Magzter Books
Showing 1101–1150 of 5026 results
Bihar Senior Secondary School – HEADMASTER Recruitment Exam Guide – Hindi
प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की पुस्तकों के प्रकाशन के क्षेत्रा में अग्रणी रमेश पब्लिशिंग हाउस द्वारा प्रकाशित पुस्तक ‘बिहार: उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय–प्रधानाध्यापक भर्ती परीक्षा’ के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है।
इसमें तथ्यों का संकलन नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित है। इसे अधिक-से-अधिक लाभप्रद बनाने के लिए इसके प्रत्येक खंड में विषय-वस्तु एवं जानकारी का समावेश इस प्रकार किया गया है कि परीक्षार्थियों को इस परीक्षा की तैयारी में कोई कठिनाई न हो।
पुस्तक में पठन-सामग्री को आवश्यकतानुसार संक्षिप्त एवं क्रमबद्ध तरीके से इस प्रकार प्रस्तुत किया गया है कि परीक्षार्थियों को उन्हें सरलतापूर्वक समझने में न केवल सुविधा महसूस होगी, बल्कि पठन-सामग्री एवं तथ्यों के रिवीजन में भी आसानी होगी।
पुस्तक की मुख्य विशेषताएँः
• परीक्षा की नवीनतम पद्धति पर आधारित उत्कृष्ट अध्ययन सामग्री के साथ परीक्षा प्रश्न-पत्र भी हल सहित दिया गया है।
• पुस्तक में समान-स्तर की पूर्व परीक्षाओं के आधार पर चुने हुए बहुविकल्पीय अभ्यास-प्रश्नों का समावेश किया गया है।
• सरल विधियों के साथ, चुने हुए कठिन प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं।
पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास.सामग्री जहाँ एक तरफ आपके लिए ज्ञानवर्धक एवं उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी, वहीं इसके साथ आपके अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास का संयोजन इस परीक्षा में आपकी सफलता एवं उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।
Bihar Simultala Avasiya Vidhyalaya Pravesh Pariksha (For Class VI)
Bihar Simultala Avasiya Vidhyalaya Pravesh Pariksha (For Class VI)
Bihar State Power (Holding) Co.Ltd. Meter Reader Bharti Pariksha
Bihar State Power (Holding) Co.Ltd. Meter Reader Bharti Pariksha
Bihar Sub-Inspector Police Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Bihar Sub-Inspector Police Pariksha
exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Bihar T.E.T. Pariksha (PaperI) (For Class IV)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Bihar T.E.T. Pariksha (PaperI) (For Class IV) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Bihar T.E.T. Pariksha Ganit Evam Vigyan (Paper-II) (For Class VI-VIII)
Bihar T.E.T. Pariksha Ganit Evam Vigyan (Paper-II) (For Class VI-VIII)
Bihar T.E.T. Pariksha Samajik Adhyayan (Paper-II) (For Class VI-VIII)
Bihar T.E.T. Pariksha Samajik Adhyayan (Paper-II) (For Class VI-VIII)
Bikal The Terrible
Bikal is the original ‘He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’. The best way to ward off Bikal the Terrible is to avoid taking his name. The word Bikal inspires such fear and awe that even a tiger gets scared of Bikal and tamely allows himself to be fooled by two daredevils. This is a delightful folktale from Madhya Pradesh.
Dutiful son, doting father, capable general, wise ruler, Bimbisara had earned the right to grow old in peace but his son had other plans for him. Through his darkest hours Bimbisara was sustained by the gentle teachings of his royal-born friend Gautama Buddha, who had renounced his own kingdom. Bimbisara, on the other hand, spent a lifetime building his kingdom of Magadha around present-day Bihar. We get a glimpse of the life and times of this great king, who lived nearly 2500 years ago, in the Buddhist and Jain literature of the period
Biodiversity, Birds and Wetlands
The book “Biodiversity, Birds and Wetlands” focuses on biodiversity as a burgeoning spectrum of life. It highlights need of biodiversity conservation, causes and concerns, exploitation of biodiversity, habitat destruction, interaction of man and technology with biodiversity, policy framework for biodiversity conservation, and wilderness and forests. Moreover, it summarizes a review on birds with special emphasis on geographical and ecological distribution of avifauna of north-western India, birds in ancient times with myths and motifs, an integral association of trees and birds, birds migration, magnetic orientation of birds, and mythological beliefs about birds. The present book also covers exhaustive information on wetlands for tourism, important wetlands of national importance, wise use of wetlands, characteristics of wetlands, prime importance of wetlands as enduring habitats, and threats to viable wetlands. It also emphasize significant wetlands as abode for avifauna, wetlands as bird habitats, significant factors for survival of wetland birds, importance of wetlands for birds’ population, influence of wetlands on waterfowl population, wetland loss and decline of bird diversity, threats to avian habitats, and conservation and management strategies for potential avian ecosystems and legal policy framework for sustainability of waterbirds.
Biotech Career Ready Reckoner-2014
There is a need for creating awareness among the student community about the life sciences/biotech landscape in the country both in terms of education and future avenues. The Biotech Career Ready Reckoner 2014 (BCRR) aims to fulfil the twin objectives of helping students select a suitable institute for studies in life sciences/biotech and orienting them towards a career in the life sciences domain. This is published in association with Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.
Birbal and the Barber & The Sweet Smell
An Illustrated Children Story Book on Akbar and Birbal- Akbar Birbal stories are an integral part of rich Indian heritage. These are the most popular stories among all age groups that inculcate moral values and virtues. This collection of stories is based on the relationship shared between Akbar and Biral. Akbar was an illiterate king who ruled the Mughal Empire between 1542 and 1605 and Birbal was one among the learned people whom Akbar had invited to his court. After the two met at the court they exchanged wisdom and sentiments with each other that was later compiled to fascinating stories that imparted a moral.
Birbal the Clever
Amar Chitra Katha announces the launch of its “Treasures of India” subscription programme across India and worldwide. Our unique subscription programme makes it possible for every Indian family to access and read hundreds of exciting stories in the comfort of their homes.
The subscription offers 3 select Amar Chitra Katha titles every month. These titles, handpicked by the editor, include a wide-ranging mix of stories from the epics and the Puranas, from the wisdom of the Panchatantra, the Jataka, the Hitopadesha and the Kathasaritasagara, from the best of Indian classical literature and from the exciting pages of Indian history
Birbal the Genius
It takes a wise man to recognize another’s wisdom. While Akbar’s courtiers were jealous of Birbal, the emperor was quick to notice his agile mind. The two men loathed hypocrisy and deceit and they also shared the complete delight in a good joke.
Birbal the Just
Amar Chitra Katha announces the launch of its “Treasures of India” subscription programme across India and worldwide. Our unique subscription programme makes it possible for every Indian family to access and read hundreds of exciting stories in the comfort of their homes.
The subscription offers 3 select Amar Chitra Katha titles every month. These titles, handpicked by the editor, include a wide-ranging mix of stories from the epics and the Puranas, from the wisdom of the Panchatantra, the Jataka, the Hitopadesha and the Kathasaritasagara, from the best of Indian classical literature and from the exciting pages of Indian history
Birbal The Wise
Every ruler needs a friend like Birbal – faithful, intelligent and blessed with a wonderful sense of humor. Birbal dealt with every tricky situation, every palace intrigue and every demand of his petulant queen with characteristic aplomb. His gentle tact gave him a unique advantage, he became the all-powerful Akbar’s alter ego. With wisdom to match his wit, he soon had both friend and foe under his spell.
Birbal the Witty
Birbal, a real person with the name ‘Maheshdas’, was one of the ‘nine gems’ of court advisers of Akbar the Great. He also composed poetry by the pen name ‘Brahma’. Birbal’s fame had spread far and wide. As Akbar’s favorite minister, he had an answer to every question and a solution to every problem. In fair tribute to his shrewdness, even the mighty Shah of Persia addressed Birbal as the “Ocean of Intelligence”. Combining tact and common sense with a fair pinch of humor, he won his master’s heart.
Birbal To The Rescue
Pity the thief or hypocrite who crosses Birbal’s path. The poor man will be either hopelessly embarrassed or pleased to escape with his life. With an unfailing eye for human weakness, Birbal protects the innocent. People, from every strata of society, flock to him for help with endless lists of woes. Known for his compassion and tact, Birbal never fails them, even if it means pitting his wits against the all-powerful Emperor.
Bird Stories
The heroes of these tales value their friends, their families and their honor. They are brave and selfless. Though each one of them is a bird they are almost always exceptionally wise, at times cunning and often blessed with a sense of humor, just the sort of role models people need to survive the workaday world.
Birds Bugs Basic Origami
Illustrated Activity Book for Children – Origami for grownups, some of our fondest memories revolve around making origami as kids. Some of that simpler time can be captured by a little pacer folding. Folding origami is also a great way for parents to spend quality time with kids without the need for any high tech gadget.
BlackBerry PlayBook
If you’re a BlackBerry addict, the brand new BlackBerry PlayBook will be your favourite gadget of 2011! Featuring everything from what the PlayBook is to offering advice on syncing your PlayBook to your BlackBerry and other devices, and revealing the best apps and guides to using your BlackBerry for business usage – this MagBook is the essential beginners’ guide to mastering BlackBerry’s new tablet. You’ll also find expert advice on keeping your PlayBook secure online, a great multimedia guide and a jargon-busting glossary of key terms
Blockchain As a Service
The Book is a innovative work written by Professor Dr. Sanjay Rout, and edited by Dr.Prangyan Biswal. The book is published by ISL PUBLICATIONS. The book is available on all global platforms.The book depicts future technological and growth Transformations.
Blockchain: The Untold Story
Designed to provide an insight into the Blockchain in depth concept.
Key Features
● Book provide the in depth and up to date information about the technology.
● Learn about Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0
● To Trace and link the DNA of Blockchain paradigm to real world entities.
● To discuss comprehensively the relation of Blockchain to the cutting edge technologies today
● To discuss the role of the leading global technology organizations in promoting the blockchain ecosystem
● Focus on the impact of blockchain technology on the human resources function through a comprehensive case study.
● Trace the origin of internet to Blockchain of the future & written like a story to make the Blockchain concept well understood in the right perspective and context of digital world’s challenges
Insightful & Conceptual coverage of Internet & Blockchain evolution, Bitcoin, Ethereal, Hyper-ledger, R3 Cora, Auxledger, GDPR, Cybersecurity, Consensus, Mechanisms, Enterprise applications, Global Developments, BAAS platforms, Disruptions across various countries, functional areas along with solution architectures.
What will you learn
● Learn about Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0
● DAOs & ICOs-Facilitating Entrepreneurship
● Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
● Malware Attacks and the Cyberthreat.
● IoT, DMADV, Blockchain as a Service.
Who this book is for
● This book unfolds “Blockchain” in its true essence with no prefixes to it. Right sized for everyone who wants to hit the first mile on Blockchain.
● This book will surely be a treasure for all those who are eager to know the disruptive impact & possibilities of this amazing paradigm.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction- How it started. Rise of Blockchain Religion
2. Whodunnit – Unravelling the Mystery of bitcoin’s Origin
3. Blockchain – Some FAQs What is Blockchain? Some fundamentals
4. Its ‘Data’ Stupid! – The Rising Power of Data Exponents
5. The Rise of Digital Marketing: How it all Started
6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
7. Big Data Analytics & its Implications to organisations
8. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Automating the Future
9. Internet of Things- The booming penetration
10. Malware attacks and the cyberthreats
11. Risks of centralization & single points of failure
12. General Data Protection Regulations and their Implications
13. Blockchain- An introduction
14. Bitcoin & The Blockchain – The inception of the ‘BigBang’
15. Key features and benefits of Blockchain
16. Ethereum- The State Machine
17. DAOs & ICOs- Facilitating Entrepreneurship
18. Blockchain Certified LLPs to Boost Entrepreneurship
19. Blockchain Platforms for Web 2.0 Applications
20. The Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
21. Hyperledger Project – Fabric, Sawtooth – Versatile and Empowering
22. Enterprise Blockchain Platforms- A brief look at options
23. DMADV: Lean Six Sigma inspired approach to architect a BCT Solution
24. Scaling up the Blockchain Project
25. Blockchain as a Service- Various platforms available
26. Blockchain Applications in Action- Case study
27. Blockchain use cases- Enterprises, Government, NGOs
28. Blockchainified Future- A Vision for progressive enterprises
29. Maneuvering in the World of GDPR
30. A safer and secure world with Blockchain based solutions
31. Annexure 1: Blockchain Glossary
32. Annexure 2: Big Data Analytics – Applications Across Global Enterprises
33. Annexure 3: Prominent Blockchain Based Applications and DAOs
34. Annexure 4: Consensus Models- A Practical Comparison
35. Annexure 5: Enterprise Blockchain Applications- Top use cases x Blockchain The Untold Story
36. Annexure 6: Corda Key Concepts
37. Annexure 7: Example of a Blockchain Technical White paper
38. Annexure 8: More on 3 Cs of Blockchain-Consensus, CIA & CAP.
39. Annexure 9: Concepts addressed in the book
40. Testimonials
About the Author
Srinivas Mahankali is an Alumnus of IIT Madras and IIM Bangalore with over 25 years of corporate experience including CXO level experiences as head of Indian and Multinational IT Organisations. As a continuous learner, SM pursued professional courses in Capital Markets, Digital Marketing, Blockchain, BigData, Data Science, Lean Six Sigma and continues to pursue many other learning opportunities to keep himself abreast of the changing times! SM is always challenged to unravel the ‘Why’ of great organisations and is a big proponent of ‘Execution Excellence.
His linkedin: to provide an insight into the Blockchain in depth concept.
Key Features
● Book provide the in depth and up to date information about the technology.
● Learn about Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0
● To Trace and link the DNA of Blockchain paradigm to real world entities.
● To discuss comprehensively the relation of Blockchain to the cutting edge technologies today
● To discuss the role of the leading global technology organizations in promoting the blockchain ecosystem
● Focus on the impact of blockchain technology on the human resources function through a comprehensive case study.
● Trace the origin of internet to Blockchain of the future & written like a story to make the Blockchain concept well understood in the right perspective and context of digital world’s challenges
Insightful & Conceptual coverage of Internet & Blockchain evolution, Bitcoin, Ethereal, Hyper-ledger, R3 Cora, Auxledger, GDPR, Cybersecurity, Consensus, Mechanisms, Enterprise applications, Global Developments, BAAS platforms, Disruptions across various countries, functional areas along with solution architectures.
What will you learn
● Learn about Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0
● DAOs & ICOs-Facilitating Entrepreneurship
● Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
● Malware Attacks and the Cyberthreat.
● IoT, DMADV, Blockchain as a Service.
Who this book is for
● This book unfolds “Blockchain” in its true essence with no prefixes to it. Right sized for everyone who wants to hit the first mile on Blockchain.
● This book will surely be a treasure for all those who are eager to know the disruptive impact & possibilities of this amazing paradigm.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction- How it started. Rise of Blockchain Religion
2. Whodunnit – Unravelling the Mystery of bitcoin’s Origin
3. Blockchain – Some FAQs What is Blockchain? Some fundamentals
4. Its ‘Data’ Stupid! – The Rising Power of Data Exponents
5. The Rise of Digital Marketing: How it all Started
6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
7. Big Data Analytics & its Implications to organisations
8. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Automating the Future
9. Internet of Things- The booming penetration
10. Malware attacks and the cyberthreats
11. Risks of centralization & single points of failure
12. General Data Protection Regulations and their Implications
13. Blockchain- An introduction
14. Bitcoin & The Blockchain – The inception of the ‘BigBang’
15. Key features and benefits of Blockchain
16. Ethereum- The State Machine
17. DAOs & ICOs- Facilitating Entrepreneurship
18. Blockchain Certified LLPs to Boost Entrepreneurship
19. Blockchain Platforms for Web 2.0 Applications
20. The Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
21. Hyperledger Project – Fabric, Sawtooth – Versatile and Empowering
22. Enterprise Blockchain Platforms- A brief look at options
23. DMADV: Lean Six Sigma inspired approach to architect a BCT Solution
24. Scaling up the Blockchain Project
25. Blockchain as a Service- Various platforms available
26. Blockchain Applications in Action- Case study
27. Blockchain use cases- Enterprises, Government, NGOs
28. Blockchainified Future- A Vision for progressive enterprises
29. Maneuvering in the World of GDPR
30. A safer and secure world with Blockchain based solutions
31. Annexure 1: Blockchain Glossary
32. Annexure 2: Big Data Analytics – Applications Across Global Enterprises
33. Annexure 3: Prominent Blockchain Based Applications and DAOs
34. Annexure 4: Consensus Models- A Practical Comparison
35. Annexure 5: Enterprise Blockchain Applications- Top use cases x Blockchain The Untold Story
36. Annexure 6: Corda Key Concepts
37. Annexure 7: Example of a Blockchain Technical White paper
38. Annexure 8: More on 3 Cs of Blockchain-Consensus, CIA & CAP.
39. Annexure 9: Concepts addressed in the book
40. Testimonials
About the Author
Srinivas Mahankali is an Alumnus of IIT Madras and IIM Bangalore with over 25 years of corporate experience including CXO level experiences as head of Indian and Multinational IT Organisations. As a continuous learner, SM pursued professional courses in Capital Markets, Digital Marketing, Blockchain, BigData, Data Science, Lean Six Sigma and continues to pursue many other learning opportunities to keep himself abreast of the changing times! SM is always challenged to unravel the ‘Why’ of great organisations and is a big proponent of ‘Execution Excellence.
His linkedin: to provide an insight into the Blockchain in depth concept.
Key Features
● Book provide the in depth and up to date information about the technology.
● Learn about Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0
● To Trace and link the DNA of Blockchain paradigm to real world entities.
● To discuss comprehensively the relation of Blockchain to the cutting edge technologies today
● To discuss the role of the leading global technology organizations in promoting the blockchain ecosystem
● Focus on the impact of blockchain technology on the human resources function through a comprehensive case study.
● Trace the origin of internet to Blockchain of the future & written like a story to make the Blockchain concept well understood in the right perspective and context of digital world’s challenges
Insightful & Conceptual coverage of Internet & Blockchain evolution, Bitcoin, Ethereal, Hyper-ledger, R3 Cora, Auxledger, GDPR, Cybersecurity, Consensus, Mechanisms, Enterprise applications, Global Developments, BAAS platforms, Disruptions across various countries, functional areas along with solution architectures.
What will you learn
● Learn about Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0
● DAOs & ICOs-Facilitating Entrepreneurship
● Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
● Malware Attacks and the Cyberthreat.
● IoT, DMADV, Blockchain as a Service.
Who this book is for
● This book unfolds “Blockchain” in its true essence with no prefixes to it. Right sized for everyone who wants to hit the first mile on Blockchain.
● This book will surely be a treasure for all those who are eager to know the disruptive impact & possibilities of this amazing paradigm.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction- How it started. Rise of Blockchain Religion
2. Whodunnit – Unravelling the Mystery of bitcoin’s Origin
3. Blockchain – Some FAQs What is Blockchain? Some fundamentals
4. Its ‘Data’ Stupid! – The Rising Power of Data Exponents
5. The Rise of Digital Marketing: How it all Started
6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
7. Big Data Analytics & its Implications to organisations
8. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Automating the Future
9. Internet of Things- The booming penetration
10. Malware attacks and the cyberthreats
11. Risks of centralization & single points of failure
12. General Data Protection Regulations and their Implications
13. Blockchain- An introduction
14. Bitcoin & The Blockchain – The inception of the ‘BigBang’
15. Key features and benefits of Blockchain
16. Ethereum- The State Machine
17. DAOs & ICOs- Facilitating Entrepreneurship
18. Blockchain Certified LLPs to Boost Entrepreneurship
19. Blockchain Platforms for Web 2.0 Applications
20. The Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
21. Hyperledger Project – Fabric, Sawtooth – Versatile and Empowering
22. Enterprise Blockchain Platforms- A brief look at options
23. DMADV: Lean Six Sigma inspired approach to architect a BCT Solution
24. Scaling up the Blockchain Project
25. Blockchain as a Service- Various platforms available
26. Blockchain Applications in Action- Case study
27. Blockchain use cases- Enterprises, Government, NGOs
28. Blockchainified Future- A Vision for progressive enterprises
29. Maneuvering in the World of GDPR
30. A safer and secure world with Blockchain based solutions
31. Annexure 1: Blockchain Glossary
32. Annexure 2: Big Data Analytics – Applications Across Global Enterprises
33. Annexure 3: Prominent Blockchain Based Applications and DAOs
34. Annexure 4: Consensus Models- A Practical Comparison
35. Annexure 5: Enterprise Blockchain Applications- Top use cases x Blockchain The Untold Story
36. Annexure 6: Corda Key Concepts
37. Annexure 7: Example of a Blockchain Technical White paper
38. Annexure 8: More on 3 Cs of Blockchain-Consensus, CIA & CAP.
39. Annexure 9: Concepts addressed in the book
40. Testimonials
About the Author
Srinivas Mahankali is an Alumnus of IIT Madras and IIM Bangalore with over 25 years of corporate experience including CXO level experiences as head of Indian and Multinational IT Organisations. As a continuous learner, SM pursued professional courses in Capital Markets, Digital Marketing, Blockchain, BigData, Data Science, Lean Six Sigma and continues to pursue many other learning opportunities to keep himself abreast of the changing times! SM is always challenged to unravel the ‘Why’ of great organisations and is a big proponent of ‘Execution Excellence.
His linkedin:
Blue Shift
Blue Shift is the science fiction specific periodical of White Cat Publications, LLC. Our goal is to present the very best examples of the genre we represent. We are a bi-annual publication publishing short stories, flash fiction, interviews, reviews, and columns for print and digital download.
BlueJ Programming
A Beginners guide to learn BlueJ
Key Features
● Book contains 210 programming problems and solutions.
● Book is devoted to those entire learners who face problem in learning BlueJ.
● Each program is explained in simple way.
● Book covers the program from basic level to master level.
This book will help students to get standard BlueJ problem and solution. They will not have to worry while learning BlueJ practically. Moreover, this book will help teachers to get different problems and try to do those in different ways. This will help both beginners and expert to get idea and support while learning BlueJ.
Some of the coding problems in the book have been taken from the real life projects, which will be highly beneficial for the students.
Blue Java is the basic programming language would be better to learn before learning vast Java. This enables the learner to think logically, this enables learner to see Java Virtual Machine (JVM) working process. So, many critical features of Java can be tested at an early stage using Blue Java.
These programs won’t make you topper anywhere; but practicing this programming problems will make you expert to solve any logical operation of any BlueJ program.
What will you learn
This book had different programming problems from beginner to master. This book contains many examples question, which is asked at different process of examinations. This book will help you to find the solution of any associated program.
Who this book is for
This book is aimed for students who want to learn BlueJ programming practically, for students of school. This book will help to see the basic programming problems, learn lots of logic based skill same for every programming language, just may need to edit little for different languages.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to BlueJ
2. What is BlueJ?
3. How to install BlueJ?
4. Programming Problems Topic
5. Programs & Solution
6. Conclusion
About the Author
SK Wasim Ali learned BlueJ programming while he was student of class VI of CISCE Board school in 2002. He completed his post-graduation on Computer Science from the University of Burdwan, India in 2015. He had guided and trained many student of Computer Science while pursuing his education. He worked in several industries for sometime, but due to his passion for learning nature and training students, he left industry. He has good knowledge about different programming languages, data security and web.A Beginners guide to learn BlueJ
Key Features
● Book contains 210 programming problems and solutions.
● Book is devoted to those entire learners who face problem in learning BlueJ.
● Each program is explained in simple way.
● Book covers the program from basic level to master level.
This book will help students to get standard BlueJ problem and solution. They will not have to worry while learning BlueJ practically. Moreover, this book will help teachers to get different problems and try to do those in different ways. This will help both beginners and expert to get idea and support while learning BlueJ.
Some of the coding problems in the book have been taken from the real life projects, which will be highly beneficial for the students.
Blue Java is the basic programming language would be better to learn before learning vast Java. This enables the learner to think logically, this enables learner to see Java Virtual Machine (JVM) working process. So, many critical features of Java can be tested at an early stage using Blue Java.
These programs won’t make you topper anywhere; but practicing this programming problems will make you expert to solve any logical operation of any BlueJ program.
What will you learn
This book had different programming problems from beginner to master. This book contains many examples question, which is asked at different process of examinations. This book will help you to find the solution of any associated program.
Who this book is for
This book is aimed for students who want to learn BlueJ programming practically, for students of school. This book will help to see the basic programming problems, learn lots of logic based skill same for every programming language, just may need to edit little for different languages.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to BlueJ
2. What is BlueJ?
3. How to install BlueJ?
4. Programming Problems Topic
5. Programs & Solution
6. Conclusion
About the Author
SK Wasim Ali learned BlueJ programming while he was student of class VI of CISCE Board school in 2002. He completed his post-graduation on Computer Science from the University of Burdwan, India in 2015. He had guided and trained many student of Computer Science while pursuing his education. He worked in several industries for sometime, but due to his passion for learning nature and training students, he left industry. He has good knowledge about different programming languages, data security and web.A Beginners guide to learn BlueJ
Key Features
● Book contains 210 programming problems and solutions.
● Book is devoted to those entire learners who face problem in learning BlueJ.
● Each program is explained in simple way.
● Book covers the program from basic level to master level.
This book will help students to get standard BlueJ problem and solution. They will not have to worry while learning BlueJ practically. Moreover, this book will help teachers to get different problems and try to do those in different ways. This will help both beginners and expert to get idea and support while learning BlueJ.
Some of the coding problems in the book have been taken from the real life projects, which will be highly beneficial for the students.
Blue Java is the basic programming language would be better to learn before learning vast Java. This enables the learner to think logically, this enables learner to see Java Virtual Machine (JVM) working process. So, many critical features of Java can be tested at an early stage using Blue Java.
These programs won’t make you topper anywhere; but practicing this programming problems will make you expert to solve any logical operation of any BlueJ program.
What will you learn
This book had different programming problems from beginner to master. This book contains many examples question, which is asked at different process of examinations. This book will help you to find the solution of any associated program.
Who this book is for
This book is aimed for students who want to learn BlueJ programming practically, for students of school. This book will help to see the basic programming problems, learn lots of logic based skill same for every programming language, just may need to edit little for different languages.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to BlueJ
2. What is BlueJ?
3. How to install BlueJ?
4. Programming Problems Topic
5. Programs & Solution
6. Conclusion
About the Author
SK Wasim Ali learned BlueJ programming while he was student of class VI of CISCE Board school in 2002. He completed his post-graduation on Computer Science from the University of Burdwan, India in 2015. He had guided and trained many student of Computer Science while pursuing his education. He worked in several industries for sometime, but due to his passion for learning nature and training students, he left industry. He has good knowledge about different programming languages, data security and web.
Boban and Molly
For the last six decades the creations of Sri Toms, Boban and Molly, have been part of Malayalis’ lives everywhere. Sri Toms has set a milestone in Indian cartoon journalism through the characters of Boban & Molly with his inimitable style and punchy dialogues. These cartoons are truly incomparable, with no fictional character coming close to their popularity and relevance in people’s lives. Boban and Molly will remain kids and their pranks will go on and on…
Body Language – English India
Communication is not always through sound or language. Much can be said with gestures and movement of eyes. In fact, more often than not, it is the body language that ‘says’ more than words. Now discover all the finer points and the nuances of body language in this masterly work. How does a thumb gesture display dominance, superiority and aggression? How does dilation of eyes send a romantic signal? What does a sideways glance indicate? Given these incredible insights, the book can prove to be of immense use for professionals like advocates, doctors, policemen, judges, salesmen, politicians, judges, executives, bureaucrats and customers etc – in short, people who are essentially in public dealing. But then, it is for all, a true guide for analysing behaviour and attitudes.
Body Language (Hindi)
Vartman me sarvjanik jivan jine wale pratyek vykti chahe vah vidhyarthi, grihni ya koi aur ho khastaur par office mai kaam karne walo ke liye achhi personality aur behtar communication skill ka hona anivarya hai. Body language communication ka ek mahatavpuran ang hai jise kabhi najarandaj nahi kiya ja sakta. Lekhak Arun Sagar Anand ne prastut pustak me shararik haw-bhaw sambandhit tathyo ke saath aavshyak chitron ka vistrit varanan kiya hai. Shararik bhaw bhangimao ki takniki samajh hamare vayktitav me to sudhar lati hi hia. Sath hi anya logo ke bich humari ek alag chavi viksit karti hai. Is pustak ki sahayata se aap body language ke sabhi gudh sanketo ko pehchan apne vyaktitava me mahatvpurn vikas kar sakte hai aur anchahi samsayaon se bhi bach sakte hai. Pustak saral evam sateek tarike se shararik bhashaon ki avayshak jankari pathako tak pahuchati hai yah pustak apke career ko unnati ke shikhar par le jane me avashya sahayak siddh hogi.(At present, every person who lives in public life, whether it is a student, housewife or someone else, especially for those who work in the office, good personality and skills are required to communicate the skills. The body language communication is a great source of information that has not yet been provided.Writer Arun Sagar Anand has given detailed explanation of the necessary pictures along with facts related to physical habit in the book presented.The technical understanding of the body language can be improved only in our personality. Also develops a different image between other people.With the help of this book you can identify all the esoteric signs of body language and make important developments in your personality and also avoid unnecessary problems.The book conveys the essential information related to body languages to the readers in a simple and accurate way. This book brings your career to the summit of advancement.)
Body Language (Kannada)
Communication is not always through sound or language. Much can be said with gestures and movement of eyes. In fact, more often than not, it is the body language that ‘says’ more than words. Now discover all the finer points and the nuances of body language in this masterly work. How does a thumb gesture display dominance, superiority and aggression? How does dilation of eyes send a romantic signal? What does a sideways glance indicate? Given these incredible insights, the book can prove to be of immense use for professionals like advocates, doctors, policemen, judges, salesmen, politicians, judges, executives, bureaucrats and customers etc – in short, people who are essentially in public dealing. But then, it is for all, a true guide for analysing behaviour and attitudes.
Bowel Care And Digestive Disorders
“Most people are shy about discussing Bowel care & Digestive Disorders, but few realize how important it is. The truth is that it needs utmost care and attention. The bowel has very few nervous leads- otherwise you would feel the digestion and bowel movement all day long. So, if you feel you have a digestive problem of sorts, you better attend to it immediately.
Most toxins enter our body through the digestive tract, along with our food and drinks. If we don’t eat healthy, we and to accumulate toxic wastes resulting in increased bowel transit time, and the wastes, instead of getting eliminated, stay put inside our body, putrefy further, and become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and other parasites. Leading to more serious diseases and problems developing in the body.
This book is an authoritative reference on bowel care & digestive disorders of various types. Written in a very convincing and captivating manner providing some anatomy lessons about the digestive tract, causes and symptoms of bowel disorders (constipation, diarrhea, etc.), the book lists proper diagnosis and treatment. It has been designed as an ideal self-help guide to manage bowel disorders through yoga, meditation, ayurvedic treatment and alternative treatment methods like magneto therapy, acupressure, colour therapy, vastu, aromatherapy and music therapy.
Brain Power
The author in this book has collected and compiled several techniques devised by a wide range of researchers, to strengthen and sharpen the human brain so that it? improves the body’s immune system and its overall health. The techniques are presented in a systematic manner in the form of chapters and the readers can use them in different situations as per their needs, such as:Seven Ways to Sharpen Attention, Insight and CreativityMindfulness, Meditation and Self-CoachingExercise to Be StillEasy Strategies to Boost Your Brain PowerNine Things Successful People Do Differently
Bramha Tests Krishna
When Brahma heard about a little boy called Krishna and his magical powers, he decided to test him by playing a trick on him. While Krishna and his friends were busy playing hide-and-seek, Brahma with a blink of his eyes made their herd of cows disappear! Were Krishna and his friends able to find their cows? Or did Brahma play yet another prank?
Brave Rajputs: 5 in 1
Collection of the following titles: Prithviraj Chauhan, Rana Kumbha, Rana Sanga, Rana Pratap, Rani Durgavati
Brave Women of India: 5 in 1
Brave Women of India Collection: 5 In 1 (Amar Chitra Katha) is a collection of five brave women of India who have defied conventional norms to become trend-setters in their own right. These five women stalwarts are Rani of Jhansi, Rani of Kittur, Rani Abbakka, Sultana Razia and Kalpana Chawla.
The book gives readers ample information on these five achievers and acquaints the readers with the history of brave Indian heroines. Rani of Jhansi was one of the leading figures of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
It brings out the individual achievements and qualities of each of these five women who contributed to India’s growth at different points of time. for instance, Sultana Razia was the only woman ruler of the Mughal Period, whereas Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman to go into space.Brave Women of India Collection: 5 In 1 (Amar Chitra Katha) is a collection of five brave women of India who have defied conventional norms to become trend-setters in their own right. These five women stalwarts are Rani of Jhansi, Rani of Kittur, Rani Abbakka, Sultana Razia and Kalpana Chawla.
The book gives readers ample information on these five achievers and acquaints the readers with the history of brave Indian heroines. Rani of Jhansi was one of the leading figures of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
It brings out the individual achievements and qualities of each of these five women who contributed to India’s growth at different points of time. for instance, Sultana Razia was the only woman ruler of the Mughal Period, whereas Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman to go into space.Brave Women of India Collection: 5 In 1 (Amar Chitra Katha) is a collection of five brave women of India who have defied conventional norms to become trend-setters in their own right. These five women stalwarts are Rani of Jhansi, Rani of Kittur, Rani Abbakka, Sultana Razia and Kalpana Chawla.
The book gives readers ample information on these five achievers and acquaints the readers with the history of brave Indian heroines. Rani of Jhansi was one of the leading figures of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
It brings out the individual achievements and qualities of each of these five women who contributed to India’s growth at different points of time. for instance, Sultana Razia was the only woman ruler of the Mughal Period, whereas Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman to go into space.
Bravehearts of the South
Medieval India was filled with little kingdoms, bitterly fighting each other to maintain their territory and sovereignty. In South India, the many sea ports and the flourishing spice trade also brought unwanted attention from across the seas. Hakka and Bukka had to defend their lands against the armies of the powerful Delhi Sultanate, while Rani Chennamma had to fight her own neighbors. Rani Abbakka had to defend her people from the invading Portuguese, while Kochunni and Othenan had to fight injustice in their own homelands. The heroes in this collection are just some of those who fought enemies both internal and external, to maintain the unity of their lands against all threats and to serve justice as best as they could.
Brazil Travel Style
BRAZIL TRAVEL STYLE is the guide for readers in search of an unforgettable stay in Brazil.
Charming inns, hotels, farm hotels, manor houses and lodges are shown in revealing photos and useful information to live the secrets of Brazil’s rich diversity.
The hotels of BRAZIL TRAVEL STYLE – unique in its class – stand out for the excellence of its personalized service, elegant simplicity and passion for perfection.
Accommodations offer comforts and delicate surprises.
Local flavors are made with the best spices.
BRAZIL TRAVEL STYLE has graphic and editorial quality of international publications.
Each BRAZIL TRAVEL STYLE scripts have what’s most unique and fascinating in five regions of Brazil: from the sea or an exclusive beach in a historic town or a big city. In all the choices, accommodation conditions much to the taste of consumers.
In this issue, BRAZIL TRAVEL STYLE shows:
– The charms of baroque villages
– Historical cities
– Cities by the sea
– The havens of Mantiqueira
– Colonial traditions
– The confusing landscape of the Pantanal
– The land of countryman and jangadeiro
– Amazon, heritage biodiversity
Breakthrough Diplomacy
2014 has truly been a Year of Breakthrough Diplomacy.India’s star is today shining ever brighter on the global firmament. This booklet highlights the expanded canvas of our diplomatic discourse.
India’s government led by Prime Minister
Sh. Narendra Modi has given a place of special
significance to our foreign policy and diplomatic
out-reach. Revitalizing traditional ties, re-setting
strategic relations and reaching out to Indians
abroad have been primary to India’s diplomatic
Brihad Samanya Gyan
“vartamaan samay mein saamaany gyaan ko pratiyogee pareekshaon ke saath skool/kolej mein adhyayanarat sabhee chhaatr/chhaatron ke liye anivaary kar diya gaya hai. pratibhaagiyon evan chhaatren kee aavashkataon ke anusaar ‘vrhat saamaany gyaan’ ke naveenatam paathyakram par aadhaarit hai. prastut pustak mein saamaany gyaan ke antargat itihaas, bhoogol, arthashaastr, raajaneeti, saamaany vigyaan, praudyaugikee, kampyootar evan khel se sambandhit mahattvapoorn tathy sammilit kiye gaye hain.
prastut pustak lok seva aayog va vibhinn raajyon dvaara aayojit raajyastareey pareeksha, baink, relave, pulis, shikshak paatrata va any sabhee prakaar ke pratiyogee pareekshaon ke liye vishesh roop se upayogee hai.
saamaany gyaan kee visheshataen-
bhaarat ka sanvidhaan
mahattvapoorn vyaktitv
bhaarat ka itihaas
vishv itihaas
vigyaan evan praudyaugikee(At present, general knowledge has been made compulsory for all the students studying in the school / college who apply for competitive examinations. In this book, information according to the needs of the participants and the students, based on the latest course of ‘Major General Knowledge’ is given. The book provides the best reading material for the topics related to general Knowledge, history, geography, economics, politics, general science, technology, computer and sports. The book is very useful for all the Public Service Commission and state-level examinations conducted by various states including banks, Railways, Police, Teacher Eligibility and all other types of competetive exams. General Knowledge Features-The constitution of IndiaImportant personalityhistory of IndiaWorld history GeographyEconomicsPoliticsScience and technology)
BSF ASI (Stenographer) & Head Constable (Ministerial)
BSF ASI (Stenographer) & Head Constable (Ministerial)
BSNL Junior Accounts Officers Examination
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in BSNL Junior Accounts Officers Examination exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
BSSC Stenographer 2020
This book is a self help book for the people preparing for Bssc Stenographer exam. This book gives you some basic rules to follow for better performance in exams.
Illustrated Story Book for Children on Great Personalities – Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or simply the Buddha, was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.
Buddha – Amar Chitra Katha
Amar Chitra Katha announces the launch of its “Treasures of India” subscription programme across India and worldwide. Our unique subscription programme makes it possible for every Indian family to access and read hundreds of exciting stories in the comfort of their homes.
The subscription offers 3 select Amar Chitra Katha titles every month. These titles, handpicked by the editor, include a wide-ranging mix of stories from the epics and the Puranas, from the wisdom of the Panchatantra, the Jataka, the Hitopadesha and the Kathasaritasagara, from the best of Indian classical literature and from the exciting pages of Indian history
Buddha (Hindi)
In the area on the present border of India and Nepal, there was a small kingdom in the 6th century before the Common Era. When the prince was born, fortune-tellers forecast that he would be either a great king or a great saint. The king took every care to keep him in a life of pleasure so he would become king, not saint. The prince grew to be a strong, handsome youth. Yet he was kind, he saved a bird struck by his cousin’s arrow and so claimed the bird as his. One day, on a ride outside the palace through the city, he saw a sick, an old and a dead man. Their sight opened his eyes to the suffering in the world and set him tHinking. One night, he left his wife, newborn son and the palace and went in search of knowledge to end suffering in the world. He traveled far and wide and went through many austerities but realized that, sorrow can be ended, not by starving the body but by freeing oneself from desire. He set out teacHing this. People called him Buddha (‘the Enlightened’). He started preacHing against animal sacrifice as the means to satisfy desires. Soon commoners and kings alike started listening to him. There were detractors too but he came out unharmed through all their evil designs. Back to his town during his travels, he finally won over his own family to his teacHings.
Buddhist Stories
Gautam Buddha was one of the most exceptional of free thinkers. His teachings influenced millions of people. This Amar Chitra Katha is a compilation of stories related to Buddhism. The first tells the story of Buddha himself and his journey to enlightenment. Angulimala is the story of a murderous dacoit whose life changed when he met Buddha. Amrapali, the dancer, had the world at her feet but chose to give up all and follow Buddha. The ugly but wise King Kusha wins the love of his wife, Princess Prabhavati, through perseverance. The Acrobat and Other Buddhist Tales are invaluable.
Budding Modernism Commerce
Future of commerce will be pushed by using growing comfort for each retailers and their shoppers, imparting rich, compelling purchasing experiences, and enabling experiences throughout channels in a consistent, customer-friendly way. commerce is an surroundings it is continuously altering and upgrading as applied sciences enhance and agencies conflict towards every different to win a increased share of the pie. If you have been retaining up with ecommerce analytics, you be aware of that the tendencies exhibit that boom and exchange takes vicinity each and every year.
Budget Supplement 2016 eBook
Budget Supplement 2016 eBook brought to you by covers the Union Budget 2016-17, Economic Survey 2015-16, Railway Budget 2016017 and State Budgets of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar and Gujarat comprehensively.
The eBook will be of immense help for the candidates while preparing for different competitive exams and especially useful for candidates preparing for IAS/PCS Exams.
• It provides the detailed coverage of the “nine pillars” suggested in the Union Budget 2016-17
• The Economic Survey and Railway Budget sections have been divided into important sub-sections to give the reader a comprehensive coverage.
• It provides the main highlights of State Budgets in bulleted form.
• The presentation of the eBook is very simple and easy-to-understand language.
The eBook will be handy for the forthcoming exams like IBPS CWE PO/MT –VI (Main) Exam, IBPS CWE RRB – V, Combined Defence Services Exam (II) 2016, NDA & NA Exam (II) 2016, Indian Economic Services/Indian Statistical Services Exam 2016, Combined Geo-Scientist & Geologists Exam 2016, Engineering Services Exam 2016, Combined Medical Services Exam 2016, Civil Services (Pre) Exam 2016, Central Armed Police Forces (AC) Exam 2016 and other exams.
Build a better PC 2011
Bursting with essential advice on hardware, software packages and media centre guides, as well as featuring comprehensive instructions to every stage of installing an operating system, this MagBook is a must have if you’re looking to build your own PC. Using the guide’s step-by-step tutorials, you’ll learn how to select the best hardware for your needs and budget, install Windows 7, Vista, XP or Linux reliably and securely, as well as how to manage your media better with the tips and tricks to improving Windows Media Centre, and much more! a PC builder’s toolkit, introductions to installing hardware, memory and Intel processors, a dedicated chapter on maximising the power of Windows 7 and a jargon-busting glossary.