technology; and Innovations & Inventions. Age knows no barrier either, as the range covered is between ages 12 and 101. We also have a chapter dedicated to honour eight special people posthumously: Guardian Angels who will forever inspire us. If physical events are impossible, then at least we can “celebrate” Nigeria@60 in print and digitally. Furthermore, “Black Lives Matter”, and to honour this ongoing movement, it is our duty to communicate that “Nigerian Lives Matter”. Nigeria, we must set an example to our Black and African brothers and sisters worldwide, so let us bring out more of the positives. Onto greener pastures Nigeria!

7 Forgotten Wonders of the World

SKU: Mag-24064

The Earth is indeed an extraordinary planet, and not just because of the infinite variety of life that it supports, the land itself is fabricated marvelously with wonders that possess inherent capacity to attract and allure people throughout the ages.
The wonders of the world that are discussed in the book have been the subject of many books over the centuries, but our aim is to present them in a short, crisp and concise manner.
This striking book covers details of 7 Forgotten Wonders of the World with pictures and actual photographs.
Through this book readers can peer into the world’s marvels that were built without the contribution of modern technology and earth moving equipments.

7 Keys To Happiness

SKU: Mag-22117

“Living in an age of constant gratification, economic influx and fragile egos, happiness has become increasingly elusive, yet it remains the Holy Grail, we search for all our lives. The purpose of this book is to suggest a cure for the ordinary day to day unhappiness which most people suffer from in today’s world due to no obvious reasons.
Since the goal of every human being on this Earth is to attain Happiness, it is hoped that after reading the book thoroughly and analysing as well as grasping the seven most important and practical steps suggested by the author, such as:
• Change is constant – Live in the present
• Live free from Attachment
• Good Health – You can stall ageing
• Be Content which will lead to Happiness
• Love and Cheer up to be contented in your day-to-day life
• Always think Positively and have Happy thoughts
Laughter/Humour is God’s gift to Happiness, one can successfully tackle one’s problems in life and achieve one’s ultimate goal, i.e., to Remain Happy and Cheerful!

7 Mantras To Excel In Exams

SKU: Mag-22118

Exams play a major role in the lives of not just during acadenic pursuits,but later in the career too. Although youngsters are taught a variety of subjects to equip them for life in general, no school teaches them how to excel in exams. Most learn only through trial and error. Others remain clueless about how to excel in exams throughout their lives. But this crucial information can ensure that even those with average IQ excel in exams. This book contains simple and practical tips and guidelines on how to tap your full potential and give off your best during exams. An invaluable guide for all students and adults due to appear in exams. As well as for parents who wish to ensure their children do well and secure maximum marks. The book offers simple guidelines on:*Improving memory*Maximising Concentration*Adopting effective study habits and techniques*Developing proper reading, listening, language and communication skills*Doing well in different kinds of exams*Understanding what the examiner wants *Overcoming exam anxiety and tension #v&spublishers

71 Arts & Crafts For School Children

SKU: Mag-22119

“Art and Craft is a diverse and creative subject that allows kids to explore ideas or concepts and then express it by making something. Today arts and crafts are a great pastime and educational tool for kids. It can not only keep the tiny tots busy and entertained on a rainy day, but also extend a child’s fine motor skills, develop concepts like colour or numbers and see scientific processes like gluing and paint drying in action. It also helps to develop the creative instincts of a child, who is ever so enthusiastic to learn and create something new.
However, children always need their parents’ or teachers’ guidance, attention along with love and affection in their lives. Hence, drawing, painting or making simple, yet attractive craft items with them could be real fun and a great way to create a lifetime of memories for you and your children/students, as the case may be.
The book is a treasure trove of novel ideas and beautiful creations of Arts and Crafts with easily available objects, such as: crayons, water and oil colours of different shades, glue, scissors, paper, wax, clay, stones, metal pieces, magnets, leaves, flowers, etc. There are collage items, various coloured paper craft items, marble painting, sculpting, greeting cards, paper lanterns, bookmarks, balloon mask, etc. that have been explained in the book in detail, exclusively for school children in the age group of 5 to 12 years.
Thus, the book will serve as a useful guide for art and craft teachers as well as parents, who are always keen to decipher and carve out the best for the young ones.

71 Electrical & Electronic Projects

SKU: Mag-22120

“This book is ideal for high school & engineering students as well as hobbyists who have just started out building projects in Electrical and Electronics fields. The book starts with electrical and electronics fundamentals necessary for execution of projects. The basic knowledge is introduced first followed by a schematic diagram, components list and the theory behind the project to be performed is given. The projects have been divided into three segments corresponding to beginners, intermediate and engineering levels. The materials required to build the projects are commonly available at the corner shop and are less expensive than you think.
Ideal for beginners, high school (intermediate), engineering students and hobbyists
Useful for knowing basics of electronic components, circuit, and home lab setup.
Practical for doing projects at home or school laboratory #v&spublishers”

71 Famous Scientists

SKU: Mag-22121

“The book, 71 Famous Scientists is an addition to the exclusive ‘71 Series’, which includes a number of books, such as 71 Science Experiments, 71+10 New Science Projects, 71 + 10 New Science Projects Junior, 71+10 New Science Activities, 71+10 Magic Tricks for Children, etc. published by V&S Publishers and widely appreciated by our esteemed readers.
It contains 71 world-renowned Scientists from across the globe, their brief life histories, contributions to the Scientific World including the books, journals and magazines that they have published, Awards and Honours received by them and any significant happenings that have changed the course of our lives. The book includes prominent names like, Albert Einstein, Alessandro Volta, Alexander Fleming, Alexander Graham Bell, Alfred Nobel, Avogadro, Anders Celsius, Andre Marie Ampere, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek and many such notable personalities.
The book has been written especially for the school students of the age group, 10-18 years, but can be read by readers of all ages, who love Science and its amazing and fascinating World of outstanding Inventions and Discoveries that have transformed the human society and our existence!
So Dear Readers, grab the book at the earliest for it will educate and interest one and all! #v&spublishers”

71 Science Experiments

SKU: Mag-22123

A study of science and scientific theories and laws is almost incomplete without relevant and methodical Experiments. In fact Experiments are an inseparable part of any Scientific Study or Research. In this book, the author has tried to simplify science to the readers, particularly the school going students through easy and interesting experiments. All the experiments given in the book are based on some scientific phenomena or other such as atmospheric pressure high and low temperatures boiling freezing and melting points of solids liquids and gases gravitational force magnetism electricity solubility of substances etc. Thus read each of these fun – filled experiments and carry it out in your homes or schools under the supervision and guidance of your teachers, parents or elders. The language used in the book is simple and all the experiments have been illustrated with relevant diagrams and methodical steps strictly based on scientific facts. So children, grab this book as fast as you can to satisfy your scientific curiosities by performing these incredible experiments and learning science with fun. #v&spublishers

71 Science Experiments(Hindi)

SKU: Mag-22124

A study of science and scientific theories and laws is almost incomplete without relevant and methodical Experiments. In fact Experiments are an inseparable part of any Scientific Study or Research. In this book, the author has tried to simplify science to the readers, particularly the school going students through easy and interesting experiments. All the experiments given in the book are based on some scientific phenomena or other such as atmospheric pressure high and low temperatures boiling freezing and melting points of solids liquids and gases gravitational force magnetism electricity solubility of substances etc. Thus read each of these fun – filled experiments and carry it out in your homes or schools under the supervision and guidance of your teachers, parents or elders. The language used in the book is simple and all the experiments have been illustrated with relevant diagrams and methodical steps strictly based on scientific facts. So children, grab this book as fast as you can to satisfy your scientific curiosities by performing these incredible experiments and learning science with fun. #v&spublishers

71+10 Magic Tricks For Children

SKU: Mag-22126

“While “”magic”” has lots of meanings to different people, for our purposes here in this all new exciting and interesting book, 71+10 Magic Tricks for Children, it is referred to as the art of illusion or the process of making something appear to be happening that actually isn’t.
So children, if you have been wondering what’s so unique and special about the world of Magic and harnessing an earnest desire in your hearts to become a Magician — here are some amazing secrets or exclusive tips to perform various types of Magical Tricks described in the book. With these secrets or tips, you can not only excel in performing the tricks explained in the book, but also create some new ones on your own with the skills, techniques and knowledge gained from the book and of course, a bit of your imagination!
The salient features of the book include –
• How to get started in the world of Magic
• Basic Tips for Beginners
• Famous Magicians of the world and their Contributions
• Mesmerise your family, friends and teachers with 71 Simple and Amazing Magic Tricks to read, understand and then perform
• Ten most appealing and outstanding Tricks in Colour
The book with all its unique features mentioned above and much more will fascinate all its readers, particularly the children, who are thrilled and enjoy the most, while watching a magic show. And now, when they know how to perform a magic, or the secret behind performing a magic – the book will become all the more interesting and worth reading!

71+10 New Mathematics Projects

SKU: Mag-22122

“This book provides students with decision making, critical thinking, skill building and fun-filled hands-on projects. All the mathematics projects included in the book are classroom tested which focus on concept development through creativity.
The sete-by-step easy projects explained in this book help to remove the mathematics phobia commonly present in students and boost their self-confidence.

Salient Features:
Simple and lucid language
Attractive illustrations/diagrams
Creative skill-building ideas
Concept-building ad decision-making projects
Easy availability of project materials
Individual and partner projects promoting cooperative learning and systematic reasoning
Projects based on the latest CCE curriculum of the CBSE and other State Boards’ standards
Reinforcement of previous knowledge
The book is a ‘must read’ for all, particularly the school children in the age group of 10 to 14 years.

71+10 New Science Activities

SKU: Mag-22143

In this book, 71+10 New Science Activities, the author has taken up the simple facts and principles of Science, such as: Air Force, Pressure, Weight, Emulsification, Osmosis, Gravity and Motion, Rotation, Types of Energy, Vibrations, Good and Bad Conductors of Electricity, Experiments with Magnets, Light and Sound for children, and projected them in a very simple and lucid language for the readers– particularly the school kids who can easily perform these activities at home or school , of course with the help and able guidance of their parents, elders or teachers. The book is meant for children of all age groups, particularly from 6 to 13, who can perform and experience the thrill of these fun-filled experiments as well as learn the basic principles of Science easily and quickly. #v&spublishers

71+10 New Science Activities (Hindi)

SKU: Mag-22144

“Science, as we all know refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a unique combination of Theory and Practice. A thorough knowledge of this subject is almost impossible without proper practical demonstrations which are also termed as Scientific Activities or Projects.
In this book, 71+10 Science Activities, the author has taken up the simple facts and principles of Science, such as: Air Force, Pressure, Weight, Emulsification, Osmosis, Gravity and Motion, Rotation, Types of Energy, Vibrations, Good and Bad Conductors of Electricity, Experiments with Magnets, Light and Sound for children, and projected them in a very simple and lucid language for the readers– particularly the school kids who can easily perform these activities at home or school , of course with the help and able guidance of their parents, elders or teachers.
The book is meant for children of all age groups, particularly from 6 to 13, who can perform and experience the thrill of these fun-filled experiments as well as learn the basic principles of Science easily and quickly.
Therefore, this book is a must read for all school kids, especially those from classes, five to nine to learn as well enjoy conducting all the 81 Fascinating Activities listed in the book, each explaining or proving some scientific theory or law.
So go ahead children, enjoy reading, learning and experimenting!

71+10 New Science Project Junior

SKU: Mag-22146

“Science, as we all know refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a unique combination of Theory and Practice. A thorough knowledge of this subject is almost impossible without proper practical demonstrations which are also termed as Scientific Experiments or Projects.
In this book, 71+10 New Science Projects (Junior), the author has taken up the simple facts and principles of Science, such as: Air Pressure, Volume and Density, Gravitational Force of the Earth, Surface Area of Solids, Fun experiments with Matchsticks, Water, Glass Bottle, Dishwashing Liquid, Oil, Candle, Balloon, etc., which are easily available for children and projected them in a simple and lucid language for the readers, particularly the school kids who can easily perform these experiments at home or school , of course with the help and guidance of their parents, elders or teachers.
The book is meant for children of all age groups, particularly from 6 to 13, who can perform and experience the thrill of these fun-filled experiments as well as learn the basic principles of Science easily and quickly.
Therefore, this book is a must read for all school kids, especially those from classes, five to nine to learn as well enjoy conducting all the 81 Fascinating Projects listed in the book, each explaining or proving some scientific theory or law.
So go ahead children, enjoy reading, learning and experimenting!

71+10 New Science Project Junior (Hindi)

SKU: Mag-22145

“Science, as we all know refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a unique combination of Theory and Practice. A thorough knowledge of this subject is almost impossible without proper practical demonstrations which are also termed as Scientific Experiments or Projects.
In this book, 71+10 New Science Projects (Junior), the author has taken up the simple facts and principles of Science, such as: Air Pressure, Volume and Density, Gravitational Force of the Earth, Surface Area of Solids, Fun experiments with Matchsticks, Water, Glass Bottle, Dishwashing Liquid, Oil, Candle, Balloon, etc., which are easily available for children and projected them in a simple and lucid language for the readers, particularly the school kids who can easily perform these experiments at home or school , of course with the help and guidance of their parents, elders or teachers.
The book is meant for children of all age groups, particularly from 6 to 13, who can perform and experience the thrill of these fun-filled experiments as well as learn the basic principles of Science easily and quickly.
Therefore, this book is a must read for all school kids, especially those from classes, five to nine to learn as well enjoy conducting all the 81 Fascinating Projects listed in the book, each explaining or proving some scientific theory or law.
So go ahead children, enjoy reading, learning and experimenting!

71+10 New Science Projects

SKU: Mag-22007

Do you have a project-assignment fron your physics teacher and do not know where to begin? Or, you have to participate in a Science Fair,and you wish to surprise everyone with a revolutionary chemistry model? Or, you simply wish to experiment with new concepts of physics,electronics,biology and chemistry? This revised book and the free CD contains 71+10 new projects on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Electronics. The purpose of the book and CD is to ensure simple explanations of these 81 Science Projects done by Secondary and Senior Secondary students. This book will be a useful guide in the preparation of project work for students participating in science exhibitions. At the end, the book features many additional projects to work upon. Highlights: *Making an automatic Electric Alarm. *Making a Railway Signal. *Making an Astronomical Telescope. *Producing electricity from potatoes. *Making the Morse Code. #v&spublishers

71+10 New Science Projects (Bangla)

SKU: Mag-22147

Do you have a project-assignment fron your physics teacher and do not know where to begin? Or, you have to participate in a Science Fair,and you wish to surprise everyone with a revolutionary chemistry model? Or, you simply wish to experiment with new concepts of physics,electronics,biology and chemistry? This revised book and the free CD contains 71+10 new projects on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Electronics. The purpose of the book and CD is to ensure simple explanations of these 81 Science Projects done by Secondary and Senior Secondary students. This book will be a useful guide in the preparation of project work for students participating in science exhibitions. At the end, the book features many additional projects to work upon. Highlights: *Making an automatic Electric Alarm. *Making a Railway Signal. *Making an Astronomical Telescope. *Producing electricity from potatoes. *Making the Morse Code. #v&spublishers

71+10 New Science Projects (Hindi)

SKU: Mag-22148

Do you have a project-assignment fron your physics teacher and do not know where to begin? Or, you have to participate in a Science Fair,and you wish to surprise everyone with a revolutionary chemistry model? Or, you simply wish to experiment with new concepts of physics,electronics,biology and chemistry? This revised book and the free CD contains 71+10 new projects on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Electronics. The purpose of the book and CD is to ensure simple explanations of these 81 Science Projects done by Secondary and Senior Secondary students. This book will be a useful guide in the preparation of project work for students participating in science exhibitions. At the end, the book features many additional projects to work upon. Highlights: *Making an automatic Electric Alarm. *Making a Railway Signal. *Making an Astronomical Telescope. *Producing electricity from potatoes. *Making the Morse Code. #v&spublishers

71+10 New Science Projects (Tamil)

SKU: Mag-22149

Do you have a project-assignment fron your physics teacher and do not know where to begin? Or, you have to participate in a Science Fair,and you wish to surprise everyone with a revolutionary chemistry model? Or, you simply wish to experiment with new concepts of physics,electronics,biology and chemistry? This revised book and the free CD contains 71+10 new projects on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Electronics. The purpose of the book and CD is to ensure simple explanations of these 81 Science Projects done by Secondary and Senior Secondary students. This book will be a useful guide in the preparation of project work for students participating in science exhibitions. At the end, the book features many additional projects to work upon. Highlights: *Making an automatic Electric Alarm. *Making a Railway Signal. *Making an Astronomical Telescope. *Producing electricity from potatoes. *Making the Morse Code. #v&spublishers

75 Ways to Combat Stress

SKU: Mag-24207

V&S Publishers, with a view to help people in their need to save time and yet read to learn, has put forth, 75 popular quotes, anecdotes or sayings in this one of a kind unique book 75 Ways to Combat Stress, in which every Tip/Hack on each page is supported by a caricature type illustration.
The concept behind making this out-of-the-box book is– “A picture is worth a thousand words”, which is a well-known adage meaning that a number of different ideas can be conveyed by a single image more effectively than a verbal description.
People instead of reading a text, opt for videos or images on social media for learning and leisure reading. We, at V&S Publishers, have already embraced this philosophy in this book knowing well that static pictures leave a larger impact on readers than text.
Instead of using old school definitions and textual descriptions, the book uses a one liner with an illustration on each page similar to posts or memes on social media to convey the idea.
This book is a part of a series having 10 books with each dedicated to a different idea like happiness, riches, health etc.
This book, in the shortest way possible, provides ‘75 Ways to Combat Stress’ for the common man. The book is suitable for all age groups and is a simple fun read.

75 Ways to Decision Making

SKU: Mag-24208

V&S Publishers, with a view to help people in their need to save time and yet read to learn, has put forth, 75 popular quotes, anecdotes or sayings in this one of a kind unique book 75 Ways to Decision Making, in which every Tip/Hack on each page is supported by a caricature type illustration.
The concept behind making this out-of-the-box book is– “A picture is worth a thousand words”, which is a well-known adage meaning that a number of different ideas can be conveyed by a single image more effectively than a verbal description.
People instead of reading a text, opt for videos or images on social media for learning and leisure reading. We, at V&S Publishers, have already embraced this philosophy in this book knowing well that static pictures leave a larger impact on readers than text.
Instead of using old school definitions and textual descriptions, the book uses a one liner with an illustration on each page similar to posts or memes on social media to convey the idea.
This book is a part of a series having 10 books with each dedicated to a different idea like happiness, riches, health etc.
This book, in the shortest way possible, provides ‘75 Ways to Decision Making’ for the common man. The book is suitable for all age groups and is a simple fun read.